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ChengXiaoLv is a native of yongkang people,Specializing in the production of sports bottle has for many years,Has been to do foreign trade business.Later he to wuyi do a WuYiXin sunshine industry &trade co., LTD,Recently met troubles:A should be in July for exchange over payment for goods,Hesitated to account.Bill of lading is early to the customers,The goods in the port early rapture empty,Close to $40000 payment for goods out of sight.


The money,In fact already export customers,But the remittance is not WuYiXin sunshine industry and trade company's account,But a UK account.Such examples,In yongkang is not the first case,According to the present situation is not the case.Reporter in the survey found,This is puzzling whirling payment enterprise yongkang every year,Involves large amount,Difficult to estimate.Yongkang have export enterprise is close to 1500,This case happen again and again,Remind yongkang foreign trade enterprise trade safety,At the same time also torture the yongkang foreign trade enterprise management loophole.


No delays the payment for goods

  Casa Ideas,是北美的一家公司,隶属于一个大集团,业务范围广,与武义新阳光工贸有限公司合作5年以来,一直有着良好的信誉。王向宇是武义新阳光工贸有限公司的业务员,负责与这个客户联系,在长达5年的合作里,在王向宇的印象里,这是一个不可多得的优质客户:“打款及时,对价格也不斤斤计较。”

Casa Ideas,Is a company in North America,Belonging to a large group,Business scope,And WuYiXin sunshine industry &trade co., LTD., cooperation since 5 years,Has a good reputation.WangXiangYu is WuYiXin sunshine industry &trade co., LTD. Salesman,Responsible for and the customer contact,For five years in the cooperation,In WangXiangYu impression,This is an exceptional quality customer:"Play money timely,The price is not haggle over every ounce."

  与往年一样,今年4月份,王向宇接到了来自Casa Ideas的订单,7月12日,这批货从宁波港口上船前往北美,25天后,这批货到达北美港口,很快对方负责人就把这批货提走了。

And usual,In April this year,WangXiangYu received from Casa Ideas order,On July 12,The goods from ningbo port into the boat to the north American,25 days,The goods arrived in North America port,Soon the other party chief took the goods carry away.

  “按照以前的情况,Casa Ideas在得知我们发货后,会很快把货款打给我们。”像往常一样,在7月13日货物出港后,王向宇隔几天就发邮件催款,但是一直得不到对方的回复,中间足足两个月失去了联系。因为一直来信任这个客户,王向宇放松了警惕,虽然没有像往常一样收到货款,但她没有及时与对方沟通确认,邮件一直得不到回复,也没有寻求别的交流渠道。

"According to the previous situation,Casa Ideas in that after we deliver goods,Will soon put the money to call us."As usual,On July 13, the goods after departure,WangXiangYu every few days can send E-mail reminders,But has been can not get each other's back,Intermediate for two months lost touch.Because of always have come to trust this client,WangXiangYu off guard,Though not as usual payment is received,But she did not timely communication with the other confirmation,E-mail has been can not get reply,Also did not seek other communication channels.


Contact again after,WangXiangYu found each other directly sent to the company mailbox mail,Still can't receive."I think may be mail system sometimes don't compatible,And did not expect will be blocked."


WangXiangYu continue to send email reminder letters disappear forever.ChengXiaoLv to sit still,The payment,For $40000,In this year's economic situation,Profit low survival difficult,If the money was not pull,The effect of which on enterprises is quite big.Early November,ChengXiaoLv let WangXiangYu to north American customers sent a more serious mail,Mail said:"If don't call us payment for goods,We will submit to the Chinese customs,Will you blacklist."The good news is,Each other finally letter,Email told:Payment for goods on July 20, has been remitted to the WuYiXin sunshine industry &trade co., LTD,Send to the company after the change of the account.


"But we did not receive money,No change account.At that time I really aware of the seriousness of this thing."


Payment for goods is half highway robbery go


In fact,Intermediate contact each other less than two months,Both sides of the mail by third party interception.The third party holds both between mail all dialogue and information,Shielding the both sides of the contact,In which play a trick.


