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[The European Union to China"Photovoltaic (pv) double inverse"Largest trade war between into central Europe]The eu on Chinese solar panels"Double inverse"Preliminary results in near,European photovoltaic products will impose higher tariffs on China's talk.British Reuters reported on May 15,The eu will be posted on China pv enterprises recently"Double inverse"Investigation found,And is expected to be crushed so many companies in China"The final straw",Since the second half of China's pv industry tide or will spring up a wide range of integration.
According to Reuters,If the eu imposed punitive tariffs,Quite a lot of photovoltaic enterprises in China will have to exit from Europe, the world's main pv market.After the two big markets in Europe and the us have blocked,Chinese companies will be moved to the domestic home market and Africa and other developing countries,But this is enough to digest domestic photovoltaic enterprise huge capacity.Can foresee,The future for a period of time,Photovoltaic enterprises shut down production capacity or integration may become the norm.
The personage inside course of study points out,Double the survey of China's photovoltaic products in the European Union,Will be the biggest a trade war between central Europe.but,Many Chinese pv companies and industry experts are still looking forward to the eu's preliminary can bring some surprises in early June.On the double an investigation,As many pv enterprises in China"Kill one thousand,Since the eight hundred loss"Act of,Because this will obviously improve the European pv market of installed cost.
According to reports,China photovoltaic industry for six consecutive quarterly loss,Part of the rapid expansion of corporate default or bankruptcy.Its holding group President feng radio said,The potential of the Chinese market is huge,The key is how to quickly start the domestic market,Make the domestic capacity to match the demand.Industry consultancy iSupply Gu Limin industry analyst estimates,In the second half and next year,There will be more and more domestic photovoltaic industry enterprises to exit.Only to accelerate the integration,Lose some excess capacity,Mainstream companies profit to recover.
另据报道,欧洲太阳能行业一些企业此前已对此表示强烈反对。许多在屋顶安装太阳能电池板的小公司和光伏电池主要原料多晶硅的关键供应商Wacker Chemical警告称,提高关税的做法将对该行业造成损害,并让欧洲丧失的就业岗位多于其保住的就业岗位。
According to reports,The European solar industry some companies had already expressed strong opposition.Many small company in the roof installing solar panels and photovoltaic battery Wacker main raw material of polysilicon key suppliers Chemical warned,To raise tariffs would damage to the industry,And let the lost jobs in Europe more than the keep jobs.
比利时Cleantec Trade首席执行官乌特 凡米尔什(Wouter Vermeersch)表示:“如果价格因为惩罚性关税而被人为抬高,那么欧洲太阳能市场将陷入停滞,这将对‘绿色就业’产生灾难性影响。”
Belgium Cleantec Utes, chief executive of the Trade What every mill(Wouter Vermeersch)said:"If the prices are artificially high because of the punitive tariffs,European solar market will be stalled,This will be to‘Green jobs’A catastrophic impact."
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