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国际航运乍暖还寒 航运金融稳步前行--亲稳舆论引导监测室


- 2012-2013 China shipping financial market development report


In 2012,,International economic and financial situation turmoil,Shipping market reached new low.Affected by this,The ship financing in China has slowed down.But, on the whole, China shipping financial market is still maintained a good momentum of growth.


In 2013,,The international shipping market cold,China shipping financial market short-term will be faced with a certain challenges.But in the long run,China shipping financial market has just started,Multi-level financial market system has not yet been fully forming,Shipping financial markets will steadily forward.Bank of communications(601328,guba)Financial research center


 中国航运金融市场现状: China shipping financial market situation:

  发展势头良好,市场体系在完善 Good momentum of development,In the perfect market system


In 2012,,The international shipping market sustained downturn,International shipping financial market bust wandering.China shipping financial in this context careful forward,Although the ship financing has slowed down,But shipping financial and service innovation immortalization.The whole,China shipping financial markets remain good momentum of development,To further improve the market system.

  一、国际航运金融市场低谷徘徊 a/International shipping financial market bust wandering


Since 2012,Europe and the United States debt crisis continuous fermentation,Major developed economies slow pace of recovery;Emerging market countries economic growth in the global economy"Weak growth"The pattern also tend to reduce.Subject to the macro economic environment of the recession,The global shipping market sustained downturn,Ship in low price,Shipping rent growth lack of power.From the Baltic comprehensive freight index(BDI)see,On February 2, 2012 BDI index dropped to 651 points,A new low for 26 years.Shipping market growing overall downturn.


From a global ship financing situation,More Banks are cut for shipping business loans,Shipping enterprise's financing ability is declining,And since the European bank administration new EBA terms and Basel III the implementation of the regulations,Shipping enterprise financing cost increased.


From the second half of 2011 began,The traditional European shipping financing bank greatly reduced shipping financing business.According to the Petrofin research institute at the beginning of 2012 report,This trend continues to heat up in 2012.Investigation shows that,The world's top and largest shipping financing bank to the shipping pessimism unabated,More than 46% of the bank plans to cut the shipping business loans.Throughout the 2012 annual traditional European shipping financing bank continuously tightening scale or even leave verified the research conclusion.


And at the same time,The asia-pacific region(Japan/South Korea/China/Singapore/Australia)In recent years the bank in the global shipping financing market share rise,Increased from 20% to nearly 30%.According to the latest data Petrofin institute,The far east and Australia between the total amount of ship financing from $2010 in 66.4 billion soar to $2012 in 93 billion,Two years or more than 4 into.The trend is in the next two years will also to maintain,But in general the global shipping financing supply and demand gap is continuing to expand.


From the financing cost to see,In order to satisfy the years of the European bank administration(EBA)Make new capital adequacy requirements and Basel Ⅲ regulations,The bank will according to the new capital adequacy principle for ascension the minimum net profit difference,Shipping enterprise's financing cost so rise.meanwhile,Due to the shipping market ship freight and owner earnings prospects partial negative,In order to control risk,The ship financing more and more to the financial steady strong large private listed shipping company draw together.This further increased the small ship company's financing difficulty and promoted the enterprise's financing cost.


 二、中国航运金融市场保持良好成长势头 two/China shipping financial market to maintain good growth momentum


In 2012,,In the international shipping market sustained downturn,Shipping enterprise under the background of mass loss,China shipping financial business growth slowed slightly.The ship financing from/Shipping insurance/Port financial and shipping index derivatives shipping financial market segments to see,China shipping financial market is still maintained a good momentum of growth.


1. The ship financing growth slowdown continued


Since 2012,By the world economic downturn and domestic economic growth influence,China shipping market downturn in the state of decline.China's coastal bulk freight index continues to shock down,In the first half of the amplitude interval is located in 1100 points to 1300 points,In the second half of the shock interval further down to 1000 to 1100 between points;China's export container freight index rebounded in the first half,But the second half of falling,By last December 7, to close at 1106 points.


