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  在中国南方城市东莞,嘉虹实业(Jia Hong)人潮拥挤的展厅里展示着多年来一直销售给西方零售商的一桶桶橡皮泥和彩泥,以及为中国市场研发的较新玩具,如今中国市场占到了该公司销售额的15%。 

In the southern city of dongguan,Fine rainbow industrial(jia Hong)Crowded hall display over the years has been sold to western retailer of barrels plasticine and color mud,And for the China market research and Development of a new toy,Now the Chinese market the company accounted for 15% of sales. 


however,The company did not expect that this year the main export market(The European/The United States and Russia)30% of the decline in demand.The latest data released last weekend underlines the slowdown in industrial activities across China,August manufacturing activity fell to 9 months lows. 


jia rainbow industrial general manager ZhongjianRong said:"Domestic and foreign markets are not good at the moment." 


"Due to the shortage of order,We have to reduce the overtime working,30% of workers so exit." 


Nearby a toy factory closed this year.Compared with,Last summer,ZhongjianRong had to hire an additional 30 college students a part-time job,In order to meet the needs of the order. 


The dongguan labor-intensive industry is to deal with the situation of western order to reduce,In the past two years China's double-digit salary inflation prompt western retailers will order transfer to southeast Asia and Bangladesh.The dongguan has a population of 8 million,Looking from a distance,Here like a piece of factory of forest. 

  欧美消费者需求疲弱促使零售商推迟下单,并将付款期限从60天延长到90天,这给东莞制造商构成了更大压力。香港玩具协会(Hong Kong Toys Council)主席、一家儿童产品和玩具公司董事丁炜章(Bernie Ting)表示:“这是形势复杂的一年,其程度类似于2008年。在正常的年份,会有一两个因素影响我们。今年则多达5到10个。” 

Europe and the United States consumer demand to the weak retailer delayed order,And the payment period from 60 days extended to 90 days,This gives the dongguan manufacturers of the bigger pressure.Hong Kong toy association(Hong Kong Toys council)chairman/A children's products and toys company directors DingHuiZhang(Bernie TING)said:"This is a complex situation,The degree of similar in 2008.In normal year,There will be a two factors affect us.This year it up to 5 to 10." 


Along with the clothing/Toys and footwear industry employment to southeast Asia,The dongguan highlights the highly industrialized China southern guangdong province faces a challenge.China national textiles import and export chamber of commerce said last week,The first seven months of this year,Clothing export reduced by 0.2%,At the same time last year to 24% growth.China last year clothing exports slightly less than us $250 billion,This may mark the industry has top contact. 


China national textiles import and export chamber of commerce estimate,In the first half of this year,Japan imports from southeast Asia clothing increased by 22%.In the production of wool sweater DaLang town dongguan suburbs,Manufacturers complained that,Hair profitability has since the 1990 s of 30% to 50%,Greatly dropped to 5% today to 8%.In the late last month inspection including the dongguan, south China city,Chinese premier wen jiabao has vowed to exporters to execute drawback. 

  广东宝丽雅(Forever Holdings)董事长叶中平(Chungping Ip)已目睹生产业务正从东莞转移到广东顺德和江西南康。该公司生产家用产品,并向东莞家具工厂供应木材。 

Guangdong, made(forever Holdings)The chairman YeZhongPing(Chungping IP)Already saw production business is from the dongguan transferred to guangdong shunde and jiangxi nankang.The company production of household products,And to the dongguan furniture factory supply wood. 


He predicted,The dongguan labor intensive sex industry will further KongXinHua,Because the city's most factories and hard-working entrepreneur by all,In the 1980 s in China began to foreign open,They came here from Hong Kong and Taiwan.YeZhongPing said:"They are easy to move a." 


Considerable charm guangdong provincial party committee secretary wang Yang,In China the upcoming of leadership in the standing committee of CCCPC political bureau is expected to become one of the candidates,he"Vacate basket change a bird"parables,Explained the high-tech and added value industry should how to replace labor-intensive factory. 

  香港贸易发展局(Hong Kong trade development council)经济学家Billy Wong表示,转型正在进行,他指出,香港公司把东莞作为物流管理和设计的中心。政府数据显示,今年头7个月,东莞经济增长7.4%。 

Hong Kong trade development council(Hong Kong trade Development council)Economists Billy Wong said,Transformation is,He pointed out that,Hong Kong company dongguan as the center of logistics management and design.Government data showed that,In the first seven months,The dongguan economy grew by 7.4%. 


The problem is,The dongguan and other cities can prove himself flexible enough,Shenzhen city become like that,Near Hong Kong in shenzhen,Have small city scale factory for apple(Apple)And Fuji xerox(Fuji - Xerox)Manufacturing products.Shenzhen or zte(zte)And huawei(Huawei)Science and technology of China, such as the company's headquarters is located. 


The dongguan financial and high-tech industrial Development zone looks like a lush potter gold(Potemkin)Type village,With nearby noise and dirty factory town form contrast. 


Guangdong academy of social sciences' DingLi said,Although the government can put forward the new policy,But the market have the final say. 


DingLi said:"As land and Labour costs and the bursting of the bubble,Enterprise oneself hope to change." 


He to the dongguan and other cities could face situation warned,In these cities did not establish the rule of law/Also does not have the international banking traditional cases,Is the pursuit of become a financial and high-tech center dream. 


DingLi said,They tried to develop a more complex manufacturing and services,But the results may"Dead loss".
