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By the end of September the European market tumbled,Once again remind us the debt crisis is not over yet.Many investors will be the ECB direct currency trading(OutrightMonetaryTransactions,OMT)As change parties game pattern key step,But the implementation of the OMT is a premise condition,That is to say, the relevant countries to Europe first aid fund formally seek aid.So far,As long as the Spanish does not put forward to aid application,OMT cannot start,The debt situation with the end of July Della auspicious put forward"At all costs(whateverittakes)"With much essential change.


but,We think that the Spanish government proposed aid application probability is still high.First of all,Spain the 10-year Treasury yield recent once back to the 6% level,This may reflect the capital outflow picking up again.Without the help of the ECB,Spain will be unable to make up for capital outflow in financing gap.secondly,By the end of September the Spanish government proposed the 2013 budget,Its efforts to squeeze in some areas even more than the European Union demands,This means that the Spanish in terms of aid to meet the difficulty is not great.


Spain:Private capital continuous outflow,Shortage of capital will force Spain for aid


By the end of September a series of events once again stirred the European financial market.On the one hand the Spanish of mass against the austerity of the demonstrations,On the other hand, more and more local governments have or was about to apply for the central government's rescue.At the same time,September bottom-up bank stress tests results show,A Spanish bank capital demand did not estimate of more than before,This adds Spain will apply for international aid uncertainty(See column 1).Neighboring countries although Treasury yield in August and early September back,But then began to rise significantly.Since mid-september,Spain and Italy the 10-year Treasury yield were up by nearly 20 and 10 basis points,To 5.8% and 5.1% level;period,The two countries are the major indexes fell nearly 5%.


High bond yields reflect private capital continuous outflow Spain.And bank capital flight the logic is the same,When investors lose confidence to a country,Private capital will be a large number of outflow,Lead to domestic asset price plummets.In fact,This year 1 - July outflow Spain's private capital total more than 230 billion euros.A large number of private capital outflow with the stock market crashes and high yields.Private capital outflows in financing gap from the central bank's capital inflows filled.This is reflected in the Spanish TARGET2 account of liabilities increased by 2600 more than euros.


Such a large-scale capital inflow,Thanks in part to the ECB two wheel long-term refinancing operation(LTRO).Last December to march this year two wheel LTRO period,Spain TARGET2 liabilities increased almost 150 billion euros.


Private capital outflow is mainly through the bank channel.From the international balance of payment of financial account can see,The Spanish private capital outflow is mainly through the bank channel.In addition to domestic bank securities investment account outside,In the past half year three other all appear obvious outflows,For this performance:Foreign bank selling Spanish national debt(Foreign bank securities investment)/Foreign bank contraction to Spain enterprises and residents' credit(Foreign bank other investment)And the Spanish bank erosion(Their other investment Banks).Domestic bank securities investment account is a small amount of capital inflows,It is possible that a Spanish bank selling foreign bond,Such as the euro area other neighboring countries bonds.In addition,The Spanish private capital outflow and Treasury stock change consistent.From last September,Foreign investors began to a large number of minus the Spain national debt,There is last September holdings has a reduction of nearly 40%.


generally,Spain and the bank system is facing serious flight of capital,This makes the Spanish government in addition to seek outside the European Union aid almost no other option.Spain had financing gap can through the European central bank funds make up,But the European central bank has stopped the old bond purchase plan(SMP),The bank for the mortgage assets are not good(This means that the bank can't through the European central bank open market operation get a great deal of liquidity),At the same time the central bank also can veto the Spanish central bank liquidity of emergency aid(ELA),The central bank limited Spain to local Banks provide loans.At present the Spanish the 10-year Treasury yield high of 6% again approximation,Unless the government to the European Union aid application is put forward,A Spanish bank will be difficult to get a lot from the central bank liquidity.At present more than the European Union officials have expressed the hope that Spain apply for international aid as soon as possible,September 24th European Union competition affairs commissioner Almunia said publicly"The Spanish authorities should aid application decision as soon as possible",On the market at present"The real risk is continuing uncertainty".


