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  [ “财政悬崖”之下,企业也对美国税收即将上调的预期升温,因此多数企业主正在下调对未来一段时期的盈利预期。在标普500指数的成份股中,已经有多家企业下调了对第四季度的盈利预期 ]

[ "Financial cliff"under,Enterprise also to American tax will rise expected warming,So most business owners are cut in the future a period of earnings expectations.In the s&p 500 index in the component,Have cut the number of enterprises in the fourth quarter earnings expectations]

  随着奥巴马赢得连任,美国市场的焦点已经从总统选举转向针对“财政悬崖”的谈判问题上,而在2012年最后的这一个月时间里, 越来越多的投资者将因此而感到寝食难安。

As Obama win re-election,The United States has been the focus of the market from the presidential election in turn"Financial cliff"Negotiations on the problem,In 2012 the last this month time, More and more investors will therefore losing and feel.


美元成焦点 Dollars into focus

  所谓“财政悬崖”,最初是由美联储主席本·伯南克(Ben Bernanke)使用,用以形容在2013年1月1日这一时间节点上,小布什政府的税收优惠减免政策以及奥巴马政府的2%薪资税减免和失业补偿措施延长等政策将同时到期,这将导致政府财政开支突然减少,民众税收大幅增加,从而令支出曲线上看上去犹如悬崖,故得名“财政悬崖”。

The so-called"Financial cliff",First is the federal reserve chairman Ben bernanke(Ben Bernanke)use,Used to describe in January 1, 2013 the time nodes,Little bush government's preferential tax relief policies and Obama government 2% salary tax credit and unemployment compensation measures such as extended policy will be due at the same time,This will lead to the government finance expenditure suddenly reduce,People a significant increase of tax revenue,To make the expenditure curve looks like a cliff,So the name"Financial cliff".


If the United States at the end of the year it failed to before"Financial cliff"Problem a new bill,So 600 billion dollars will be automatic 'income in order to start the project,The burden of equivalent to 4% of GDP.


Ubs global securities strategists Chris phila Ronnie said on Tuesday,"If the United States congress can not"Financial cliff"Reach a consensus,So the American economy into a recession possibility will be very high,And will be a sharp recession.frankly,This not only will impact the American economy,Will give the world economy bring disaster."


Even so,Whether the White House or congress,Basically all won't want to fall in the cliff,therefore,Basic market forecast,The congress of the United States at the end of the year will be before reluctantly agreed,Avoid most austerity measures.


Goldman sachs pointed out recently,Market participation people think congress were unable to reach an agreement before the end of the probability for a third,A recent survey of fund managers,The number of people that were unable to reach an agreement is only 17%.

  知名投资人沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)近日表示,财政悬崖即使到来,也不意味着世界末日降临,认为最终美国法律制定者将达成协议,但他并不确定该协议能否在年底前达成。

Well-known investor warren buffett(Warren Buffett)Recently said,Financial cliff even coming,Does not mean the end of the world coming,Think finally American law makers will reach an agreement,But he is not certain whether the agreement reached by the end of the year.


however,"cliff"Mountains and is not a day a stack,So imagine,Over the financial cliff of the ladder cannot build success overnight.Based on the United States congress two party's traditional,Less than fire the eyebrows possibility of reaching an agreement is extremely low.


therefore,The two parties reach an agreement before,Investors will have the problem in"anxiety"Top of the list,And dollars became the market parties the most the focus of attention.

  今年早些时候一直对美元指数持看多立场的外汇交易大佬约翰·泰勒(John Taylor)11月28日表示, 在过去的数个月中,货币市场一直在经历涨涨跌跌的拉锯战,而投资者的情绪状况也随之如同坐上了过山车一般。目前来看,如果此后美国朝野两党在“财政悬崖”问题上始终无法谈拢,并导致美国经济陷入衰退的话,那么美元将会走强,但反过来,如果财政悬崖得到消除,同时美联储又扩大了资产收购规模的话,那么美元就会走软。

Earlier this year the dollar index has a look at many position foreign exchange trading big brother John Taylor(John Taylor)November 28 said, In the past few months,Money market has been going through up and down the seesaw battle of fall,And investors mood status will be like sitting on the roller coaster general.So far,If then the United States in the court and the commonalty two parties"Financial cliff"Problems still cannot talk about approach,And led the American economy into a recession words,Then the dollar will go strong,But in turn,If the financial cliff to obtain the elimination,At the same time the fed and expand the scale of assets acquisitions words,So dollars will go soft.


Taylor points out that,At present difficult to against the us dollar in the market outlook trend direction to make clear judgment,But the market pattern is likely to change that by early next week.