From the financing needs to see,Since 2012,In the capacity surplus leads to shipping price hovering at the bottom/Shipping market under the condition of continuous downturn,Ship orders down significantly,The ship financing slowing demand.Ship industry association data display,In January 2012 to October,The national shipbuilding completion of 46.67 million ton,15.5% year-on-year drop;New undertake ship orders 16.42 million ton,44.8% year-on-year drop.By the end of October last year,Hand ship orders 116.63 million ton,29.5% year-on-year drop,By the end of 2011 than hand-held orders fell by 22.2%.In addition,The continued appreciation in the yuan increased Chinese commercial Banks credit risk of foreign business,The domestic interest rate loan financing $is far higher than the international market financing cost,International owner from Chinese bank for a loan power greatly reduced.


See from the financing supply,In 2012 the ship financing bank credit has slowed down,The ships leasing growth has also decline,But China's capital market financing channels of ship has not yet fully formed.


Bank credit has slowed down.Since 2012,To ease inflationary pressure,CPI continued to decline,In the monetary policy adjustment to provide a certain space.In this context,Our country continue to implement prudent monetary policy,The actual operation to relax a little:Two cuts,Two times the deposit reserve rate cut,For the first time and implement asymmetric cut interest rates to support the real economy.But due to the shipping industry sustained downturn in related loans increased risk,In 2012, our country commercial bank to shipping enterprise and shipbuilding enterprise loan growth is slipped from the previous year.


The ships leasing rate of decline.Since the financial crisis,Financial leasing companies through the play to lease advantages and characteristics,Make the ship financing lease and become only the second largest ship bank loan financing channels.But in the shipping industry sustained downturn,Enterprise operating performance under the background of poor,In 2012, the bank system lease finance company to shipping business expansion, tend to be cautious.Many Banks system financial leasing company has to market is not good shipping business increase audit,Improve threshold.And non-bank financial leasing company is also in the adjustment of the proportion of the shipping business,According to the far east macro letter in the first half of 2012 annual report shows,Enterprise shipping business income is substantial growth,But the growth rate is far lower than group other business,The group of income ratio from 10.03% in 2011 fell to 9.7% in the first half of 2012.overall,Ship slipped leasing business growth.


But in 2012,Financial leasing is still made some policy breakthroughs and product innovation.


One is the traffic department of transportation issued in October last year,The article 3 specific provision"Shipping enterprise application will finance lease ship as own capacity,Already pay the rent shall not be lower than 51% of the financing lease payment,And the financing lease mutual written confirmation."Policy introduced to ship company revitalize the capital to create more space,For the ship company will more financing lease ship encourage effect.


The second is"Work silver lease special asset management plan"Already in November last year by the China securities regulatory commission approval,To become a domestic financial leasing enterprise first branch the wholesale done asset securitization products.This means that the financial leasing companies through the public capital market financing channels open,In to broaden the financing channels/Solve the liquidity has made creative breakthrough,The ship leasing business continue to expand will also has a profound meaning.

  资本市场船舶融资途径尚未完全形成。近年来,我国航运企业通过资本市场直接融资的尝试屡见不鲜。但总体而言,通过证券、私募、信托和债券等资本市场直接融资的方式在国内还未获得大规模的开展。从证券市场来看,据Wind数据统计, 2012年共有150只新股发行,实际募集资金926亿元,较2011年分别下降45.2%和63.4%。

The capital market financing channels of ship has not yet fully formed.In recent years,China shipping enterprise through the capital market to direct financing common occurance.But in general,Through the securities/private/Trust and bonds, and other capital market direct financing way in China have not yet received the development of large scale.From the stock market to see,According to the Wind data statistics, In 2012, a total of 150 ipo only,The actual raising capital of 92.6 billion yuan,A 2011 were down by 45.2% and 63.4%.


The stock market downturn on shipping enterprise stock market financing has a negative effect on,Due to poor performance,Most of the shipping enterprise stock market financing channel is not clear,In 2012, the shipping enterprise complete A new shares issued only the bohai sea ferry(603167,guba)a.Trust financing due to high cost,And in recent years shipping market downturn performance,In 2008 the first only shipping trust"Remote 1 - ship mortgage loan capital trust set"And 2010 years"Shanghai xinhua shipping development co., LTD. Equity usufruct trust plans of assembled funds"After issuance of the,Also basic stagnant.And the bond market in 2012 of a rapid development,Shipping enterprise in exchange issued bonds and QiYeZhai and market of the bond between the bank issuing the of all kinds of bill quantity are increased rapidly.


2. Shipping insurance with the rapid development of the market


Shipping insurance as an important shipping financial support,Is to promote international finance and international shipping development important power.In recent years China's shipping insurance business maintained a steady growth trend.


