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    The world's population has reached 7 billion,On energy demand is increasing,Oil and natural gas is the main energy,Is the human live must taste.however,The average person to oil and gas industry know much,Only know less and less inventory,Want to cherish.

  身为资源地质师的克能石油有限公司(Tethys Petroleum)执行董事长、总裁兼执行董事的大卫?罗宾逊博士(Dr David Robson)表示,开采石油及天气然成本愈来愈高,人类会更注重节能,但是还有一段长时间,我们需要依赖石油及天然气。身为专注于中亚地区石油及天然气勘探开采业务的企业负责人,大卫?罗宾逊希望克能石油能成为中亚最具实力的石油及天然气开采企业,并以最清洁勘探及开采的方法,为全球提供能源。

As a resource geologist's can oil co., LTD(Tethys Petroleum)Executive chairman/President and executive director David?Dr Robinson(Dr David Robson)said,Mining oil and weather but cost more and more high,People pay more attention to energy saving,But there's a long time,We need to rely on oil and natural gas.As a focus YuZhongYa area oil and gas exploration and production business enterprise controller,David?Robinson hope can g oil can become the most powerful central petroleum and natural gas mining enterprise,And in the most clean prospecting and mining methods,For global energy supply.


G can oil was CanArgo energy company wholly owned subsidiary,In 2007 the world largest oil and gas enterprise exchange - Toronto stock exchange(TSX)listed,In July 2011 in London stock exchange(lse)Main board listed on the second.By September 30, 2012 to stop the first nine months,Total revenue than the same period last year increased 72% to $2,6.7 million dollars,Total assets amounted to $252 million.

  中亚邻近中国 油气藏量大

Central Asia neighboring China's oil and gas reserve big


G can oil oil and gas exploration and production business,Mainly in central Asia,Including tajikistan(Tajikistan)/kazakhstan(Kazakhstan)And uzbekistan(Uzbekistan).David?Robinson explain:"A lot of people think central Asia closer to the Middle East,In fact China adjacent,Many places are not development/Exploration and exploitation potential is very great.While the economic development and population of China,For oil and natural gas demand increasing,In the past few years,China has the enterprise build pipeline to central Asia,Input oil/gas.Can to g for oil,China is a huge market."


In tajikistan,G oil can be early into the oil and natural gas company,For the country's southwest Bokhtar most parts of mining into the contract,Deadline to June 2033.Area of about 34,7and5 square kilometers,Including almost the whole territory of tajikistan Afghanistan - tajikistan basin,And part of the rich amu darya sedimentary basin.This basin past little in exploration activities,The potential is great,Especially close to turkmenistan and uzbekistan area,Or the presence of large gas and condensate field.And has made a lot of research,Estimate not well within the block,There may be 27 billion reservoir amount of potential,Natural gas to China enough supply of 25 years.


With China petroleum(601and57,guba)Cooperative development tajikistan project


On December 21, 2012,G can oil and China's oil and gas exploration and development company subsidiary and French tatol subsidiary will sign a contract Bokhtar area mining into outsourcing agreement(FOA),Each account for a third rights.The French tatol very powerful,In row very prestigious,Particularly skilled in deep mining.China's oil and gas exploration and development in the north to the development of oil and natural gas, very have experience,Responsible for the marketing in China.Three to,What about this project with confidence.


David?Robinson said:"The cooperation of g can oil is of great significance.Let the whole world know,We have the ability to develop such large projects/And the world famous giant enterprise cooperation,Help us to improve our credibility,The future can strive for more good project.Will not rule out future there will be more similar in cooperation projects,But to step by step."


kazakhstan/Uzbekistan unlimited potential


In kazakhstan,G can oil has Kyzyloi mining contract(2and7 square kilometers)/Akkulka exploration contract(1,3and0 square kilometers)/Akkulka mining contract(110 square kilometers)And Kul - Bas exploration and exploitation of contract(and,and90 square kilometers)Over 100%,Total operating project net area more than ten,000 square kilometers.Since 2007 in Kyzyloi and Akkulka shallow gas mining gas.Also in 2010 found Doris oilfield part of mining area,In October, the average daily production of about 3,700 barrels of oil.A few of the expected future output will continue to improve.

