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  ■主持人 文 风

S host the wind


 贵阳楼市新政触及限购红线或被叫停 Guiyang property market purchasing New Deal touch the red line or have been stopped


Toyota denied stop exports lexus says just adjust demand in huawei xingfa statement refute beauty report says"threatened"Is illuminating the


According to[Economic reference to]reports,On the eve of National Day,Guiyang city announced the[On speeding up the shanty town village inside city transformation and the indemnificatory comfortable housing project project construction measures].The provision:"And in guiyang to buy commercial/Office occupancy and housing purchases for the first time,According to the I intend to can the building droit card or the record of the contract that buy a house in the regional deals with a formalities or residence permit,Enjoy the household register population employment/Entrance and medical treatment on an equal footing,Do not suffer check-in time and the limitation of the area".


This is the state council money market DuZhaZu back after Beijing,The first clear outgoing mail about the housing policy fine-tuning city.The policy of the household register fuzzy concept,Touch is restricted"Red line",And may cause demonstration effect.In the policy sensitive period,This policy was interpreted as"Is restricted to relax"Very likely have been stopped.


丰田否认停止对华出口雷克萨斯称只是调整需求 Toyota denied stop exports lexus says only needs adjustment

  据新民网报道 有媒体报道称,丰田计划今年10月消减生产计划,产量降至3.5万辆。并且宣布停止向中国出口雷克萨斯品牌豪华车。丰田中国相关人士日前表示,停止出口雷克萨斯至中国市场的消息并不属实,现在的情况下,会根据中国市场的需求进行调整,但不会停止出口。

According to the xinmin network reported that media reports say,Toyota is planning to October this year to reduce production plan,Output fell to 35000 vehicles.And he announced that stop the export to China lexus brand luxury car.Toyota China relevant personage has said,Stop export lexus to China market news is not true,This situation,According to the demand of the Chinese market to adjust,But will not stop export.


According to understand money,In September this year,Toyota sales in China less than half at the beginning,The Japanese government"Purchase island farce"To the day system brand big blow,And adjust the production plan has been urgent.


华为中兴发声明驳斥美报告称“威胁说”属空穴来风 In huawei xingfa statement refute beauty report says"threatened"Is illuminating the


According to[Xinhua daily]reports,Well-known Chinese telecommunications equipment supplier huawei and zte(000063,guba)8 have issued a statement,In the United States house of representatives intelligence committee issued the day on the two companies to the United States"Bring security threats"That report to refute.Two telecom enterprise are said,The U.S. side of the report and the fact completely false,And baseless,There is no according to.


The United States money on the house intelligence committee report full of hearsay,And do not provide clear message that committee worries is reasonable.The report of the essence and purpose is to block Chinese companies to enter the American market/Hinder competition.

  北京市工商局:“十一”期间电器商品投诉超三成 The Beijing bureau of industry and commerce:"eleven"Electric goods during complaints over thirty percent


According to[Jinghua times]reports,"eleven"The ministry of commerce in Beijing during a total of 485 pieces of the complaints,According to the electrical goods of complaints to more than thirty percent of the total TouSuLiang,Commodity quality/After-sales service/Delay delivery and fails to perform the commitment to become a major problem.


According to introducing,During the festival,Household appliances/Daily provisions is still the focus of complaints,Tourism product complaints happen occasionally.City industrial and commercial bureau 12315/City disappear assist 96315 two hotline coexistence accepts consumer complaints 485 pieces,Accept the report 172 pieces.In addition,The whole city disappear assist system received a total of 151 pieces of consumer complaints(Do not include the 96315 data).


Money cannot gainful businessman.During the festival dramatically businessman promotion,Household electrical appliances is still hot spot of consumption,This is a good thing.but,Due to the problems such as honesty,Good become bad.The complaint problem cause for the quality of the goods/After-sales service/Delay delivery and fails to perform the promise, etc.


 美国将对我国光伏业反倾销终裁 The United States will to our pv industry final anti-dumping

  据《南方日报》报道, 10月10日,美国商务部将对是否对多数中国太阳能面板课征不低于30%的关税作出终裁决定。

According to[Southern daily]reports, On October 10,,The us department of commerce will to whether for most Chinese solar panel impact not less than 30% of the tariff final determinations.


If the final at the beginning of the continuation of the cutting of China solar energy enterprise product collection of not less than 30% of the punitive import tariffs,To a great extent for the United States international trade commission early November vote at the end of the pitch,That means China's solar panels will be forced to quit the American market.


According to the practice,United States international trade commission the past rarely rejected tax decision;Want to international trade commission to change a verdict,So at least 4 members last year change of votes cast.International trade commission six members in the United States last year that solar energy industry from Chinese imports substantial damage.


Money at present,China pv industry experience three surface flank.September this year,The European commission also to Chinese photovoltaic battery anti-dumping investigation.The above trade disputes to our country related industry exerted great influence,The final of the United States will make our pv industry faced again blow.