With Shanghai as an example,In 2010,,Shanghai ship risks and freight insurance amounted to 2.194 billion yuan,Ship risks and freight insurance amount 30.91% year-on-year growth,More than the 23% growth in Shanghai port throughput.In 2011,,Shanghai shipping insurance premium to 2.8 billion,Year-on-year growth of 109%.By the end of 2012 in the first quarter,Shanghai shipping insurance premium reached 1.444 billion yuan,Accounted for 55.50% of the risk of the ship;Freight insurance premium year-on-year growth of 12.09%,Accounted for 14.94% of the freight insurance.By the end of 2011,Shanghai operation shipping insurance company and home,Professional insurance intermediary institutions than 100,insurer/boyz/Peace three insurance companies in Shanghai set up a shipping insurance center.


From shipping insurance business, the market share of the contractor to see,China shipping insurance market continued to oligopoly market characteristics.With Shanghai as an example,Although insurance subject enterprise quantity have 39 home,But people can keep/boyz/Peace three insurance companies long-term occupied ship risk more than 90% market share,In the first half of 2012 the number or even more than 96%.And in the risk of carriage aspects,insurer/boyz/Peace is accounted for more than two-thirds of the market share.

  3. 港口投资增速略有下降,贷款和债券仍为融资主要手段

3. Port investment growth fell slightly,Loans and bonds are still the main means for financing


From the port financing needs to see,The country's macro economic growth and the port industry for their own development,In 2012, port industry investment growth fell.By the end of October last year in our country has been completed port investment 117.804 billion yuan,The coastal port completed investment of 80.99 billion yuan,A decrease of 305 million yuan a year earlier,0.37% year-on-year drop;Inland port completed investment of 36.81 billion yuan,Over the same period increased 7.752 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 26.6%,Investment growth is slightly slow down last year.But need to notice is,Last September, development and reform commission (NDRC) concentration in fuzhou public/ningbo/zhuhai/Maoming, seven port project approval,Billions of dollars in the budget of the investment will spawn a large number of financing needs.So the whole,Port investment growth will remain at higher level,Port financing demand will continue to increase.


From the port financing supply to see,Banks and bond is still the main port enterprise financing choice.But the economic downturn/Import and export trade hindered/Shipping enterprise in the impact of factors such as the dilemma,The bank for a long period/Project or junk-rated big port project attitude tend to be cautious.And at the same time,In 2012 through the bond market financing port enterprise quantity have greater growth.By October 2012,Nine shipping enterprise issued QiYeZhai and corporate debt,The financing amount is 20 billion yuan;And in the market of the bond between the bank FaZhai register of shipping enterprise is eighteen,For the most part for port enterprise.


4. Shipping freight index derivatives for further expansion


In China's export container freight index(CCFI)/China's coastal(bulk)Freight index(CBFI)Two major series index successful operation after more than ten years,In 2012,,China shipping freight index derivatives for further expansion.In November,Shanghai shipping exchange issued China imported crude oil rate index(CTFI)And China's imports of dry bulk freight index(CDFI).This filled in China commodity rate index blank,At the same time is to enhance China's shipping pricing and influence of the breach.In addition,In RMB the forward rate agreement(FFA)Trade has also in December and opening.Exchange use index for the Baltic exchange issued BDI index,People's bank's Shanghai clearing house already in December 10 finished their first day of trading.


 趋势:国际航运市场乍暖还寒,中国航运金融市场仍将快速发展 trend:The international shipping market cold,China shipping financial markets will continue at a rapid development


Short term,The world economic growth is expected to slow recovery in 2013,The international shipping market supply and demand contradiction will also with the new ship order to reduce to ease.But the situation of excess capacity will be restricted in 2013 of the international shipping market rebound,Cold shipping market.China shipping financial markets by shipping market downturn and the institutional defects factors faced with a certain challenges.But in the long run,China shipping financial market has just started,Multi-level financial market system has not yet been fully forming,Shipping financial market potential is tremendous.


