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On November 21st,Japan's finance ministry released on October trade statistics initial display,Trade deficit of 549 billion yen,A record 1979 years have comparable data during the same period since the record.This is Japan for four months a trade deficit,To Europe/A sharp slowdown in exports.The United States bloomberg reports on the same day,This is since 2009 since the global recession,Japan's export performance most bad years.Analysts say,Due to a weak global demand factors such as the drag,And a Japanese trade deficit has become structural problems,This problem may form normalization.But on November 20,,The China, Japan and South Korea announced that starting free trade negotiation,No doubt to the Japanese economy brought a glimmer of hope.On November 21st,Japan's foreign ministry published news said,On November 22, held in Seoul Korea and Japan economic partnership agreement(EPA)negotiations.


Japan's finance ministry data display,October export 6.5% lower than the same period last year,To 5.15 trillion yen,Continuous five months year-on-year decline.the,Japan exports to China for five months year-on-year decline,Decreased by 11.6%.Its trade deficit against China increased by 72.5%,Up to 406.5 billion yen,During the same period and high.Diaoyu island by the impact of the problem,Japan exports to China car significantly decreased by 82%.It is reported,The last time the Japanese car export to China has fallen more than 80% is in October 2001,Relations between the two countries at that time because of the prime minister junichiro koizumi's visits to the yasukuni shrine and deterioration.


meanwhile,Japan exports to the European Union decreased by 20.1%,Trade deficit for 67.6 billion yen,During the same period and high.but,Because the Japanese car sales in the United States strong,That Japan's exports to the United States increased 3.1%,The trade surplus of 416.4 billion yen.


In the short term,Japan's trade deficit is still difficult to have better signs.Japan of trade/Mitsui products chairman TianSongYing gun in the trade data after the announcement said,Japan's trade deficit"Structural problems is,Difficult to eliminate".Gun tian said,Nuclear power plant outage lead to crude oil imports/Sino-japanese relations degradation caused by decline in exports,Trade deficit trend may not change.There is some speculation that,Japan's trade surplus to realize the first have to wait until the second half of next year or early 2014.


And the republic of Korea start from trade negotiations would certainly make the Japanese economy saw the ray of hope.Japan's foreign ministry says,On November 22, held in Seoul Korea and Japan economic partnership agreement negotiations.Japan and South Korea for the two countries disputed islands,In the political and economic influence and other fields of cooperation.The two countries in order to repair relations director of the foreign ministry this month exchanged views.
