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  美国和欧盟(European Union)决定将就一项涉及众多领域的新贸易和投资协定展开正式谈判。从和参与相关工作的官员的交谈中可以看出,即使是决定开始谈判就已经是个不小的成就了。 

The United States and the European Union(European Union)Decide on a in many areas of new trade and investment agreement on formal negotiations.From and participate in related working officials conversation can see,Even if it is decided to start negotiations is already a lot of achievement. 


Both the us and Europe over the past year has been in contact with trade agreement,On the other side of the red line supervision will eliminate in a reasonable time to assess the possibility of reaching an agreement.Although in principle to the American and European trade agreement said support,Obama(Obama)The government is more than the eu negotiations to doubt may actually what results.To establish mutual trust/Both sides to take the lift the meat products are exported to the European part of the ban after the measures,Washington decided to start negotiations. 

  在多哈回合多边贸易谈判陷入停滞之际,这一决定或将影响未来全球贸易体系的发展进程。欧洲议会(European Parliament)代表右翼保守成员的贸易发言人Robert Sturdy表示,美国和欧盟的贸易投资协定将成为影响全球贸易发展的决定因素,这是自多哈贸易谈判陷入僵局后最令人兴奋的事情。 

In the doha round of multilateral trade negotiations stalled,The decision or will affect future global trading system development process.The European parliament(European Parliament)On behalf of the right-wing conservative members of the trade spokesman Robert Sturdy said,The United States and the European Union trade and investment agreement will be influence the decisive factor in the development of global trade,This is since the doha round of trade negotiations stalled after the most exciting thing to do. 


In addition to the right outside people,The us and Europe began to trade negotiation decision by the European politicians universal welcome.At the same time,The decision also won the United States senate republican and democratic leaders of the support. 


trade agreement usually get political wing of the people support,And because the American and European trade agreement will not produce other trade agreement with some political burden,So also got the support of the people.And the strength is weak countries reach trade agreement usually for American workers' salary has certain influence,But European economies to higher wages but not threatening American workers(And vice versa). 

  已故美国劳工联合会-产业工会联合会(AFL-CIO)主席Lane Kirkland早在1993年就表示了对美欧自由贸易协定的支持。他在《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)发表文章称,美欧贸易协定将加强双边贸易关系,而这种贸易关系可能也将促进全球最大的资本阵营中互惠投资的发展和开放。 

The late American federation of labor - industry federation of trade unions(The afl-cio)Chairman Lane Kirkland said as early as in 1993 to support us and European free trade agreement.he[The Washington post](Washington Post)Published the article says,Us and European trade agreement will strengthen bilateral trade relations,And this kind of trade relations may also will promote the world's largest capital camp mutual investment development and opening up. 

  Kirkland在这篇题为“天作之合”(A Trade Marriage Made in Heaven)的文章中指出,美欧自由贸易协定或将通过向美国农场主开放市场缓解美欧间不断升级的贸易紧张关系、促成旨在推进高科技业发展的合作关系以及有助于扭转产业空洞化进程。 

In this report, entitled Kirkland"A match made in heaven"(A trade marriage made in heaven)Article points out,Us and European free trade agreement or to American farmers through open market ease between the us and Europe the escalating trade tensions/Contribute to the development of high-tech industry to promote cooperation and help reverse industry KongDongHua process. 


Now there are many people who live under the same point of view.For the United States and the European Union,Especially the need for growth of kinetic energy in Europe,At least in the long term,trade agreement provides in does not destroy fiscal discipline realize the possibility of economic growth. 

  白宫负责国际经济事务的国家安全副顾问Michael Froman表示,美国方面对于开始贸易谈判十分谨慎,而他认为美欧双方对此都有很强的政治意愿。 

The White House is responsible for international economic affairs deputy national security adviser Michael Froman says,In the United States began to trade negotiations is very cautious,And he thinks that the us and Europe that has a strong political will. 

  不过,谁也不认为双方能够轻而易举地达成所期待的谈判结果。美欧贸易谈判将是个雄心勃勃的壮举,谈判将涉及关税和非关税壁垒,其中包括因监管规定和标准差异造成的贸易障碍。欧盟委员会(European Commission)表示,平均关税水平较低,约为3%,因此关税将不太可能成为谈判要解决的主要问题。  

but,Who also don't think both sides can easily achieve expected result of negotiations.Us and European trade negotiations will be a ambitious feat,The negotiations will be involved in tariff and non-tariff barriers,Including regulations and standards for differences in trade barriers.The European commission(European Commission)said,The average tariff level is low,About 3%,So the tariff will be less likely to become the key problem to be solved for negotiations.  


But the us and Europe can both agricultural problems related to progress,Especially for American farmers involved in the production of transgenic crops and hormone meat's restrictions are the problem,Will face challenges.And to ensure that the congress of the United States to win the support of the trade agreement has important political significance.

  比利时智库欧洲国际政治经济研究中心(European Centre for International Political Economy)的Frederick Erixon表示,也许人们过于强调农业问题了。他指出,涉及农业的贸易量在美欧双边贸易总量的比重不到5%,而且关于补贴等双方过去的争议已变得不太重要了。美国一直就与欧盟在农业方面的争端向世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization)提起申诉,并赢得了多起诉讼,因此美国可能更愿意通过这一渠道打开欧洲市场。此外,参与谈判的官员还将讨论是否可以通过对转基因或荷尔蒙食品进行明显标注来解决问题。 

Belgium think-tank European international political and economic research center(European centre for international political economy)Frederick of Erixon said,Maybe people put too much emphasis on agricultural problems.He pointed out that,The volume of trade in agriculture in the us and Europe the proportion of total bilateral trade is less than 5%,And about the subsidies of the past dispute has become not so important.The United States and the European Union has always been in agriculture dispute to the world trade organization(World trade Organization)Filed complaints,And has won many lawsuits,So the United States may be more willing to through this channel open the European market.In addition,Participate in the negotiation officials also will discuss whether can through to genetically modified food or hormone clearly marked to solve the problem. 


Froman says,Set common regulations and standards will be involved in the negotiations the most difficult and most important content. 


These so-called domestic problems including establish decision products(Such as chemical)In compliance with the standard technology process, etc.Negotiators will be looking for those who can meet the requirements of the standard process method.


The United States and the European Union's output represents nearly half of global economic output,With this,If the us and Europe to success for a free trade agreement,Will have an important impact on the global.American and European officials said,They hope to us and European trade agreement to other countries around the world in the standards/Supervision and economic relationship model set. 


They think,Us and European trade agreement will consolidate rule-based global trading system;They worry that,If other large economies start leading global trade,This system will be threatened.So the American and European trade agreement not only have potential economic significance,But also has the important geopolitical significance. 