一、国际航运市场或将筑底企稳 a/The international shipping market or will build bottom stabilises


1. The world economic growth will continue to slow recovery


Since the international financial crisis,The world economy has always been a weak growth slow recovery state.Due to the debt crisis of continuous fermentation and the United States"Fiscal cliff"Crisis problem,Global economic uncertainty to further increase.IMF in September 2012, the economic growth is expected to cut again,According to the forecast,2012 years of global economic actual growth rate will be 3.3%,In 2013 it was 3.6%,In July 2012, respectively, compared with the numerical prediction of cut 0.2 and 0.3%.Developed economies in 2012 and growth in 2013 is expected to be 1.3% and 1.5%,Predicted than last time fell 0.1 and 0.3%.Emerging economies and developing countries in 2012 and 2013 growth rate will be 5.3% and 5.6%,The last time, respectively, compared with the predicted value fell 0.3 and 0.2%.In 2013 is expected to world economic growth may continue to maintain low operation,International trade and international shipping will continue to be slowing effect runs on industry bust.


2. The international shipping market capacity tends to ease the contradiction between supply and demand


From the three major form - tanker/Dry bulk/Container shipping market performance to see,In recent years the three type of ship delivery quantity are at record highs,Serious excess capacity led to the ship price and the market rate of the downturn,In addition to container market rate due to the liner companies control capacity have bigger the rebound,Dry bulk/Tanker market rate are at record low.however,Excess capacity in the market downturn in 2013 is expected to get a relief.


See from the tanker shipping market,Tanker capacity increase between 2006 and 2011 are to stay above 5%,Over the same period, the oil HaiYunLiang growth had stalled,Caused the excess capacity situation.By October 2012,Tanker total capacity for 502.69 million ton,4% year-on-year,Growth slowed in,Supply and demand has eased.


According to the statistical data shows that clarkson,By October 2012,Tanker hand-held orders for 62.88 million ton,The year dropped 28.25%.At the same time 2012 new orders for 10.26 million ton,2011 fewer than 31.22%,2013 years of preliminary delivery capacity will also over 2012 small reduce.Hand order/New order/Preliminary delivery capacity decline will ease the situation of excess capacity,Expect 2013 tanker market supply and demand will tend to balance,The market rate will have certain support.


See from the container shipping market,2012 liner companies through the reduction navigation/Idle capacity and disassemble the ship for the container capacity on the control,Market shipping prices have rebounded,But traffic volume growth decline significantly.At the same time,2012 container capacity is still on the high,Basic and the same as in 2011.


The company has forecast according to clarkson,In 2013, the HaiYunLiang for 168 million teu,A growth of 6.56% in 2012.And according to the order quantity and ship disassemble scale,Expect 2013 freight market capacity will increase at about 6.7%.so,2013 container shipping market supply and demand imbalance will also get a curb.


From the dry bulk shipping market to see,2012 freight industry around the bottom,Capacity growth has slowed,The new ship will continue to lower cost.By November 2012,Dry bulk shipping market hand order accumulated 1809 boats,143 million ton,42.48% year-on-year drop.In 2013 is expected to maritime trade volume is expected to continue 2012 years of slow pace milder,Together with capacity growth to slow down,New orders low end,Dry bulk shipping market capacity surplus will further ease,The market rate is expected to reason stabilises.


 二、全球船舶融资市场向亚洲倾斜 two/Global ship financing market to Asian tilt


1. The European banking is still leading the world ship financing market


Although the asia-pacific region ship financing market share increase significantly in recent years,But there is no doubt that,With the European banking long-term occupy 60% - 70% of the market share,Europe is still international shipping and financial center.In the ship price/freight/BDI index are low,Shipping enterprise appear under the condition of mass loss,Asian Banks as the shipping financial domain the new entrants,In the shipping financial business experience,Expansion speed will be slow.overall,Although in recent years the rise gratifying,But Asia capital market in the financial sector shipping of market share and the European banking industry is still a far cry from what compared.


According to the institute of Petrofin data to see,In 2011, the ship loan bank top twenty appeared five Asian Banks,Is the first half of 2011 has a certain amount of ascension,It is important to note that five Asian bank China occupied three seats.But in the top 10,European Banks occupy 9 mat,Europe is still is the global market leader of ship financing.


