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In exports for two months in a row harvest more than 20% compared to the high growth,1-2 months this year,Accumulated trade surplus to $44.15 billion.Among them,February's trade surplus with the us $15.25 billion,From last year's $31.98 billion trade deficit obviously improved.Analysts expect,The expansion of trade surplus will bring to the RMB appreciation pressure in the future,But the year is unlikely to rise sharply.
Standard chartered's chief China economist Stephen green said yesterday,Due to export than import growth rate faster,Monthly trade surplus will appear more,This means that the pressure on the appreciation of the renminbi,Central Banks need to reverse the interbank liquidity also increased.
The latest report,Overall foreign trade data in February favorable market atmosphere,Should bring RMB spot rate and the offshore market further gains momentum,Without hurt Chinese exporters and growth,Now the yuan have a greater appreciation of space,The surplus expand the appreciation pressure from outside.
“一旦说我们的外贸表现还可以,特别是出口还可以,而美元走软的话,那我们会抓住机会做一个升值动作。大方向央行应该还是希望人民币稳中有升。” 招商银行总行金融市场部高级分析师刘东亮昨日在接受路透采访时也表示。
"Our foreign trade can also once said,Especially the export can also,While a weaker dollar,Then we'd take the opportunity to do an appreciation of the action.Big central Banks should still want the yuan has." China merchants bank, head office finance department, a senior analyst at LiuDongLiang yesterday also said in an interview with Reuters.
Just yesterday,Strong foreign trade data driven out in February,The yuan central parity and the spot exchange rate yesterday both at new highs of the past two months.Among them,On March 8,,The yuan central parity rate against the dollar at 6.2719 yuan,The previous trading day to rise 66 basis points.
but,Most analysts,However, as the domestic economic recovery situation is further established,Import growth is expected to catch up with and even late more than exports,Full-year surplus will fall from last year,At the same time as a share of GDP is smaller,Throughout the year a huge rise in the yuan does not have space.
Obvious is,The CPPCC national committee/Yi gang, deputy governor of the people's bank of China said earlier,Currently the RMB exchange rate is close to equilibrium."The exchange rate will be more balanced this year/elastic,And will be basic remain stable."
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