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北京时间5月14日消息,据国外媒体报道,一名欧盟官员称,欧盟贸易专员卡瑞·德古特(Karel de Gucht)本周将要求欧盟委员会高级官员支持开始对中国网络设备厂商华为和中兴的不公平贸易行为展开调查。欧洲网络设备厂商担心欧盟的调查会威胁到它们在中国的业务。
Beijing time on May 14,According to foreign media reports,An eu official said,European Union traDE commissioner karel DE gucht,(Karel DE Gucht)Senior officials will ask the European commission this week support to network equipment maker huawei and zte China's unfair traDE practices.European network equipment manufacturers worry that the eu will threaten their business in China.
The big three European telecoms equipment vendor - Ericsson/Alcatel-lucent and nokia Siemens networks,Hope to win the China telecom(weibo)The company's huge orDErs.They worry about,The European Union began to zte/Huawei investigation DEcision may lead to retaliation China telecom company,Make huawei/The vast majority of business zte for China telecom operators.
爱立信政府和业界关系部门负责人乌尔夫·佩森(Ulf Pehrsson)说,该公司反对欧盟对中兴、华为展开调查,“我们不看好这类单边措施。爱立信支持达成适用于所有公司的全球性规则”。
Ericsson, head of the DEpartment of government and industry relations, payson Wolfe(Ulf Pehrsson)said,The company against the eu for zte/Huawei to investigate,"We don't like this kind of unilateral measures.Ericsson support a global rule applies to all company".
A person familiar with the matter said,"European companies worry about,China's state-owned enterprises will reduce to the European orDEr."
The eu official said,DE gucht will meeting on Wednesday asked the European commission other official support to huawei/Zte's investigation.Officials from the European Union in which company will pay close attention to secure orDErs from China telecom operators.DE gucht has not yet DEciDEd whether to huawei/Zte's investigation.
Eu officials believe,Zte and huawei, with huge subsidies from the government, such as low-interest loans,Market its products at unfairly low prices,Occupied a consiDErable part of the European market.In the past five years,China's exports to the eu the surge in mobile network base station,While prices plunged.Brussels and Beijing has conducted several rounds of negotiations,But failed to reach agreement.
Huawei said,The company didn't received illegal subsidies,Denied by the Chinese government control,Is the credit agreement with China DEvelopment bank"Common business practices,In compliance with international conventions and relevant laws and regulations".
China telecom operators will be investing heavily in high-speed wireless network construction.This year China mobile(weibo)Will be in the DEployment of a new generation of wireless networks invest nearly $7 billion,China unicom (Hong Kong) LTD(weibo)And China telecom will also invest billions of dollars.
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