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朱民:亚洲金融资产骤增正酝酿巨大风险 吕锦明/摄 LvJinMing/taken

  证券时报记者 吕锦明 徐欢

The securities times reporter LvJinMing XuHuan


The international monetary fund(IMF)Vice President ZhuMin appeared yesterday"2013 Asian financial BBS",In the speech, he lays emphasis on the world's current economic situation is change/Asian economies should be how to adapt to this change and other topics made their point of view.ZhuMin also in the speech said,China's financial system is overall health,But should be alert to systemic risk is accumulated.He pointed out that,China cannot leave the western financial crisis made.

  世界以“国家群”相互联系 The world"National group"Mutual contact


ZhuMin to GDP(GDP)Maps and data in the form of chart said,In the global economic integration process,The world economy has had the huge change.The current world economic relations between states and is not simple"one-on-one"relationship,But through a"National group"The concept of contact.


ZhuMin pointed out that,The world between countries is not a simple linear relationship,But a topological relationship diagram,It has become one of the global economic and financial activities of the main way of the organization.He thinks,The first"National group"Is Europe and the United States,And the connection between the two than ever more hasten is close;The second"National group"Is the Asian country group,Its characteristic is formed by supply chain vertical integration,China and other developing countries in one of them;The third"National group"For energy supplier,Such as Russia/Arab countries, etc,They are of the same energy policy,The relationship between each other also is changing.


He further points out,In this situation,Due to the European financial activities/A financial transaction amount,Therefore to the global financial system have great impact.ZhuMin also pointed out,Because of increasingly close contact between countries,So the external any changes for each country's economic policies have great influence.He especially pointed out that in China, for example,External shocks on the influence of China's GDP range can reach 30% ~ 60%.

  亚洲金融风险在酝酿 The Asian financial risk in brewing


ZhuMin said,In the past ten years of time,The whole of Asia's financial assets increased by 480%,While China's financial assets increased by 750%.He thinks,Although the Asian financial industry accounted for the proportion of the global financial industry is not very big,But the Asian financial asset growth speed is amazing,The back is undergoing huge risk.


He pointed out that,Due to the Asian financial market is mainly driven by the banking industry,So change rules and Europe and the United States and other countries a little different,The volatility of the Asian region and the world's average level higher than to 3 ~ 4 times.ZhuMin think,This suggests that the Asian urgently to be solved to ensure that all financial investment product safety problems,But also do investment risk, which can be effective supervision and control.


ZhuMin said,The global economy is another trend,Foreign direct investment(FDI)Influence is more and more obvious.Global economies in cross-border transactions/Cross-border cooperation coordination work seems particularly outstanding,All the above factors make cross-border cooperation is more important than any time.At the same time,Countries need from trade financing/The foreign direct investment/Currency swap system arrangement and so on system innovation,Enhance the elasticity of the market and risk resistance/Resistance ability to fall,In order to achieve their financial market risk for the purpose of effective control.

  不能走西方金融危机老路 Can't go western financial crisis made


ZhuMin also said,Although China's financial system is overall health,But needs to be aware of systemic risk is accumulated.He said,China's financial system reform must service entity economy development,For manufacturing/agricultural/services/China's aging population and external shocks service.ZhuMin think,The financial industry once from the real economy will be infinite expansion,Even mislead macroeconomic trends,China cannot leave the western financial crisis made.


ZhuMin pointed out that,The whole of Asia are forming a vertical industry supply chain,But not a vertical financial supply chain,Propose the development of the bond market financing help enterprise purchase of raw materials,So as to improve manufacturing productivity and technology content.


As for market concern"Shadow Banks"problems,ZhuMin said,IMF think that China's banking system overall health,But systemic risk is increasing.


ZhuMin says,China's financial reform task is very heavy,Financial innovation is still need to develop,"Shadow Banks"Difficult points stand or fall,Core problem is"money"Whether into the real economy.
