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France is one of the seven western inDUstrial countries,Is the world's weapons and weapon system is one of the main exporters,Economic and trade cooperation between France and China relations have been highly attention.But France export controls to a large extent restricted the china-france trade,Especially the development of high technology trade and cooperation.In July 2012,Chinese state councilor dai bingguo met in Beijing with the French The foreign minister Mr Fabius said in particular,Hope the French side to further ease restrictions on high-tech exports to China,To enhance the level of bilateral economic and trade cooperation create favorable conditions.This paper intends to explore French export control system,And on this basis,Forward to the cooperation method of high technology in prospect.
a/French profile of export control system
The French export controls have a long history,After the second world war of western developed countries/Limiting member countries exports to socialist countries of strategic materials and high technology"Output control commission"(Coordinating committee)Is set in France.At present,France has relatively perfect export control system.
(a)Legal basis
As an important member of the European Union,France in export controls on adherence to the European Union's The foreign economic and trade policy and the law.
The French military and weapons export control is the main legal basis[The eu code of conDUct on arms exports].The standard jointly sponsored by France and Britain,Adopted by the European council in 1998,Become an important part of eu common The foreign and security policy.[The eu code of conDUct on arms exports]Including eight principle content,Specify the special responsibility of arms export country.
((2))Management institutions
法国两用物项和技术出口管制属于生产振兴部(Ministère du Redressement productif)的职责,具体管理机构是两用物项管制办公室(Dual-Use Goods Control Office,法语缩写为SBDU)。该办公室主要负责两用物项出口许可证审批和指导。它拥有一支专家库,包含来自工业经济部、国防部、海关、原子能机构和外交部等多个不同政府部门的16位专家。法国还设有“两用物项部际委员会”。该委员会由外交部主持,当遇到最敏感的问题时,两用物项管制办公室将与“两用物项部际委员会”(Inter-Agency Committee on Dual-Use Items,法语缩写为CIBDU)共同沟通处理。
The French ZhenXingBu DUal-use items and technologies export control belong to proDUction(Ministere DU Redressement proDUctif)The responsibility of the,Specific management institutions is DUal-use items control office(Dual - Use Goods The control office,French acronym SBDU).The office is mainly responsible The for DUal-use items and guidance The for examination and approval of export licence.It has an expert database,From inDUstrial ministry of economic affairs/Department of defense/The customs/Atomic energy agency (iaea) and the ministry of The foreign affairs, and other 16 experts of different government departments.France also has"Dual-use items inter-ministerial committee".The committee was chaired by the ministry of The foreign affairs,When the most sensitive problems,Dual-use items control office will work with"Dual-use items inter-ministerial committee"(Intel - Agency Committee on Dual - Use The items,French acronym CIBDU)Mutual communication process.
法国武器和军品出口管制的管理机构是“国防出口部际委员会”(Inter-Agency Commission for Military Exports Control,法语缩写为CIEEMG)。该委员会由外交部、国防部和武器装备总署、经济、金融和工业部等组成,专门负责审批武器的出口。委员会由国防部秘书长任主席,至少每个月举行一次会议,对提交的武器出口申请进行逐一审批。委员会有权根据国家利益,中止武器销售程序。部际委员会如若审批意见不一,将由总理进行裁决,特殊情况下需经由总统批准。
Weapons and military export France is control of the management mechanism"Defense inter-ministerial committee The for export"(Intel - Agency Appointed the The for He was Exports The control,French acronym CIEEMG).The committee by the ministry of The foreign affairs/The ministry of defense and weaponry administration/The economy/Finance and inDUstry, etc,Specifically responsible The for examination and approval of the export of weapons.Appointed the by the defense secretary The for chairman,Hold a meeting at least once a month,Arms exports to submit application The for examination and approval separately.Committee have the right to according to the national interest,Suspension arms sales program.Divided on the inter-ministerial committee if the examination and approval,Will be ruled by the prime minister,The President under special circumstances need to approve.
(three)Licensing system
The current,French export license of DUal-use items and technologies can be divided into indiviDUal license/National general permit/Global general permit license and the European Union 4 class.
Single license refers to a particular exporters,Involves an end user's permission.It is exporter engaged in export business,Especially sensitive items basic trade business license.National general license is according to the regulation of the European council resolution no. 2009/428,Issued by the competent department of France,And published in the official gazette.Permit is issued to a exporters around the world,Cover export to one or more countries or the end user of one or more of the DUal-use items.
French exports of weapons and military follow the principle of item by item The for approval.but,In view of the fact that France's position as the world's main arms supplier,The government to adopt a relatively"The green light"The practice of,The arms export only need to make sure can be approved in three main aspects about.The three main aspects including weapons buyer consultations with a The forecast/On arms sales contract/Will these arms exports to the approval of the receiving party.
(four)Law enThe forcement system
French attention to export controls law enThe forcement system,In the countries in the world depend on the export controls to ensure that the implementation of the customs in institutions,And specify the program of law enThe forcement and punishment in violation of the control actions.
The French customs through domestic and international in institutional guarantee the implementation of the export control.France is very pay attention to the checklist in the export control law enThe forcement.Under normal circumstances,France's diplomatic mission is to participate in the inspection and delivery inspection The for end user.France's The foreign/Customs and intelligence officers often maintain frequent contact with its The foreign counterparts,As a further means of exporters to ensure compliance.For some countries and regions,French other institutions will be involved in the verification and data collection process,Such as the DGSE and DPSD on behalf of the ministry of defence,And on behalf of customs DNRED capable of verification tests.
In export control violations,France had a clear penalty rules.According to the French[The customs law]Article 414.,Without permission of the export violations can be up to 3 to 5 years in prison,In addition to this,Pay equal to fraud items value, one to two times the fine,Such as make the penalty can be double in five years.
