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After the United States,The European Union began to take trade protection sword cut to the China pv industry.


On September 6,,The European commission issued a formal notice filed,For Chinese photovoltaic battery anti-dumping investigation.The involving a value as high as more than $200 cases,In central Europe both sides by far the biggest trade dispute,Is the world's largest trade disputes involving a value.


The European Union this action will likely will China pv industry from the predicament into"impasse".Famous energy industry researcher SongLiang in accepting[China sankei shimbun]A reporter to interview said,The eu market in China is the largest photovoltaic industry output,Nearly 70% of products exported to the European Union.The European Union barriers measures will undoubtedly give Chinese photovoltaic component manufacturing a devastating blow.


plus,The choice of time point is also a bit"untimeliness".An advisor new energy industry researcher xiao letter in accepting[China sankei shimbun]A reporter to interview said,China pv industry development into the bottleneck,Structure imbalance/Excess capacity problems need to be solved urgently.Once the eu anti-dumping was established,China pv industry will face"destruction",Photovoltaic enterprise profitability will decline substantially,A large number of photovoltaic enterprise or bankruptcy reorganization,Or whole"fall".


As is known to all,In the global economic recession implement trade barriers is a wise choice,The result can only be slow pace of economic recovery.On photovoltaic industry this emerging industry is particularly so.If to strengthen international cooperation,Help to increase the industry production efficiency/Reduce cost,So as to promote industry faster development,For countries to,Benefit all.however,Such a simple truth behind,Countries trade protection is still rife,Really confusing.


This SongLiang said,After the financial crisis,All countries in the world economic downturn overall,Countries are working to protect its advantage industry,Especially those in value chain highest position/Technical level advanced/Has the important strategic status of the industry.And photovoltaic industry is one of them,The European and American countries and even to make it for future pillar industry and economic growth.


"In recent years,China pv industry in technology transformation application had great progress,Combined with low price,To Europe and the United States and other countries of the market has created the very big impact.At present,The European Union has appeared part photovoltaic enterprise shutdown/Even collapse bankrupt phenomenon."SongLiang said.


Xiao letter also think,The European Union"Confuse right and wrong"Accused the domestic photovoltaic enterprise dumping,In order to strike China pv giant/For the local photovoltaic enterprise win development space.At the same time,The European Union is trying to crack down on China pv industry to give the Chinese government pressure,Hope that from China get substantial assistance,To solve the debt crisis.


The eu anti-dumping chimed the photovoltaic industry in our country the alarm bell.Since then,China pv industry must go a new development path.This article is based on the new path home,"self-reliance".


Xiamen university, China's energy economic research center director LinBoJiang(Micro bo)think,China pv industry overcapacity situation is relative,Because in the past China pv industry the main demand in foreign countries,And foreign economic downturn led to falling demand,Relative surplus of production capacity.So no matter whether the eu anti-dumping duties on photovoltaic enterprise,Save China pv industry basic method or a domestic photovoltaic market,Get rid of is now lead the nose of the situation.


From the market demand to see,Several rounds of new energy technology after reconstruction,The eu can excavate potential already not much.instead,With the intelligent power grid as well as other supporting facilities perfect,The future China pv demand will have great growth space.An exciting news is,The European Union on China pv enterprises anti-dumping investigation,[Solar power development"1025"planning]Target of installed again made the adjustment,By 21 auspicious tile adjustment to 40 auspicious tile,And not capped.This means that the next three years,Chinese photovoltaic generating capacity is expected to expand more than 10 times.


Xiao letter said,Relevant government departments should be mapped out promptly to emergency plan,Encourage photovoltaic power station construction,Photovoltaic market will gradually turned to domestic,Realize domestic demand pull the development of the industry,At the same time,Enterprise should focus on strengthening internal structure optimization adjustment/Elimination of backward production capacity,Ascension core technology/The core equipment research and development ability,Turn to lay the good foundation.


"Our government must put China in the photovoltaic industry leading enterprises/Large enterprise protected,Even at the cost of support,Like the Japanese protection like mitsubishi heavy industries.Help photovoltaic industry to realize the industrial structure transformation,Technical level upgrade,So as to make new/The whole industry chain energy industry pattern."SongLiang said.