Due to the time relationship,And the north American customer communication,Basically all depend on mail.The north American customers is highly dependent on the mail system,All commitments rules all E-mail in finish.Most of the time,You give them email,Basically don't back,Unless it is between both of the order,The problem and needs in order to write below,They can only in a relatively short time give you response.If it is other problems,And you order salesman,In the first time will not give you answer,And probably will never,A clear division of labor in their,And highly dependent on modern communication.

  7月13日,是这批货出港的日子,就在这一天,Casa Ideas收到来自王向宇发送的一份邮件,邮件中有一份银行信息更改的证明,证明中有武义新阳光工贸公司的抬头,证明的右下角盖着武义新阳光工贸有限公司的印章:“就是现在看来,跟我们自己出的证明简直是一模一样。”更改证明上的印章也是企业真正的印章。

July 13,,Is this shipment the day of departure,On this day,Casa Ideas received from WangXiangYu send a mail,Email is a bank information change proof,The proof that the have WuYiXin sunshine industry and trade company looked up,Proof of the lower right corner cover WuYiXin sunshine industry &trade co., LTD., seal:"Is now,With our own out proof it is exactly the same."Change the proof of the seal is also enterprise real seal.


To give individual account or enterprise account transfer,The name of the account with the name of the account must be consistent,Otherwise the remittance will succeed.In that piece of counterfeit bank information change on the certificate,Account name became"Zhejiang WuYiXin sunshine industry &trade co., LTD",In the original"WuYiXin sunshine industry &trade co., LTD"Added to the front"zhejiang"Two words,This is a brand new registered account.

  这种“鱼目混珠”没有引起Casa Ideas的怀疑,很快他们就把钱汇到这个更改后的账号上,根据他们事后提供的水单,7月20日,这笔钱被打到了一个英国的账户上。

this"Pass away the sham as the genuine"No cause Casa Ideas doubt,Soon they took money to this change after the account,They later according to provide water single,On July 20,,The money was hit a British account.


Enterprise email than you thought less safe


"There will always be a year for enterprise coiled walk,Sometimes a pen is hundreds of thousands of dollars."Yongkang public security bureau network brigade ZhuYongZhong baoguo to such event is not new,The Canton fair and other kinds of exhibition every year after the end of a period of time,Is this kind of crime period.An axe to grind third party personnel from the China export commodities fair and other kinds of exhibition hall of each enterprise get the detailed information,Including enterprise email/Enterprise web site/Enterprise address and so on all material:"In fact this time,Enterprise is like a piece of blank paper as transparent."


Reporter in the survey found,Yongkang many foreign trade enterprise use is nets enterprise mailbox,WuYiXin sunshine industry &trade co., LTD. Also use nets mailbox system.


"Whatever your mailbox safety level high,They always can make you crack."ZhuYongZhong according to many years of experience,He estimates that the incident behind the scenes"The brain"Most likely in South Africa,This is a science and technology level is very high crime group,In the mailbox cracking technology can be called the world's top level."Even so to say,Nothing is they can't break."This is located in South Africa's"The third party",In almost all of the world countries and regions have account,What's behind the"High-tech power"Can equal"The western big",Do you think that can penetrate into the safety of mail system.Network times,And no secrets.


"In our view,The most effective solution is to double the authentication."It is the most"cliche"way,But at this time is very useful,In confirmation of the dispatch of the other requirements of the remittance prior,And the other party to determine again,The account name and account number,Telephone or other means of communication,Will be blocked to minimize the possibility of.At the same time,At ordinary times should often change your password,Pay attention to whether the mailbox has changed,Once found that will cause enough attention,As far as possible improves the security of the mailbox.


A blocked payment can recover?


"We have no jurisdiction,So can't put on record."ZhuYongZhong told reporters,In such a case,The law level direct swindled party is overseas customers,Direct land loss in overseas,And not yongkang foreign trade enterprise,So although the loss the largest is the export enterprise itself,It is difficult to be put on record.but,To overseas customers speaking,The money is to recover the possibility is not high,Even if successful recover,This intermediate consumption of time and energy sometimes more than the value of itself of payment.More is,Overseas customers have to their need of the goods,Payment for goods has paid off:"As for who pay,I think they do not care about."