2. The ship financing market shift to Asia

  受欧洲债务危机的严重冲击以及新资本充足要求和巴塞尔Ⅲ条例的制约,2012年,欧洲金融机构纷纷继续紧缩航运业信贷规模。据Marine Money统计,世界最大的船舶融资银行德国北方银行(HSH Nordbank)提供的船舶融资额从2008年开始逐年下降,从接近600亿美元到2011年底的420亿美元;第二大银行德国商业银行提供的船舶融资额也从2008年的450亿美元缩减到2011年的280亿美元。而近期出现的KG基金破产潮也使得欧洲金融机构对航运金融更加谨慎。而与此同时,据统计,亚太地区银行业的航运金融市场份额近年来已从20%上升到近30%,得到了较大的提升。在上述趋势下,预计2013年航运金融市场会继续向亚洲转移。

By the European debt crisis of serious impact and new capital adequacy requirements and constraints of the Basel Ⅲ regulations,In 2012,,The European financial institutions continue to squeeze in shipping business credit scale.According to the Marine Money statistics,The world's largest ship financing bank Germany the north bank(HSH Nordbank)Provide or junk-rated ship from 2008 began to drop year by year,From close to $60 billion to $42 billion by the end of 2011;The second big bank German commercial bank provides the ship or junk-rated from $2008 in 45 billion down to $2011 in 28 billion.But recent KG fund bankruptcy tide also makes the European financial institutions to shipping financial more cautious.And at the same time,According to the statistics,The asia-pacific region banking shipping financial market share in recent years has increased from 20% to nearly 30%,Improved to ascend.In the above trend,In 2013 is expected to shipping financial markets will continue to shift to Asia.


三、中国航运市场危中有机 three/China shipping market are the organic


Although 2012 shipping market prospect downturn/Shipping rate reached new low,China shipping enterprise performance scores/Negative news constantly,But in 2013,China shipping market continues to difficult recovery process are the organic.


1. Shipping market or will have rebounded slightly


Import and export growth rebounded slightly good shipping market.The European and American developed economies slow recovery,Appreciation of the RMB/China's manpower and resources cost increase caused part manufacturing transfer to the influence of the southeast Asian countries,In 2012, import and export were significantly year-on-year growth slowdown.According to the general administration of customs statistics,In 2012, the Chinese foreign trade import and export (GDP) of us $3.86676 trillion,Year-on-year growth of 6.2%,A drop of 16.3% in 2011, import and export growth.Bilateral trade decline also deeply affect our country shipping market performance in 2012.In 2013, the world economy is expected to overall will gradually bottom stabilises,In the European central bank/ESM and IMF troika of force under the assistance,The debt problem systemic risk overall controllable.The U.S. economy will continue modest growth,Recovery is an ideal situation.In the world economy overall smooth and slow recovery of the environment,In 2013, the Chinese import and export growth will rebound slightly.Based on the judgment,It is estimated that our shipping market will also with macroeconomic milder present small picks up the situation.


Shipyard orders dropped significantly,Merger restructuring has become increasingly active.According to the statistics,In January 2012 to October,The new undertake ship orders 16.42 million ton,44.8% year-on-year drop;Hand ship orders 116.63 million ton,29.5% year-on-year drop.New orders to drop considerably has caused part of the ship enterprises lack of starts,Ship enterprise operating pressure increasing.As the market capacity surplus situation will not change in recent years,So the new order is expected to decline will continue,In 2013, some small and medium-sized shipbuilding enterprises will further mess up,Shipbuilding enterprise merger and reorganization activities will be increasingly active.


Shipbuilding costs continue to rise,Ship to profitability by impact.Since 2010,Ship industry labor cost and expense is rising trend month by month,Coastal areas shipbuilding industry worker wages rise about 15%.Expected in 2013,in"1025"Wage multiplication plan policy guidance,Labor costs will rise further.In addition,Due to the export in China than in the shipbuilding enterprises of high,And most of the contract price in dollars,The appreciation of the renminbi to ship enterprise profit caused the impact.


According to the statistics,In 2012, the completion of the shipbuilding enterprises export ship 49.49 million ton,To undertake export ship order 14.96 million ton,With the end of the year export ship order 88.44 million ton.Export ship quantity of completion/The new joint orders/Hand-held orders accounted for 82.2% of the total/73.3% and 82.7%.But in December 2012,2012 RMB exchange rate appreciation has accumulated more than 5%.According to our forecast,2013 dollar to RMB exchange rate is still mainly two-way fluctuation,Doesn't show obvious appreciation or depreciation situation,May all the year round, the modest rise.To sum up,In 2013, China shipbuilding enterprise profitability will face greater challenges.


