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高辉清:PPI连续3个月回升 去库存接近尾声--亲稳网络舆情监控室

高辉清:PPI连续3个月回升 去库存接近尾声
国家信息中心经济预测部发展战略处处长高辉清(资料图) The state information center forecast of economic development strategy GaoHuiQing marshal(Material chart)

   和讯网消息 国家统计局今日公布的数据显示,2012年12月份,全国居民消费价格总水平(CPI)同比上涨2.5%,PPI同比降1.9%。2012年全年CPI比上年上涨2.6%。国家 信息中心发展研究部战略规划处处长高辉清在接受和讯网连线时表示,经济增长带来的需求导致产品需求的新增,制造业去库存接近尾声,供过于求的现象得到缓解。

 The national bureau of statistics HeXunWang news according to figures released today,In December, 2012,The national consumer the general price level(CPI)Rose 2.5% year-on-year,PPI 1.9% year-on-year.2012 annual CPI rose 2.6% more than last year.countries Information center research development strategic planning marshal GaoHuiQing in accepting HeXunWang attachment said,Economic growth has led to the demand of new product demand,Manufacturing to stock near the end,The phenomenon of glut ease.

  高辉清对和讯网表示,去年12月CPI反弹至2.5%符合基本预期。由于2012年年底寒冷天气导致蔬菜和猪肉价格出现上升,天气方面的短期因素依然有可能影响2013年 年初的物价涨幅。他指出,天气作为短期因素会加大运输成本,会直接影响到农产品和蔬菜的价格,这一因素会在CPI的数据中表现明显。

GaoHuiQing to HeXunWang said,In December last year CPI rebound to 2.5% accord with basic expectations.Due to the end of 2012 the cold weather lead to vegetables and pork prices rise appeared,The weather is still short factors may affect in 2013 At the beginning of the year to increase prices.He pointed out that,The weather as a short-term factors will increase the transportation cost,Will directly affect the agricultural products and the price of vegetables,The factors in the CPI data performance obviously.


GaoHuiQing pointed out that,The international market short-term factors may affect the recent price movements.The European central bank recently announced rates remain unchanged,Dollar devaluation is in,The international market commodities and precious metals affected by this price will rise,So will make China's domestic product price short-term rise.In addition,He pointed out that,Human cost/Land cost and factor price is still influence this year prices or long-term factors.


In the end of 2012 PPI for three months picks up the situation,GaoHuiQing think,The last two months of domestic enterprise profit generally rise,Economic growth has led to the demand of new product demand,Pull the product price,Manufacturing to stock near the end,Therefore the phenomenon of glut eased.
