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India's foreign minister Kurt sid from today's visit to China.The visit just a peaceful solution to the tie between China and India"Tent confrontation"After launch,high-profile.Analysts say,Kurt sid's visit will show both China and India build confidence/Seek to dragon dance as positive signals.
According to China's foreign ministry issued earlier,At the invitation of foreign minister wang yi,India's foreign minister Kurt sid on May 9 to 10 for an official visit to China.In China and India"Tent confrontation"Under the background of,This news caused concern.China and India in the joint efforts of both sides,This event will peacefully,Kurt sid foreign minister's first visit to China on schedule.
"In recent years,China-india relations overall development is good,Problems left over by history and put under control."The China institute of international studies, director of the various news agency reporter interview said,The occasional small problems on some of the border,Often can be solved through relevant mechanisms,the"Tent confrontation"Events again confirm.He thinks that,The incident is the joint efforts of both sides a good example of control problems left over by history.
"This created a good atmosphere for the meeting between China and India on a",Similar to various grasps,China foreign affairs university, director of the center for strategic and conflict management Su Hao news agency reporter interview further stated,On the one hand,This reflects on the boundary issue between China and India on some differences do exist,On the other hand,That both sides can completely solve this problem in a peaceful manner.
Kurt sid's visit is one of the important activities of the high-level exchanges between China and India this year,According to China's foreign ministry,During the visit,Chinese leaders will meet with Kurt sid,China will hold talks with foreign minister wang yi.Both sides will discuss bilateral relations and exchanged in-depth views on issues of mutual concern.
The media 8, according to the report,Chinese premier li keqiang or visit to India this month,If you go,It will be China's new prime minister's visit for the first time.Analysts say,Kurt sid's trip in addition to the above demands,Make confirmation of Mr Li's visit to India trip,One characteristic of should also be.
Various to support the claim,He said,Kurt sid's visit to China is normal working visit to China between China and India's foreign minister,The visit more background is preparing for li to visit India,To make the two countries high-level can communicate better,More results.
The media said,Boundary problem into a repository, sid was the focus topic of discussion with Chinese officials,Su Hao disagree,He pointed out that,"Tent confrontation"Incident has been resolved,Both sides have consensus and agreement.so,There is no need to talk about this more in the meeting.Even more important,China and India to promote the development of relations between the two countries have a positive attitude.
"The common interests of China and India,Can cooperation is very broad."It seems to Su Hao,India has a strong cooperation with China,Especially in the economic aspect.Various also think,Both sides in the economic cooperation has great potential.In addition,Global climate change/Energy security and so on should also be kool sid's visit seek cooperation areas.
Kurt sid in 8, said in a joint interview,The trip will work to promote the friendly cooperation between the two countries.He focused on the bilateral economic and trade cooperation.According to introducing,At present,China is India's largest trade partner,Bilateral trade volume in 2002 from $5 billion,Growth in 2011 to $75 billion,Expected this year could top 100 billion dollars.
Kurt said sid,I hope the two countries continue to strengthen cooperation in the field of investment,Hope to have more Chinese enterprises to invest in India,At the same time encourage more Indian companies to China's development.
In recent years,With the joint efforts of both sides,China-india relations maintain sound development,Deepening political mutual trust,Pragmatic cooperation in all areas has yielded fruitful results,In international and regional affairs in good coordination and cooperation.
“世界有足够空间供中印共同发展,也需要中印共同发展。” 中国国家主席习近平此前3月27日在德班会见印度总理辛格时曾作如上表述。对此,辛格也予以积极回应,他说,“印方愿同中方共同努力,向世界证明,印中是合作伙伴,不是竞争对手。”
"The world has enough space for the common development of China and India,Also need to common development of China and India." Chinese President xi jinping in durban after March 27, when he met with Indian prime minister manmohan singh as above stated.For this,Singh also give positive response,He said,"The Indian side is willing to work with China,To prove to the world,Is one of the partner,Not rival."
Various said,China attaches great importance to bilateral relations with India,Especially since the new the new leadership,In its all-directional diplomacy vision,India into China's peripheral diplomacy in a more and more important part.Su Hao think,China should promote more dialogue with India/Coordination and cooperation,Expand foreign western space.
Such as Kurt said sid 8,Analysis also think,Friendly cooperation between the two countries should not only stay on the bilateral level,In some of the major issues of the international community,Such as China and India and Russia the brics countries should carry out more effective cooperation.
China and India with a large population,As the important emerging market countries and developing countries,Are all important members of the brics,Countries are high speed and very promising development............Count of the two countries have in common,Various think,As long as the two sides can maintain their development tendency,Problems left over by history again at the same time to control,The relations between the two countries development prospect is very broad,Especially in the economic and trade cooperation,Development potential is very big.
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