(2) market downturn of industry transformation


Resource integration improve industry competitiveness.The whole shipping industry downturn that some small and medium-sized shipbuilding enterprises in the management difficulties,In 2013 is expected to shipbuilding enterprises merger and reorganization of the activities will be increasingly active.China's shipbuilding industry will way in capital competition stage,Small and medium-sized shipbuilding enterprise big range integration will improve the overall competitiveness of shipbuilding enterprises in our country,Help China shipbuilding enterprise more healthy development in the world shipbuilding market will occupy the advantageous position.


The market downturn DaoBi industrial upgrading.Shipping market downturn also make our country shipbuilding industry will be looking to high-end shipbuilding orders,Part of the shipbuilding enterprise management will tend to high-end.In the current management dilemma under the condition of the highlights,Some domestic large shipyard has accelerated in transition.Hudong zhonghua sinochem shipyard of liquefied natural gas (LNG) ship orders and the increase of the waigaoqiao(600648,guba)Shipyard signing ocean engineering projects are evidence of industrial upgrading.According to the statistics,In 2011,,The global new ship order quantity 50% year-on-year drop,But the order amount is $90 billion,Synchronous only fell 10%,Means high value-added ship orders are not reduced,This will be the country's shipbuilding industry is a great chance for industrial upgrading.It is estimated that our shipbuilding industry upgrading pace will further accelerate the speed,High-end shipbuilding and offshore engineering project of order than will get further ascension.


四、2013年中国航运金融市场将稳步发展 four/In 2013, China shipping financial market will develop steadily


overall,In 2013, shipping financial market will continue to develop steadily.Small molecule in the industry,Ship industry in Marine equipment and the port industry in inland port will receive market favour.Due to the start time is late,China shipping financial market development potential is huge,But the legal system is not perfect/The financing channel not rich system and market a variety of factors also restricts the development of our country shipping financial markets.

  1. 我国航运金融市场仍将稳步发展

1. Our country shipping financial market will develop steadily


It is estimated that our shipping market with global macro economy picking up get back slightly,Shipping enterprise's profit level will also gain a certain degree of improvement.Industry profit level of rebound will ease the financial institutions to industry cautious attitude and pessimism,Financial institutions to launch will ascend along with the industry to improve profitability.


But small molecule in the industry,Ship manufacturing industry because of the downward trend in new orders in 2013 is difficult to change,The ship financing market or is still difficult to recover.so,Promotion on the intend to release in accordance with industry's future development and policy support plate.So far,Ship industry in Marine equipment and the port industry in inland port with policy support will get the favour of financial institutions.overall,In 2013, shipping financial market will continue to develop steadily.Small molecule in the industry,The ship financing growth or will continue to slow.And port in financing,Coastal ports and inland port financing or will appear differentiation.


The ship financing growth or will continue to slow.As the market capacity surplus situation will not change in recent years,New orders will continue to decline,Together with all financial institutions to the shipping cautious attitude,The ship financing growth in 2013 or will continue to slow.It is important to note that,Ocean engineering equipment manufacturing still won the favour of most financial institutions,Its financing growth is expected to maintain high growth.


Port investment will extend to inland.after"11th five-year plan"Large-scale investment construction period,The bohai sea coastal port has been built/Yangtze river delta/Pearl river delta/The southeast coast and the southwest coastal five port group.By the end of October 2012, according to our port accumulated investment of statistics to see,Coastal port investment to reduce 305 million yuan a year earlier,Changed since 2006, the trend of investment increased year by year.


In October 2012, the traffic department of transportation issued[On speeding up the"1025"Period of water transportation structure adjustment guidance],Put forward"Xing river/Optimal port"In the overall development thought,Request to speed up the river main port construction.Provinces and cities also launched their respective regional policy to follow up,The implementation of the policy will be further inland port construction investment,For port professional upgrading laid a good foundation,In 2013 is expected to inland port construction investment accounts for more than will further improve,Inland port related financing demand will continue to stable growth.


2. Multiple factors shipping financial business high-speed development


Although in recent years, China shipping financial market got rapid development,But multiple system and market factors will still in 2013 restricted the development of shipping finance.


