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今年以来,Shandong Wen Dengshi business bureau to give full play to the leading role of the opening to the outside world,Adhere to the innovative work ideas,Change the way China merchants,Increase of foreign relations,Improve service measures,In the对外经贸合作方面不断实现新突破.1-3 months,Do the foreign trade import and export of us $272.88 million,Up 10.2% from a year earlier.Among them全市前三十名骨干企业进出口总额为19548万美元,Up 27% from a year earlier,Accounting for 71.6% of the share.
面对日趋严峻的外贸形势,City business bureau stepped up efforts,Take training to guide/Policy support/Export incentives/Effective means such as fair allowance,To promote the healthy development of foreign trade import and export work.Targeted to recommend to the enterprise of high visibility/The professional exhibition with good effect,Good for enterprises to carry out the province/Booth fee waiver policy support,Decrease the cost of enterprise marketing.Organized power tools/Mr Wen motor and so on 15 enterprises to attend the 113th Canton fair/Home textile food expo in Shanghai and Hong Kong,Vigorously develop the international market.Also more than 60 enterprises to participate in the organization"Take advantage of Hong Kong,Expand global business opportunities"Large training/Provincial department of commerce situation analysis and mechanical and electrical science and technology import and export of foreign trade and economic cooperation at the symposium,Strengthen the awareness of enterprise development.Guidance to the enterprises promote the management innovation,Through the"Internal tapping",With intensive/Optimization of the allocation of resources in return for a larger profit,Minimize raw materials rise in price/Rising labor costs on the impact of the enterprise.
At the same time,Focus on the foreign trade enterprise scheduling mechanism is established,Not into the enterprise to carry out the research on a regular basis,进行The business指导,Promoted the healthy development of the city's foreign trade.We have learned,In the first quarter,Focus on import and export enterprises was bigger.Among them森鹿制革进出口4049万美元,Up 194% from a year earlier;Letter and mechanical and electrical implementation into exports of $25.27 million,Up 29% from a year earlier;The large auto parts import and export of us $9.52 million,Up 137% from a year earlier.
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