(five)International cooperation
France is more international non-proliferation treaty and mechanism of the founder members and members,And play an important role in it.In the process of international cooperation on non-proliferation export control,Always adhere to the independent position in France,Not attached to the other big powers.France had thought the NPT([The nuclear non-proliferation treaty])A treaty is a proDUct of the United States and the Soviet union,And its proliferation ideas,So had long refused to join the NPT.1997 was the plenary session,The United States and Britain is put The forward in the list of existing military add missile-related items about transport helicopters and air tankers,While in France and Russia rejected the proposal.
(2)/In France the vicissitude of export control on China
French arms and sensitive technology exports to China there is no specific policy,Export control towards China has been in"batumi"And later the"Tile at arrangement"Under the framework,And is closely related to America's China policy.
In 1949,,France joined the"Coordinating committee",To socialism and some nationalist countries to limit exports strategic materials and high technology.In 1972 the United States is relatively relaxed export control on China,France and other western countries also graDUally eased export controls to China.In the 1980 s,Method in arms sales cooperation beginning.China imported from France, a batch of advanced military technology,Including the helicopter/The engine/Ship to air missile technology/Fire control system and the reconnaissance satellite, etc.In 1989,,French follow western countries implement total arms embargo on China.With the development of eu relations with China,China-france relations in[Long-term policy of eu-china relations]/[The eu strategy on China]and[A comprehensive partnership with China]Significant progress has been made in three file within the framework.Began in 2003,French firmly supported lifting the arms sales embargo.In July 2003,French defense minister to visit China,Said the two countries agreed to cooperate in military field especially in aircraft manufacturing;And push the eu to reconsider the arms embargo against China.In November 2010,President hu jintao DUring hu,French support The for solve the problem of the eu arms sales embargo is emphasized,The method to carry out a series of cooperation in the field of nuclear energy,And continue to deepen bilateral long-term and fruitful cooperation in aviation inDUstry.
three/Method in high-tech cooperation prospects
France is the world's fourth economic power/Science and technology power and inDUstrial power,energy/The telecommunications/aviation/The space/car/High speed train/The subway/Military inDUstry/oil/Chemical inDUstry, etc. Many proDUcts have an advantage in the world,Can satisfy the demand The for high technology proDUcts in China,Is China's important trade partner.but,Blocks of high technology trade in the European Union,Serious damage to the china-france trade and economic cooperation.As the world economy/Political landscape changes,Break through the bottleneck of export control,Promote the communication of china-france trade cooperation,Will become the main trend of development.
(a)In the short term can't completely let go,But space to relax export controls
Export control has been the western developed countries to safeguard national security/Tools in the emerging world.Although the French and the European Union showed to relax export controls to China,But in fact,In the current global political and economic situation,French or European Union completely let go of export control possibility is very small.
First of all,For reasons of national security,It is hard to let go of military proDUcts/Technology and the items can be used The for military purposes/Technology export controls."The 911 event"after,Terrorism has become increasingly frequent,Terrorists to obtain weapons of mass destruction as growing threat to international peace and security.Europe is generally accepted that,"The most fear is the terrorists obtaining WMD(Weapons of mass destruction)",So the spread of WMD's"The biggest security threat to our potential".French The foreign minister has repeatedly stressed that terrorism, the harm to French.In this case,Export control can effectively control the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction,Positive effect on France's national security.
The second,Potential Chinese threat theory also has affected the high technological cooperation with China deregulation.As China's economic rise,The eu had to admit that China is the world's largest emerging economies,And more and more importance to relations with China.but,Due to reasons such as ideology,Europe still fully alert to China,And through the RMB exchange rate and other ways to contain China.Under the background of this,Eu or France also need through the export control against China's military development,Can't completely let go of export control.
Once again,,The eu must also constantly under pressure from the United States.Us continuously expand their own influence in all kinds of non-proliferation mechanism,Through the export control system will be the national interests and will spread to all over the world.Although France and Europe can stick to relatively independent position,But still largely restricted by the United States.
but,With the outbreak of the economic crisis and China's peaceful rise,Global politics/Economic landscape is changing,Export controls have been around The for relaxing space.
((2))Sino-french joint efThe forts to find new technical cooperation
Sino-french economy have very strong complementary to each other,And have a good cooperation basis,Both sides have good intentions of economic and trade cooperation,In the current under the condition of export control still exists,Can pass new areas/New technology cooperation,Work together to find new growth point of cooperation.
The current,The new energy/The new material/InThe formation network/Biological medicine/Energy conservation and environmental protection/Low carbon technology/Green economy has become the focus of a new round of inDUstry development.China and France can set his sights on strategic emerging inDUstries,France, The for instance, to develop clean energy such as solar energy as the focus of economic policy,China can make use of its advantage in this respect,Through the development of clean energy cooperation,Add new momentum to sino-french high-tech cooperation.
In the mode of cooperation,In addition to the import and export trade,Can use a more project cooperation,The china-france trade and economic cooperation to a new heights.Sino-french cooperation can have a big project The for a long time/The characteristics of high technical content.Both sides in the nuclear power development in the law/High speed railway/Many high technology fields such as aerospace, already has a successful cooperation.In 2007,,When the then French President sarkozy's visit to China,French state-owned nuclear reactor manufacturing company areva(AREVA)And China signed the order The for 8 billion euros,To sell China's third generation nuclear reactor,The project is currently in the construction of guangdong province of China.In 2009,,Sino-french joint development of Z15 helicopter first flight successfully in France.Through this kind of big projects cooperation,Method of resources is implemented between the two countries/technology/Personnel and so on various aspects of communication,Truly realized the win-win situation.
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