Rescue conditions:Strict austerity


Spain has not seek the European Union aid,One of the reasons is worried about rescue conditions too harsh.however,From the end of September Spain the release of the government's 2013 budget to see,The tightening strength with the European Union basic requirements consistent.


Such as the eu commission vice chairman OlliRehn pointed out that,In some areas of the tight strength even more than the European Union demands.


According to the 2013 budget,Spain is in 2013 to cut the budget deficit 40 billion euros,58% of them from spending to reduce,42% from income increase.expenditure,The Spanish government will continue to limit public sector wage growth,And will the central government spending(Ministries’expenditures)Reduced by 8.9%(3.9 billion euros).but,Pension spending will be increased,The government interest expense will also rose 34% to 38.6 billion euros.income,The Spanish government is expected to tax revenue will be from 2012 euro rose to 174.1 billion euros,The value added tax is expected to rise to 48.3 billion euros from 54.7 billion euros,The rest of the measures including the establishment of lottery bonus,Stop mortgage tax rebates and the property tax, etc.


If the smooth implement,Spain's financial situation may have conform to the aid program set conditions.The European commission"Excessive deficit program"(ExcessiveDeficitProcedure)Give fiscal deficit overweight members set the reform period,The Spanish government need to make fiscal deficit in 2013 dropped to 4.5% of GDP,In 2014 dropped to 3% of GDP.The Spanish government expected,2013 years after the implementation of the budget as scheduled,The financial deficit will be able to achieve the established target.therefore,If the Spanish government application comprehensive aid,The country's theory has reached the austerity of conditions.


but,Finally achieve fiscal deficit target has certain risk.First of all,Budget is expected,In 2013 a Spanish GDP only small drop 0.5%,And in 2014 recovery positive growth.This forecast may be too optimistic.secondly,The local government resistance will also affect the implementation of the budget.plan,In 2012 a Spanish autonomous regions of the deficit will be reduced to 1.5% of GDP,And in 2013 continued to drop to 0.7% of GDP.but,Local fiscal tightening difficulties,The Spanish murcia governor has said,The Spanish all 17 areas are difficult to complete this year's fiscal deficit goal.In addition,The Spanish region autonomy traditional strong,Austerity requirements may cause a boycott of the local government.


By the end of September,In further financial independence after request was refused,The Catalan government announced early elections.If the centre-right nationalism CiU league win,The Catalan may further independent referendum,The situation in Spain would be add insult to injury.

  附:专栏1 西班牙9月银行压力测试:资金缺口573亿欧元,符合预期

attached:Column 1 The Spanish September bank stress tests:Financing gap 57.3 billion euros,Conform to the expected


The Spanish September bank stress tests results show,Risk situation(2012-2014 total GDP fell by 6.5%,Housing price and land price accumulated fell 25% and 60% respectively,The unemployment rate rose to 27.2% by 2014),A Spanish bank system financing gap for 57.3 billion euros(pre-tax).In accepting the test and Banks,There are 7 home can withstand the impact of the risk situation,Without capital injection;Have four need capital injection but test before they have been under the government management,This four bank financing gap for 44.4 billion euros;Rest 3 Banks financing gap for 12 billion,The three Banks will be in 10 months deciding whether or not to government aid can still from the private sector financing.As expected,Banking losses from most real estate related loans(Risk situation of more than 50%).


The pressure test results to a Spanish bank restructuring plan implementation is very important.First of all,September testing is a bottom-up evaluation,Independent appraisal institution is one examined the 14 Banks balance sheet,According to the strict standard work out every bank loss and absorption loss ability,This increases the accuracy of the evaluation results.secondly,The evaluation results and 6 months of test results are basically the same.June top-down pressure test results show,Risk situation a Spanish bank system financing gap for 510-62 billion euros,Two estimation results are basically the same.The third,Two pressure test results indicate that a Spanish bank system financing gap is less than 100 billion euros aid plan upper limit,This will help Banks smooth implementation of the restructuring plan
