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  根据阿根廷媒体报导,由于进口管制的关系,国际精品品牌因商品无法进口,纷纷退出阿根廷市场。这半年来退出者包括:法国的Cartier及Yves Saint Laurent、德国的Escada、美国Calvin Klein及Ralph Lauren。另外,Hermes及Louis Vouitton亦在研拟撤出阿国市场。 

According to Argentine media reports,Because the relationship between the import control,International brand high-quality goods for goods can't import,In Argentina market exit。This includes those six months to quit:French Cartier and Yves saint Laurent、German Escada、The United States Calvin Klein and Ralph Lauren。In addition,Hermes and Louis Vouitton also in pestles to withdraw from the market, countries。 

  国际知名精品退出阿根廷市场的原因,除了商品无法进口外,更令其等头痛的是被要求等额出口。于3月份已关门的意大利精品Ermenegildo Zegna原本决定撤出阿根廷,但在5月份找到出口羊毛的商机,旋即于5月26日重新开幕。另外,平价品牌西班牙的Zara则因改在阿根廷境内生产才保住这个市场。其他品牌如Nike、Adidas、Lacoste、Fallabella及Levis的情况较特殊,这些品牌于年初承诺将维持产品售价,因此可持续从国外进口。其他行业方面,重型机车品牌Harley Davidson在阿根廷已经缺货多时,类似情况也发生在科技公司如Sony。 

International well-known high-quality goods out of the cause of the Argentine market,In addition to imported goods not outside,Make it a headache is equal for export。In march already closing Italy Ermenegildo high-quality goods Zegna originally decided to withdraw from Argentina,But in May find export wool business opportunities,Soon on May 26, opening again。In addition,Parity brand Spanish Zara is because of the change in Argentina domestic production to keep the market。Other brands such as Nike、adidas、Lacoste、Fallabella and Levis situation is special,In these brand promise at the beginning will maintain the product selling price,Therefore sustainable imported from abroad。Other industry,Heavy locomotive brand Harley Davidson in Argentina has long out of stock,Similar situation also happens in science and technology company such as Sony。 