  克能石油在几年前,已开始在乌兹别克斯坦寻找发展机会,购入油气田。其中一个聚焦位于阿姆河沉积盆地,在乌兹别克斯坦城市布哈拉东南的卡什卡达里亚地区的Urtabulak北部油田,并已跟乌兹别克斯坦国营石油及天然气公司NHC Uzbekneftegaz订定产能提升合同,进一步提升石油产量。

G can oil in a few years ago,Already started looking for a growth opportunity in uzbekistan,Buying oil and gas fields.One of the focus is located in the amu darya sedimentary basin,In uzbekistan city cloth hala southeast card assorted Qatar in the areas of the northern Urtabulak oilfield,And have to do with uzbekistan state oil and gas company in the NHC Uzbekneftegaz order DingChan can improve contract,To further enhance oil production.

  早入中亚 占尽优势

Early into central Asia dominant


David?Robinson refers to,The kazakhstan has bring the company stable and increase income,in/The long term quite optimistic.Tajikistan the past little be prospecting/mining,Potential infinite.And uzbekistan this year more research and work,For the oil and gas reserve is quite confident.He said:"We will continue to search for potential in central Asia place,Committed to the gram can oil developed into central Asia's largest oil and gas exploration and production business enterprise."


David?Robinson describe,G to the advantage of oil in central Asia,as"The early bird catches the worm".Because the earlier into,With the local government and the people to establish a good relationship,Easier to obtain high quality development projects.At the same time, he pointed out that:"We have a policy employment and training the local people,Make production more effective;At the same time also to help build the local infrastructure,Let us have the advantage.Future challenges including sustainable development,How to get more project development,For more competitive price and profit."


David?Robinson:A central Asian oil and gas professionals

  大卫?罗宾逊是资深地质师,获地质一级荣誉学士学位和地质化学博士名衔,并于斯特拉斯克莱德大学取得工商管理硕士学位,在石油及天然气行业内经验丰富。同时也是美国地质学会会员(FGS)、石油工程师协会(SPE)会员、欧洲地球科学家与工程师协会会员和英国董事协会(Institute of Directors)会员。担任英国政府东欧贸易理事会(EETC)的能源业代表和太平洋(601099,股吧)盆地经济理事会(PBEC)理事,并曾参与成立塔吉克斯坦总统投资顾问委员会。

David?Robinson is a senior geologist,The geological level honours degree and geological chemical doctor to come,And in strathclyde university an mba degree,In the oil and gas industry experienced within.Also the geological society members(FGS)/Petroleum engineers association(Spe)member/European earth scientists and engineers association members and British director association(Institute of Directors)member.As the British government eastern European trade council(EETC)Energy representative and the Pacific(601099,guba)Basin economic council(PBEC)director,And participated in tajikistan President established investment advisory committee.


Early in 1990,David?Robinson has set up a file in the Siberia/sakhalin/Murmansk and the Caspian sea region in the former Soviet union engaged in oil and gas project.He has created many"The first",Such as Ukraine first non-state-owned natural gas development project/The former Soviet union black sea first non-state-owned drilling project/Georgia's first batch of non-state-owned exploration development well and the European bank for reconstruction and development of Ukraine first pen private enterprise project loan negotiations.

  油气业不死 中亚具投资价值

Oil-gas industry undead central Asia has investment value


G can oil is the only one at the same time in tajikistan(Tajikistan)/kazakhstan(Kazakhstan)And uzbekistan(Uzbekistan)A business of oil and gas exploration and production business enterprise.Company for central Asia oil-gas industry development prospects are optimistic,David?Robinson smiled and said:"I am a senior geologist,Know what's central Asia relief,The local oil and gas reserves is high,Business development potential.Geologist only look at geological from national boundaries,Central Asia is a blue ocean area;Due to the neighboring China,Hope and China different enterprise developing the land side by side."


Modern people have said more and more be particular about environmental protection,Pay attention to use renewable energy,Oil-gas industry future development may be threatened.David?Robinson sure,The future of oil and gas demand growth would slow down,But the population of the world increased,Must want to energy support.Today's renewable energy,Accounts for only of total energy consumption less part."Unless the progress of science and technology in the future,Make renewable energy production more efficiency,There was even a day can completely replace the oil and gas.But believe it from this day have a long time,Oil-gas industry still has a long way to go."


In the past only professional investors will pay attention to the oil and gas industry,But now also begin to pay close attention to individual investors,And potential strong central Asia deserves more attention.Of course,Investors to understand,Oil and gas exploration and mining business is a risky industry,With the investment of real estate industry or different,The former investment may be no return,But at the same time could get huge return.G oil financial stability can be built,The team has rich experience and reliable partner,Risk is relatively low.