The bank of China(601988,guba)Head office global marketing a analysts to the first financial daily[Money business]reporters,The recent dollar rebound slightly to investors"Financial cliff"The embodiment of the concerned about.According to historical experience,The financial cliff solution will be the last time the United States similar debt hit the ceiling,Therefore expected the dollar index in"Financial cliff"Before and after the trend will be and in 2011 the United States debt limit when negotiations of similar trend.In parliament before an agreement,The dollar will go strong,Once the agreement to,The dollar will go weak.


But the above analysts also pointed out,And the debt limit is the biggest different,The financial cliff problem if did not reach an agreement,Will impact on the real economy,And is expected to negative impact will continue until the first half of next year,This will continue to put pressure on the dollar.


But the market also has another kind of voice.Investment bank Morgan Stanley foreign exchange analysts think that,No matter"Financial cliff"The prospect of the crisis,Will push the dollar index uplink.


Credit suisse China chief economist TaoDong think,Relative for Europe,He believed the prospect of the us economy,So in his view,The dollar has entered a middle stage.


TaoDong said,After the financial cliff,The United States economic uncertainty than Japan/Europe and China are small,Dollar assets will become hedge paradise.And America's trade deficit has appeared decimated,In the future two or three year a large number of overseas funds flow to the United States,Buy American real estate.In these factors under the joint action,Dollars into a medium-term rise period.


The bank's foreign exchange analysts also pointed out,In the second half of next year after,Leading dollar factors may change,At that time the dollar pattern will be formed.


 资本市场受挫 Capital market setback


Although the market is expected to"Financial cliff"Question will eventually be resolved,But there are institutions to remind investors do not underestimate the problem to the market with continuous effects.


Australia national bank pointed out recently,Even avoid the financial cliff,So America's long-term fiscal problems still exist.


Buffett think,Even if"Financial cliff"The end result will be led to the American financial revenue to GDP ratio reached 18.5%,Spending accounts for 21%.This level is"sustainable"Debt of GDP than won't rise,But along with the economic growth to financial income gap to fill,Debt of GDP than may also decline.


recent,Financial market for any relevant"Financial cliff"The news anomaly sensitive.On Tuesday,The stock market for senate democratic leader harry Reid pessimistic declare and tome fell.On Wednesday,The United States President barack Obama and congressional house speaker borna relatively optimistic speech,Make us stocks reversed plate once 1% decline and accept high.On Thursday,Boehner says budget negotiations and did not get big progress of speech to the stock market or restricted.


Chris phila Ronnie prediction,The United States government is likely to improve tax rate,The economy will keep moderate growth,But in"Financial cliff"Problem clear before,The us stock market will remain sensitive,It is difficult to see a strong rise.


Local time, 28,,The federal reserve announced called"Beige book"National economic situation report said,Many American industries to financial cliff fears,The 12 regions has five regional manufacturing point of contact for prospects for 2013 expressed concern,Part of the reason is that financial cliff caused by the uncertainty.


Have analysts said,"Beige book"Reflect the enterprise to finance cliff panic is diffusion.


In addition,"Financial cliff"under,Enterprise also to American tax will rise expected warming,So most business owners are cut in the future a period of earnings expectations.


In the s&p 500 index in the component,Have cut the number of enterprises in the fourth quarter earnings expectations.

  Rosecliff Capital分析师麦克·墨菲(Mike Murphy)表示,企业正在利用一切机会减少障碍,所有的关注点都放在了财政悬崖上,若财政悬崖终究无法避免,则还是降低对未来的预期比较好。

Rosecliff Capital analyst Michael murphy(Mike Murphy)said,Enterprise are taking advantage of every opportunity to reduce the disorder,All of the focus on the financial cliff,If financial cliff eventually is unable to avoid,In the future, or reduce the expected better.


In addition,S&p dow Jones index senior index analysts Howard hill walter sepp blatter pointed out,"As for congress,"Financial cliff"Is a political question,But to corporations,Tax rate hike is need to consider top priority,This is related to the vital interests of the company."


As is known to all,Dividend tax in the former President bush term decline to 15%,Because barack Obama was elected again,Congress is likely to put the dividend tax increase.And if once fall into financial cliff words,So the dividend tax will continue to soar.


Deutsche bank has released a report,If both parties are"Financial cliff"Reach a compromise,So the dividend tax will be in below 30%,If the dividend tax beyond 30% word,Dividend yields higher industry is likely to further down.


The traditional sense,Public facilities/Telecom and consumer goods industry enterprise,Can from low dividend tax to huge benefits,But now they are also the most vulnerable to attack goal.


recently,Dear industry has impact.Statistics show,Since since the fourth quarter,Telecom shares have dropped 8%,Public utility stocks fall over 6%.Getty diagram
