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环渤海动力煤指数再创新低 贸易商毁约--亲稳网络舆情监测室


This report cycle,That is, from July 11 to July 18,In the areas surrounding the heat 5500 calories market power coal comprehensive average price at RMB 641 / ton,The previous report cycle down 11 yuan/ton,Lost about 1.68%,Start to appear to decline significantly。

  与此同时,国内煤炭产量下降之 时,另一个数据为煤价跌幅收窄提供了很好的解释。6月份,我国煤炭进口总量2719万吨,同比增长58.5%,增幅远远小于前几个月份。

At the same time,Domestic coal output of decline when,Another data for coal prices fall narrow provides a good explanation。June,Our coal import 27.19 million tons,Year-on-year growth of 58.5%,Growth far less than in the previous few。


“Economic downside,Supply exceeds demand,Coal prices fall to,Drive the recent foreign trade, a coal obviously to slow down,At the same time,Domestic coal output growth is slowing,Prices fell by to the narrow。”The researchers explained to reporters。


Index not below 600 yuan/ton?


Coal prices、Coal prices、Coal prices are everywhere,Coal prices became a recent heat to the discussion of the industry。


July 18,,Is the latest issue of the bohai sea power coal price index the release date,In the index has not before release,Will have the researchers in the micro bo said,“Coal price index this afternoon to be released,Another man was so let time,This price index is continue to fall,Stabilising or reason?”


At the same time,Soon researchers response“Down is rut,Don't consider”。Perhaps no one period,The change of the coal prices so looking forward to it,And even make the anxious。


Sure enough,Yesterday around 3 PM,Sea coal nets release in the areas surrounding the heat 5500 calories market power coal price index,This report cycle(July 11, 2012 to July 18),The average price at RMB 641 / ton,The previous report cycle down 11 yuan/ton。The index has more than a week since the index for the record low since it was founded,This is no exception。


Continue to keep falling trend is false,however,There is an obvious drop the narrow,Before a few more than 20 yuan/ton of decline has become more than ten yuan,Fall from more than 3% of the period is more apparent decline。


Among them,Qinhuangdao heat 5500 calories/tons of market power coal mainstream clinch a deal the price at the 625-635 yuan/ton,Caofeidian harbor at 625-635 yuan/ton,International trust &investment at 625-635 jingtang harbor were yuan/ton,Jingtang harbor were at the 640-650 yuan/ton,Tianjin port(6.05,0.08,1.34%)At the 630-640 yuan/ton,At three 665-675 yuan/ton。


It is,Qinhuangdao's trading price interval before than a report cycle down 20 yuan/ton,Proprietary trading price of jingtang harbor were and tianjin port interval than the previous one report cycle down 15 yuan/ton,The port of the caofeidian trade the price range than the previous one report cycle down 5 yuan/ton。


See qinhuangdao 625-635 yuan/ton price,Distance 600 yuan/ton has quite close,Can't help letting person began to appear such idea,Coal prices will fell below 600 yuan/ton?this,An anonymous coal industry association sources told reporters,“Market prices won't drop to 600 yuan,Impossible to contract and coal prices flat。The price dropped to below 600 yuan,Direct approximation contract coal,The coal enterprise is not allowed,Most enterprise will reduce production the price”。

  “由于市场需求疲软,各环节煤炭库存普遍偏高,用煤企业采购积极性不高,未来一段时间内煤价或将进一步下滑。” 中商流通生产力促进中心行业分析师李廷认为,煤价继续走低,部分资源条件或区位条件不好的企业将率先因市场压力而限产。随着煤炭企业限产规模不断增加,煤炭市场将重新趋于平衡,之后煤价将整体进入震荡调整阶段。

“Since the market demand weak,The coal storage each link is higher,Use coal enterprise purchase enthusiasm is not high,The future within a period of time or will decline further coal prices。” The pioneer circulation productivity center industry analysts LiTing think,Coal prices will continue to lower,Part of the resources or location bad enterprise will take the lead in the market and XianChan because of pressure。Along with the coal enterprise XianChan scale increasing,The coal market will be back in equilibrium,Coal prices after the whole into shock adjustment stage。


Import prices fall back to narrow


Even though the economy is down,The market is still weak demand coal prices can't reason of stabilising the main reason,but,Supply exceeds demand,Domestic coal output don't reduce,Foreign coal imports growth improved obviously is also one of the reasons the prices down。Is this idea,And domestic coal imports this year in a substantial growth has the very big relations。however,Increase imports,The domestic market can digest the became a problem。


In recent months from domestic foreign coal market can be seen,In fall under the trend of prices,Although the domestic enterprise coal production and no apparent decline,but,Foreign import market by coal but bigger influence,Takes the lead in response。


The response from the general administration of customs evidenced in the data,Imported 139.85 million tons in the first half,Year-on-year growth of 65.9%。Among them,April 25.05 million tons of coal imports,Year-on-year growth of 90%,Annulus comparing growth of 17%;5 month for 26.17 million tons of coal imports,Year-on-year growth of 62%,Annulus comparing growth of 4.1%;June coal import 27.19 million tons,Year-on-year growth of 58.5%。


Although the monthly coal imports still remain high,But growth obviously decreased。


Have the researchers in the micro bo said,From June data can be seen,Import growth fell back continue coal,Reflect the foreign trade the price of coal, narrow condition,Foreign trade coal gradually slowed clinch a deal。The current domestic coal market is still under high inventory problems,Downstream purchasing intend to slump,Spot clinch a deal the light,Traders pessimism is rich。


recently,About coal import trade business losses、charged,Even the news was constantly,this,Reporters call Beijing long xing weiye trading company,The company Lord coal trade,Each other wiring sales staff told reporters,Than ever,Coal business is really don't。


According to the reporter mentioned import coal trade,Another company's sales staff told reporters,Although their own company didn't involve,But in the same companies have already started to reduce the coal imports,Most are still in the previous import is also signed contracts,New signing contracts with foreign purchase quantity is decreased obviously。Even if has a contract,In order to reduce loss amount,Many companies also will be charged in disguised form by various means,Especially in coastal areas Lord coal import business overseas coal traders to give priority to。


“The market is bad,The existing hand inventories are difficult to digest,Coal in his hand a day by more than a day of DuiCunFei and all kinds of other costs,Who can't easily to sign the contract,Especially small company。”He is said to reporters。


look,Reduce the coal imports also become in the coal trade dealers is an important way to reduce the losses。HuaCheng charge in the coal nets in micro bo said,“Coal import should form a reasonable amount,Shoulds not be too add a minus”。