Shipping financial related law is not perfect.Owing to historical reasons,Now London/New York/Our country Hong Kong and Singapore and other international shipping center belong to the common law,The shipping documents/The contract is in accordance with the laws of the Anglo-American law system,But in the past hundreds of years of cases have temper out a relatively complete shipping related legal system.Compared with the Anglo-American law system,China is on the continental law system,And shipping related legal system is not perfect,The only[Maritime traffic safety]/[Law of port]/[Maritime law]And so on several coverage relatively small laws and regulations,Industry look forward to[Shipping method]Experience and draft changes yet to come.


The financing channel is still relatively single.In addition to the bank system outside financing channels,The capital market financing way is still less.bonds/equity/trust/Private equity and so on many kinds of financing channel is still not open.The single financing channel in the shipping industry overall downturn,Shipping enterprise under the background of mass loss,Has become a shipping financial market the most outstanding one of contradiction.


Shipping financial business risk rise,Financial innovation is restrained.Although 2013 shipping enterprise's performance may gain a certain degree of improvement,But the ship assets such as collateral prices continue to fall are constantly challenged the shipping of the financial industry's nerve.From the main three form new shipbuilding price trend to see,tanker/Bulk carrier,Container price since the crisis has dropped sharply,And the trend in 2013 could still continue.Along with the ship asset quality didn't see better,Financial institutions shipping financial business risk is on the rise.Shipping financial main enterprise, Banks and other financial institutions in the traditional low risk preference led to the enterprise is in 2013 to continue to shipping enterprise implement strict admittance system and risk assessment standard,Shipping financial business innovation will be a certain inhibition.


3. Our country shipping financial a huge potential for development


Although multiple factors our shipping financial market development,But because our country shipping financial has just started,In the financial institutions from no matter the number or types all have great development space.According to the Chinese ship(600150,guba)Industry association,In the first half of 2012 China shipbuilding completion quantity/The new joint orders/Hand-held orders accounted for 41.1% of the world market share/46.2%/37.7%,Three indicators overall lead,But the ship financing in our country of the world's market share is only 5% or so.Huge gap indicating the our country shipping financial huge development potential.


In a word,Our construction of multi-level shipping financial market system will have bright prospects.Perfect credit transfer/Policy transfer/Shipping index trading platform construction,Integration lease/loan/Asset securitization, and other products,Development of shipping finance financing channels,Perfect multi-level shipping financial market system,Shipping is not only the way of financial development,More make shipping financial markets contain the endless potential.


From the reality and the trend,China shipping market are the organic,But shipping financial market development potential is huge.In our shipping in the process of the development of financial markets,Should deepen the government/Financial institutions/Shipping enterprise collaboration between mechanism,Actively learn from shipping financial developed countries the beneficial experience,Encourage innovation,Strengthen the relevant systems and regulations reform and optimization,And further improve the financial institutions business management and risk management level,China shipping financial will continue to steadily forward.


(Report guidance:Even flat/ZhouKun flat,pencraft:ZhangYingJie)


In 2011, the ship loan bank top twenty

  排名 银行 贷款额(亿美元) 排名 银行 贷款额(亿美元)

Ranking bank loan specified amount($) Ranking bank loan specified amount($)

  1 德国北方银行 420 11 汇丰银行 170

1 the north German bank 420 11 HSBC bank 170

  2 挪威银行 330 12 德国交通信贷银行 150

2 Norway bank 330 12 German traffic credit bank 150

  3 德国商业银行 280 13 中国银行(601988,股吧)148.4

Three German commercial bank 280 and the bank of China(601988,guba)148.4

  4 北欧联合银行 200 14 中国工商银行(601398,股吧)148.4

Four Nordic combined bank 200 and the industrial and commercial bank of China(601398,guba)148.4

  5 德国汉诺威 200 15 劳埃德银行 138

5 Germany hannover 200 15 Lloyd's bank 138

  6 苏格兰皇家银行 190 16 法国农业信贷银行 130

The royal bank of Scotland 190 16 French agricultural credit bank 130

  7 德国复兴信贷 180 17 中国进出口银行 120

7 the German Renaissance credit 180 and China import and export bank 120

  8 巴黎银行180 18 意大利联合信贷银行 114

And Paris bank 180 and Italian joint credit bank 114

  9 三菱东京日联银行 170 19 三井住友银行 105

9 mitsubishi ufj Tokyo bank 170 19 mitsui sumitomo bank 105

  10 瑞士信贷170 20 丹麦船舶融资 100

10 credit suisse 170 Danish ship financing 100


source:Petrofin,In the financial research center