"Customers have take the arrival,So don't care about money called the wrong number,For them, there is no real loss."Do not wish to be named, Mr Zhang was in the first half of this year"cheated"A $350000 loan,The money to now there is no landing:"Should be the poured down the drain."This $350000,For Mr. Chapter means all the liquidity,The money is being pumped light,The normal operation of enterprises facing unprecedented pressure:"Almost out of breath can't come."


Yongkang a production vacuum cup enterprise was also the same way whirling payment of nearly $100000."There was even a bill of lading in our own hands."Due to the clients are in urgent need of the goods,So the responsible person of the enterprise from the customer zhang was in his hand back to $50000."Now think of,Fortunately, the goods not sent,Not a penny also had not come back."


"There is no way,Now can only keep an eye on customers."now,WangXiangYu every day to the company's first thing,To send mail,Every hair many seal,At the same time in other ways kept contact with each other:"Is to tell them,We have not received the money."


Foreign trade enterprise management loophole highlights


"Play until payment we never confirmed,Just send mail inform should play money."Reporter in the interview yongkang foreign trade salesman was found,Whether you are just to participate in foreign trade work salesman,Is 10 years' foreign trade experience salesman,In the process of the communication with customers,From the initial joint single to the signing of the contract,To negotiated with the other party payment,More than 90% only by mail,No double confirm.

  调查时发现,外贸企业的运作流程比想象中简单容易得多。当然,这意味着更多的漏洞。与客户签订单后,客户需要预付10%~30%的定金,收到定金之后外贸企业开始生产,生产完成后,预定船只进行海运,这时候企业能开出提单,客户看到提单之后付完余款,企业再把这张海运提单寄送给客户。同时,也有一些国际的大企业使用FCR(Forwarders Certificate of Receipt货运代理人收讫货物证明),参与其中的一些信用度较高的企业与国际一流的货运公司签合同,不用出货方的提单就能从港口提走货物。Casa Ideas也是其中之一,这其实增加了出货方的风险,对方不付钱也能从港口提走货物。

Survey found that,Foreign trade enterprise operation process than imagination simple much easier.Of course,This means that more holes.And after a single customer,Customers need to advance 10% ~ 30% deposit,After receiving the deposit foreign trade enterprises began to production,Production after completion of,Reserve ships sea,This time enterprise can open the bill of lading,Customers pay the balance after finish see bill of lading,Enterprise again this ZhangHaiYun bill of lading mail to customer.At the same time,There are also some international large enterprise use FCR(Forwarders certificate of Receipt cargo agent received goods proof),Participate in some of these credit line higher enterprise and the international first-class freight company to sign the contract,Don't shipment party bill of lading can carry away from port cargo.Casa Ideas is one of them,It increases the risk of shipment party,The other party not to pay also can carry away from port cargo.


All shipping the whole process of remittance,Only by the salesman's mail practice.This means that,Trade safety and can't get the strict security.Because the control enterprise's mail can intercept the two all material,Plus no double confirm mechanism,The third party can from the enterprise whirling large payment for goods.


"Early in the first half of,Have client email to ask,Does the company changed account."ChengXiaoLv told reporters,In fact mailbox blocked it with aura,But did not cause enough vigilance,Just write E-mail to notify the other party and no change account,According to the original account payment.


"This is about to rely on their own judgment."YingJianNing is zhejiang flying alum co., LTD., the person in charge,Has been to do foreign trade business.In more than 20 years of his career,And not with this customer business,According to his own judgment,No strict examination system,Also does not have any other way of identification,Rely on a person to enterprise's judgment.In fact,It is not only YingJianNing way/ChengXiaoLv way,Also most of the foreign trade business owners way of thinking.


ChengXiaoLv began to rethink the enterprise operation mode.According to the existing operation mode,The salesman the communication with customers,Only by mail,Follow up is not timely,Appeared long time not receive the mail,Is not in the first time contact each other,But leave it as it is."Now I think the company holes is really too much,Must take the corrective."
