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On March 8,,The general administration of customs announced the first two months of this year's foreign trade data.Customs statistics show,In February,China import and export value of $263.49 billion,Excluding currency factors,Growth of 1%.$139.37 billion of exports,Growth of 21.8%,Double-digit growth for three consecutive month;Imported us $124.12 billion,Dropped by 15.2%;The trade surplus of $15.25 billion,For the trade deficit of $31.98 billion over the same period last year.
Analysts say,External demand on February exports continue to recover gradually pulled steadily.International commodity prices superposition of a new round of passive appreciation of the renminbi,In February import growth hit a 13-month low,At the same time support the domestic economy's weak recovery pattern.
Minister of commerce Chen deming said at a news conference during the national two sessions,Cautiously optimistic about this year's foreign trade situation.Optimism is hope better in the last year's 6.2% growth,Prudence is because of the global economy remains uncertain and systemic risk.
Tend to be more optimistic
Since the beginning of the year,The monthly trade figures released by the general administration of customs have changed format.after,Has been reported as well as the growth of data quantity and price,And since January this year,Increased export managers index/New export orders index/Confidence and export enterprise comprehensive cost index can reflect the quality of foreign trade and the factor of the structure.
There are 17 working days in February this year,And in the same period last year has 21 working days.Was adjusted by seasonal adjustment method,February month rose 13.5% from a total cost of the import and export,Export growth of 20.6%,Imports rose 6.5%.
The general administration of customs announced at the same time,In February,China's export managers index was 38.2,A rebound in January 0.7,For a third consecutive month-on-month increase.
Large and medium-sized enterprises export managers index bounced.In February,big/In the/Small enterprises to export managers index is 41.8, respectively/40.2/35.2,Upgrade 1.1 last month, respectively/Dropped 1.8 and 0.2.
Export managers index for pick up,Shows that China's foreign trade export tendency is tend to be more optimistic.
New export orders index is 40.6/Export the confidence index of 44.1/Export enterprises comprehensive cost index is 19.1,A rebound in January 0.1 respectively/1.2/1.2.
Reflect the comprehensive cost year-on-year increase of export companies to below seventy percent.According to the survey,69% of the enterprise reflect the comprehensive cost year-on-year increase exports,More fell 1.5% last month;25.1% of the comprehensive cost of the enterprises to export flat year-on-year,5.9% of the comprehensive cost of the enterprise exports fell.
Remain cautious
The CPPCC national committee/Foreign ministry of economic affairs under the state council development research center, the former minister Zhang Xiaoji to international business newspaper reporters,The index can reflect the quality of foreign trade.These index improved,Show that foreign trade last year in this year"Too bad to bad again"On the basis of fine-tuning/To turn around.however,Partial pessimistic judgment components still from Europe,The European debt crisis triggered by the economic and political volatility/The potential risk of union marches are unpredictable,And Italy's unknown situation,Like the bomb was buried.
The National People's Congress/Jiangmen Jin Ling group chairman of the board of directors of the company Pan Haoxuan also confirms the above judgment.
He international business newspaper reporters,Accounting for 60% of total sales,January year-on-year increase about 11%,February about flat compared with last year.
He said,Europe is one of the overseas market,The current market is stable."In the whole European economy,Situation is not very good.But the home appliances is the necessaries of life in Europe,So the rigid demand still exists,And European household spending costs accounted for the proportion of income is not high,So each year the requirements will not be affected by the economy too much."Pan Haoxuan said,A washing machine is sold or the euro,Generally working-class income in 2000 ~ 2000 euros.
He said,European market already through expansionary requirements phase,Basic it is upgrading consumption,So sales is stable.
In the Middle East and southeast Asia market is growing fast."The Middle East is not affected by the financial tsunami,Purchasing power is very strong,Market growth is better,This is also our main increment."Pan Haoxuan said.
Customs statistics show that,In bilateral trade with major trading partners,China and the United States/The association of southeast Asian nations (asean) fared well.The first two months,China and the eu bilateral trade grew by 3.2%/And Japan fell by 8.2%,At the same time,With the United States/Asean bilateral trade grew by 14.8% and 14.8% respectively.In addition,Bilateral trade grew by 58.7% in China for Hong Kong.
Export side,Growth in Chinese exports to Russia and South Africa were 31.6% and 61.4% respectively,Compared with the overall export growth is eight and 37.8% respectively.
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