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种种迹象显示,Regulators are on distortion of trade data"Squeeze water".
两位消息人士先后向本报记者证实,On April 27th,Shenzhen trade data appear sharply,This will pull the trade growth in guangdong and even the whole country will fall.
4月17日,This newspaper reported the quarter after the abnormal growth of foreign trade in guangdong,In charge of foreign trade of guangdong province's deputy governor for jade fang is urgent research to shenzhen.Source refers to,Recently the state council in charge of foreign trade of the top also said pay highly attention to trade data on the internal meeting distortion.
商务部人士5月8日告诉记者,Quarter of abnormal growth of foreign trade has attracted regulatory attention,Special investigation has been carried out,"We measure the,If remove abnormal factors,Import and export growth in China in the first quarter and April 1 - only 8.6% and 9.2%."
而根据海关总署5月8日公布的数字,Import and export growth in China in the first quarter and April 1-13.4% and 14%, respectively.
显然,"Squeeze water"Temporarily unable to in April, the effect of trade is reflected in the data.The ministry of commerce said,Internal trade figures for may are expected to relative truth.
消息人士透露,Shenzhen began on April 27, shrinking data related to the policy on foreign trade,Mid to late April,国家外汇管理局and银line监管部门已经对广东省内银line进line窗口指导and风险提示,"Such as gold, the processing trade of pledge financing in mid-april province of usance l/c has been halted".
中国国家外汇管理局深圳分局4月中下旬展开了贸易信贷调查,银line也都接获通知要对保税区货物贸易的单据严格审核,To prevent hot money through"The goods idle"Cross-border arbitrage.
深圳市经信委官员5月7日告诉记者,In addition to safe to strengthen monitoring,Strength of shenzhen customs inspection of goods has also increased,深圳市经信委也对福田保税区等海关特殊监管区内的企业进line监测and整顿.
5月5日,Safe post comprehensive positions lower limit for tighter financial institutions of foreign exchange,Explain within 10 days also demanded that foreign trade enterprises import and export goods and the trade balance amount does not match.
深圳福田保税区内一家专业提供"The goods idle"and"One-day tour of Hong Kong and Macao"Supply chain of the company on May 8, told reporters,"The goods idle"Recently has been difficult to operate,but"One-day tour of Hong Kong and Macao"There is space,In the first quarter this year,The company had to assist a customer with a batch of rubber raw materials entry-exit operation 41 times back and forth.
前述深圳经信委官员提醒,The current regulatory measures are simply plugging,Present a series of measures may crowd out trade for water,Do not rule out entry technique will soon have a new capital.
他解释,"The goods idle"/"One-day tour of Hong Kong and Macao"And the use of usance l/c pledge financing, such as arbitrage technique not only exists in shenzhen,In fact,,Jiangsu and zhejiang provinces, such as trade big province also have such trouble,But shenzhen adjacent to Hong Kong,Convenient port environment makes trade abnormal problem is more outstanding
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