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新一任世界贸易组织(The WTO)Director-general of the final round of selection on May 1 to May 7,Members will need to submit its support for a candidate.The end result will be announced on May 31.
根据第二轮遴选结果,New candidate from Brazil's ambassador to the The WTO director-general roberto ze d o much and former Mexican minister of commercial and industrial development of Amy, jean-claude blanc.
据巴西主流媒体[Economic value to]reports,On May 6, the European Union held a secret ballot,Brazil's candidate, o ze d to two more votes candidate blanc defeat to Mexico.This means that the eu will eventually as a whole will be 28 votes to blanco.Message is displayed,In the third round of the selection,European Union votes in largely determines the world trade organization (wto), the new total staff person.But it is worth noting,Its support for regional free-trade agreements position is conflict with the The WTO multilateral trading system.
布兰科的竞争对手阿泽维多在外交圈中优势明显,But also considered is shallow.Currently in Africa/Asia/Latin America and the Middle East's strong support,But if the lack of support from the United States and Europe the world's largest economy,Final results will is against Brazil.But critics still believe Brazil will win the victory, o ze d more.
[The Times of India]According to,For India,Their selection is relatively simple,They will support from Brazil jersey o d,Brazil has been India's trade partners.And it seems from India,The United States will not support blanco,It also makes the jersey d o much closer to The WTO director-general.
进行"The runoff"The two candidates from the developing countries,Before this,The brics summit's official statement said,The lobby,Strive to the next The WTO director-general from developing countries,This time also get their wish.Analysis showed that,The wto new owners went to developing countries,Reflects the change of the world economy has profound impact to the international organization of personnel.
启动于2001年的The WTO多哈回合谈判因发达经济体与主要新兴市场国家之间的分歧止步不前.The current stalemate has forced the wto members to regional and bilateral talks,About the The WTO negotiations"marginalized"To question.5 according to the AFP,Director-general of the wto in the future will face restore the agency as a global business rules make influence on them.(
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