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进口铁矿石库存创三年新低 澳矿再遭操控质疑--亲稳网络舆情监测室
According to the"I steel mesh"Iron ore port stocks statistics show,As of March 8, 2013,The national 30 main port iron ore inventory volume of 66.54 million tons,A week earlier dropped by 2.98 million tons.
With the same period last year(On March 9, 2012)Compared to the,The total inventory reduction of 32.18 million tons,Year-on-year expand again.Since February and into,Iron ore port stocks remained under 70 million tons.
Treasure island YuanShan to iron ore analyst[The daily economic news]reporters,After falling last week,Port total inventory level has dropped to the lowest level since mid-january 2010.
Inventory for the cause of the decline,Zhuo and iron ore information analysts think ms zhang:"The three mines(BHP billiton LTD./Rio tinto/vale)In the control of imported ore shipments,Shipments are relatively less,To the port number is less."
Last week,,Brazil and India ore to the port rose slightly,And iron ore from Australia is greatly reduced before a week, 2.63 million tons.
[The daily economic news]Reporters noticed that,In the three major mining companies,BHP billiton LTD./Rio tinto, the main producing area are concentrated in Australia,While Australia's port sent to the Chinese iron ore accounted for about 80% of its total volume.
Just last week,National development and reform commission (NDRC) said,The three mines and some traders is late delivery/Rised to control shipments and phenomenon,In the market caused a temporary supply of iron ore.
"Iron ore prices rose nearly 80% last year just within half a year,Prices far beyond normal market self-regulation,Human factors are obvious."Cic advisory metallurgical industry researcher said Wei Qining analysis,"In light of the circumstance is the import iron ore inventories decreased,Price manipulation is possible."
It is worth noting,Also in last week,Rio tinto in Australia on March 4, time estimates,The next 18 months the international iron ore prices will fall by more than 50%.A source says,Rio tinto iron ore inventory tight at present,So may I make short message to bring down the price,Thus to the library.
"Often high forecast iron ore prices rose or fell,Is the normal of foreign iron ore giant price fixing‘trick’,So do not rule out is its‘As a bureau’In the speech."YuanShan said.
I steel net week of iron ore, a researcher at vision said,The price of iron ore it presents weak down trend as a whole,The level of prices remain at $145 / ton,Short-term appear sharply lower possibility is not big.
The general administration of customs showed latest statistics,China's iron ore imports in February of 56.42 million tons,Fell 13.17% year on year,From January to reduce 9.12 million tons,The import prices of $130.5 / ton in February,A 8.46% month-on-month rise in January.
In the last week,China's iron ore spot trading market is active,And since 2013 clinch a deal the best performance in a single week,This seems to confirm the above analysis.
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