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The European Union to decide whether to start China pv product anti-dumping investigation,Tomorrow will be deadline.Once the program start,This will become China's calendar year involved the largest amount of a trade dispute.


Involving a value of $20.4 billion

  光伏产品, 即太阳能电池板相关产品, 是重要的新能源产品。7 月24 日,与中国企业竞争多年的SolarWorld 公司以中国光伏产品存在倾销为由,向欧盟发起反倾销申请。按欧盟规定,反倾销申请递交45 天内需作出是否立案决定, 亦即月6 日将是最后期限。

Photovoltaic products, Namely solar panels related products, Is an important new energy products.7 On 24 day,And China enterprise competition SolarWorld for many years Companies with Chinese photovoltaic products exist for dumping,To the eu anti-dumping application.According to the provisions of the eu,Anti-dumping application submitted 45 Day domestic demand make a decision whether to put on record, On 6 that Day will be the last term.

  对SolarWorld 公司,中国业界十分熟悉。此前中国光伏产品在美国市场遭遇“双反”(反倾销、反补贴)调查,就是这家公司参与发起的。今年3 月和5 月,美国商务部已先后公布了对中国光伏产品的反补贴和反倾销初裁结果,反补贴税率为2.9%至4.73%,反倾销税税率为31.14%至249.96%,终裁结果将在10 月初宣布。按照初裁结果,如此高的税率相当于关闭了中国光伏产品进入美国市场的大门。

To SolarWorld The company,China's industry is very familiar with.After China pv products in the U.S. market experience"Double reverse"(anti-dumping/countervailing)survey,Is the company launched to participate in.March this year Months and 5 month,The us department of commerce have been released on China pv product anti-subsidy and anti-dumping initial cutting results,Countervailing rate is 2.9% to 4.73%,Anti-dumping tax rate is 31.14% to 249.96%,The final result will be in 10 Announced earlier this month.According to the initial cutting results,Such a high rate equivalent to shut down the Chinese photovoltaic products to enter the market of the gate.

  欧盟是中国光伏产品最大的出口市场,数据显示,2011 年中国光伏产品出口到欧盟金额约为204 亿美元,其份额已达中国光伏企业出口的57%。一旦上述反倾销立案调查启动,将成为我国历年涉案金额最大的一宗贸易争端。如果欧盟决定立案调查,预计最迟将在明年12 月左右作出终裁。

The European Union is China's largest photovoltaic products export market,Data display,2011 Years China pv products exports to the European Union amount is about 204 $,Its share has amounted to 57% of China pv enterprises to export.Once the anti-dumping investigation start,Will become China's calendar year involved the largest amount of a trade dispute.If the decision to initiate an investigation,The latest is expected next year 12 Month to make the final.

  对此,中国政府十分关注。8 月30 日,国务院总理温家宝和来访的德国总理默克尔在第二轮中德政府磋商中,就反对贸易保护主义,通过对话协商解决包括光伏产业在内的贸易摩擦, 避免采取反倾销、反补贴等措施达成一致。默克尔在会见记者时表示,希望欧盟委员会、有关企业与中方一起尝试通过沟通交流来排除和解决问题,不要启动反倾销程序。

this,The Chinese government has attention.8 Month 30 day,The state council premier wen jiabao and visiting German chancellor Angela merkel in the second round in sino-german consultations,Is against trade protectionism,Through the dialogue and consultation solve include photovoltaic industry, the trade friction, Avoid take anti-dumping/Countervailing measures such as agreed.Ms merkel said in a meeting with reporters,Hope that the European commission/Relevant enterprises and Chinese to try together through the communication to eliminate and solve problems,Don't start anti-dumping procedures.


The European Union will be censored"To drop it on their own feet"

  对欧盟相关企业提出的反倾销指控,中国业界认为极不合理。国家商务部进出口公平贸易局负责人分析指出, 光伏电池的原材料价格下降和中国产业技术进步是中国光伏电池具有价格竞争力的主要原因,并非欧盟某些企业声称的倾销行为。作为生产光伏电池的主要原材料, 多晶硅的进口价格近年来不断下降,由2008 年最高的近300 美元/公斤降至目前不到30 美元/公斤,促使光伏电池价格不断降低。与此同时, 中国光伏产业近年来注重技术进步,进一步降低了生产成本。因此,认为中国光伏电池产品存在倾销是没有依据的。

For the eu anti-dumping charges related enterprise put forward,China industry think very reasonable.The ministry of commerce in the import and export fair trade pointed out, Photovoltaic battery raw material prices decline and China industrial technology progress is Chinese photovoltaic battery is the main reason for the price competitiveness,The European Union is not some enterprise alleged dumping behavior.As the main raw materials production photovoltaic battery, Polysilicon import prices continue to drop in recent years,By 2008 The highest in nearly 300 Dollars/kg drop to less than 30 at present Dollars/kg,Make pv cell prices are lower.meanwhile, China pv industry in recent years, pay attention to technological progress,To further reduce the cost of production.therefore,Think China photovoltaic battery products exist dumping is no basis.

  欧盟若对中国光伏产品设限, 恐将搬起石头砸自己的脚。商务部数据显示,中国去年从德国进口多晶硅材料是7.64 亿美元, 从德国进口光伏电池生产用的银浆原料为3.6 亿美元。中国累计从海外采购约400 亿元的光伏电池生产设备, 其中从德国、瑞士等欧洲国家进口占到了45%。

If the European Union on China pv products censored, Fear will move his own petard.The ministry of commerce data display,China last year from Germany import polycrystalline silicon material is 7.64 $, From Germany import photovoltaic battery production with silver pulp raw material for 3.6 $.China accumulated from overseas procurement of about 400 One hundred million yuan of photovoltaic battery production equipment, Among them from Germany/European countries such as Switzerland imports accounted for 45%.
