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In 2012,,Our country cotton textile industry import and export market for overall performance:Export weakness,cotton/Cotton import demand.Vietnam/The Philippines and other countries in our country cotton textile export market is active,To our country cotton textiles demand growth is obvious;By the influence of price factors,The domestic market to international cotton/Cotton textile imports maintained a fast growth. 


Cotton textile trade overall situation


The general administration of customs data display,The first three quarters of this year,Our country cotton textile exports to 18.64 billion us dollars,6.0% year-on-year drop,Exports year-on-year growth of 20.3% from the same period last year,The cotton fabric exports accounted for 50%,Exports reached us $9.15 billion,6.1% year-on-year drop;Cotton textile imports for 5.34 billion dollars,Year-on-year growth of 24.9%,Maintained a fast growth,The cotton yarn imports amounted to $3.57 billion,Year-on-year growth of 46.0%,Accounted for 67% of total imports.


Once upon a time the third quarter cotton goods price trend to see,Raw material prices at home and abroad by the overall downward influence,Road after cotton yarn/Cotton prices are negative growth,Especially in export trade environment under the condition of the poor,Compared with the previous year,Our country cotton textile exports year-on-year drop obviously;On the import side,The import amount of supported by strong,Our country cotton yarn/Cotton fabric imports up have different levels of growth.


Cotton textile points varieties trade analysis


Cotton import demand


1 ~ 10 month accumulative total import 4.3016 million tons,The same period last year accumulative total import 2.194 million tons,Year-on-year growth of 95.8%.Month from imported cotton quantity to see,Imported cotton appeared two peaks,The first wave in 2 ~ 3 months,Different with previous years in February,February 616000 tons monthly performance imports.In this period,Domestic collection and storage is near the end,Domestic cotton basic into the store,The inside and outside MianJia difference for more than 3000 yuan/ton,Businesses through the quota import international low cotton guarantee the raw material supply.The second wave phase is 5 ~ 7 months,This time enterprise cotton nervous,Quota is basically run out,Part of the surplus quotas concentrated in this period imported cotton,So in a second wave.So far,MianJia difference at home and abroad are close to 6000 yuan/ton,Huge difference also formed an unprecedented cotton imports,2011/2012 of the cotton,Our country accumulated import cotton has reached 5.705 million tons,Year-on-year growth of 102%.


Cotton yarn import quantity increased


In the third quarter cumulative JinKouMian yarn 1.088 million tons,Year-on-year growth of 74%,Month from cotton imports to see,Quantity rising month by month.Cause international yarn entered the domestic market is still the root cause of the MianJia difference inside and outside,JinKouMian yarn from quota restrictions,When the international MianJia greatly lower than the domestic,International cotton yarn in price has the absolute advantage,To reduce the production cost of textile enterprise,Enhance product market competitiveness,The enterprise to JinKouMian yarn demand also more and more big.In addition,International cotton yarn price as the price of raw materials down is weak.


To enter the Chinese market in the cotton yarn is mainly Pakistan yarn and India yarn,India and Pakistan cotton yarn as in low branch is given priority to,Price advantage prominent.January to September this year,Our country is imported India and yarn accounted for 66% of the total,Import and yarn 395000 tons,India yarn 223000 tons.In October this year,Our country and a pure cotton no tax price higher than Pakistan with grade yarn per ton of nearly 1000 yuan,The two countries low yarn price difference is more apparent.


Cotton yarn export growth from negative become a full member


1 ~ 9 months,Our country accumulated export cotton yarn 325000 tons,Year-on-year growth of 3%,Turn the September before cotton yarn exports year-on-year accumulated the situation.From the product category to see,Mainly is the pure cotton general comb yarn and blended yarn export reversal contributed to the overall increase in the number of export,visible,Pure cotton general comb yarn and differentiation of blended yarn in export competitive,And the relatively high cost of pure cotton combed yarn export performance is not optimistic,Export 17% of negative growth.


1 ~ 9 months,In mainland China cotton yarn of the biggest export market is still in China for Hong Kong,Exports account for 43% of the total,But the total number of export year-on-year decline,5.5% year-on-year drop,Europe and the United States, the main or regional market consumption remains weak,Entrepot trade not free,And the second largest cotton yarn export market for Vietnam,Export quantity for 43000 tons,Year-on-year growth of 232.0%,Has become the most active element in the export market of a country,In addition the export Bangladesh is also a slight increase,And export South Korea area of cotton yarn down more,Amplitude to nearly 50%.


Cotton fabric export growth narrow


And usual,Cotton fabric export is the main force of China cotton textile export,January to September this year,Our country accumulated export cotton fabric of 5.78 billion meters,Year-on-year growth of 4.0%,Compared with the first two years,Our country cotton fabric export quantity to maintain steady monthly performance,Since 2011 our export situation into the start date of departure,Price overall weak,2012 cotton fabric export quantity increase gradually narrow,Especially cotton denim and yarn dyed September accumulated exports were down by 18% and 8% year-on-year.


Our country cotton fabric export market distribution equilibrium,Mainly in southeast Asia,Like last year,Vietnam and Bangladesh in China in the cotton fabric export market of the first two,Export cotton fabric at 580 million meters and 540 million meters respectively,Last year compared to the export up by 14.3% and 7.0% respectively.In addition,Togo/The Philippines the two countries to our country the cotton demand strong performance,Import quantity year-on-year growth of 47.6% and 107.9%.Southeast Asia international downturn by the environmental impact of smaller,To our country the cotton fabric needs no significantly weakened.


Cotton fabric import maintained a fast growth

  今年1~9月,我国累计进口6.2亿米棉织物,同比增长11.5%,其中进口纯棉坯布2.7亿米,数量同比增长95%,增速最快,其他棉织物产品进口数量均为 负增长。

January to September this year,China imported 620 million meters total cotton fabric,Year-on-year growth of 11.5%,The import of cotton cloth 270 million meters,Quantity year-on-year growth of 95%,Fastest growth,Other products are cotton import quantity Negative growth.


Consistent with cotton yarn,Our country is imported cotton fabric is the largest country in Pakistan,1 ~ 9 months,China's import of Pakistan cotton 220 million meters,Imports accounted for 35% of the total,Quantity year-on-year growth of 160%,secondly,Our country from Indonesia country imported cotton fabric quantity also have an increase of 143%.Since Japan/Our country Hong Kong/South Korea/Taiwan imported cotton fabric mainly high-grade product mainly,Price high,Import quantity are more than 10% reduction.


The future trade situation is still grim


To sum up,MianJia maintain bigger difference at home and abroad was the cause of imported cotton in China/Cotton textile needs to expand and export hindered the important reasons.The first three quarters,Our country cotton bed is tasted/Clothing export quantity also have varying degrees of decline,Were down by 8.8% and 5.0%.Good export still did not appear,The international market demand start is not clear,In the future period,Our country cotton textile and downstream cotton products export is still greater resistance.
