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The party's eighteen big will be held on November 8 held in Beijing,the[The scientific development,Brilliant achievements]Series special report have been published 13 period,Key reflect the past 10 years our country economy the financial sector have made great achievements and experience.Today's special is mainly for the past 10 years in China in international trade review summarizes the game. 


China is already the world's biggest exporter and second importing countries.As a member of the big family of the global economy,Always adhere to equality and reciprocity/The principle of win-win cooperation to carry out international exchanges and cooperation,But at the same time,The game between different economies is inevitable.Thoroughly apply the scientific outlook on development,In international trade to safeguard state and national interests,To maintain international trade fair,It is also for the world economic development contribution. 


Sino-us economic and trade in 33 years.:Twists and turns and way in the dispute 

  ■本报记者 姜 楠 

S our reporter ginger nan 


With China's economic strength and international status rises,Foreign trade influence is also constantly reveal.In march this year,Chinese vice minister of commerce, and international trade negotiations deputy representatives zhongshan revealed,China's world trade country status have been confirmed.In 2011, China its $3.64 trillion,More than 1978 rose by 175 times,China has become the world's biggest exporter and second importing countries,Last year, China in the global trade share can reach 10.8%. 


but,With the accompanying is trade friction, increase.According to WTO statistics,Since 1995,By the end of 2010,China has continuous 16 years become the biggest victim global anti-dumping measures,And since 2006 for five years become the world countervailing measures"Poors.let countries".In the 2012 years,With the world more powers the approach of the election year,China and the world's major trading partners to trade friction also gradually warming,And lead the"trend"Or the United States. 


History having: 


Economic and trade friction concentrated political and economic reality 


With 2001 years of China's accession to the world trade organization,Sino-us economic and trade relations is in the new stage of accelerated growth.According to the statistics of the us department of commerce,In 2007 the us-china trade totaled us $386.7 billion,China keep America's second largest trading partner status,Sino-us trade accounts for 12.4% of the total amount of the United States foreign trade,18% of the second only to Canada.Healthy development of sino-us economic and trade relations between the two countries not only their own economic development is of great significance,But also for the world economic growth has exceeded 40% contribution. 


but,meanwhile,The sino-american trade friction to break out,deepening,Gradually from pure economic friction,To political/Institutional friction transition. 


2000 years later,American anti-dumping quantity increased year by year,From the textile/Light industry etc gradually spread to chemical industry/Iron and steel/Mechanical and electrical and high-tech products field,Then extended to the intellectual property rights/Law enforcement/Government procurement/Life science and technology products market access/Insurance and telecommunications market access/Subsidies, etc. 


The second half of 2008,By the American subprime mortgage crisis caused by the global economic crisis in the United States and the global economy produce adverse effect,Us-led some western countries to take the lead lifted the trade protectionism,Take a lot of new restrictions means of free trade,Triggered many trade frictions and disputes,China, as America's second largest trade partner,Naturally become the United States launched the first object trade friction. 


From 2009 to 2012,The United States launched to our country trade protection measures of export goods related to cause serious obstacles.if,In September 2009, the decision to our country tyre products of three consecutive years of imposing a special tariffs,In February 2010,The United States and China gift box packaging ribbon impose high to 231% of the anti-dumping duties,In march of 2012,The ministry of commerce of China lost beauty solar product implementation double reverse award.Initial cutting that,China lost beauty solar products for seat subsidy system that,The rate of 2.9% - 4.73%. 


From the evolution process can be seen,The sino-american trade friction presents the following features,one,Friction involves economic industry constantly expand,And are from the pure trade field to rise to the level of economic structure,The United States tries to through the economic coordination system as the core system of the friction on China's economic and social structure adjustment pressure,As China's market economy status/The RMB exchange rate and labor problems.The second,The sino-american trade friction process of growing,In addition to anti-dumping/Safeguard measures such as/Safeguard measures/Technical barriers to trade and other new methods are constantly emerging.thirdly,Trade form gradually complicated,Multilateral trade friction phenomenon obviously increased.if,201 iron and steel security measures case in 14 countries,It contains the European Union and Japan. 


obviously,Form the situation reason is various,From the Chinese side,The industrial structure of the low-end characteristic in the open doors initial have shown advantage constantly cut,And gradually evolved into friction causes;From the United States to see,Because of the so-called"China threat theory"The prevalence of strengthened to China's economic rise is preventive psychological,And part of the recession in the United States to China's beautiful huge export,Thus destroy the normal economic and trade relations between China and the United States. 


If you don't dealt with and coordinate,Not only the two countries' economies will suffer losses,Also can give the world economic recovery bring adverse effect. 


Classic battle: 


Tire safeguard case no winner 


Throughout the ten years of trade friction,China lost beauty tyre"Safeguard case"No doubt is a miniature.2012 September 26,,Within the statutory time limit due to no interested party puts forward extension application,Three years ago, the United States to China lost beauty tire take the special security measures finally end. 


On April 20, 2009,The United States steel workers union(USW)says,On behalf of the domestic 13 home tire factory 15000 workers,To the United States international trade commission(ITC)Puts forward to our country lose beauty consumption quotas on tire special safeguard measures.The declaration charges nearly five years Chinese tire exports to the surge,Led to the American tire industry lost about 5000 jobs,Harm the interests of American industry. 


April 29,ITC issued,Official start of China tire product safeguard investigation,This is the beauty to our country launched since 7 safeguard investigation(The first six up were the bush administration rejected),Is also the largest imposed/One of the biggest influence. 


The first time our government to respond,Commerce ministry spokesman said in Beijing on April 30, time announce a conversation,Expressed strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition.On the same day,Fair trade organization by the ministry of commerce held a case analysis,respond,20 tyre production enterprise and rubber association/The chamber of commerce of metals to attend the meeting.The meeting on the analysis on the basis of a case that,To safeguard a correct view of discriminatory/Program short/The low threshold of the three features of harmfulness,Once the implementation will produce a chain reaction,WTO member states to trade for transfer,Do not need to undertake investigation procedure,Can execute trade relief protection.The meeting required involving enterprises should actively cooperate with,Fill out the questionnaire,Assist to collect data and to participate in the work to deal with.The meeting decided to set up the tyres safeguard case coordinate contact working committee,Well material/Material collection and communication and coordination work. 


June 18,,ITC six members in safeguard China tire case to 4:2 that the voting results,Chinese tire imports of products a large increase,Caused or threatened to cause market disruption of the industry in the United States.June 29,,ITC announced the tire safeguard case of remedies suggested,In the current import tariffs(3.4% - 4.0%)Based on,On China's lost beauty passenger car and light truck tire continuous three years 55% AD valorem respectively/45% and 35% of the AD valorem special tariffs. 


According to the American investigation procedure,The President will be on the 17th September,The us and trade representative office submit report,Finally decided to whether to implement safeguard measures and the types of measures. 


Seize this"Time difference",The Chinese government functional departments actively adopt various means,Especially through various channels to the United States put forward the closed door negotiations solemn representations,Express our government position.On July 6,,China rubber industry association meeting held an emergency consultations,The ministry of commerce bureau of fair leadership/Work letter department relevant department/The chamber of commerce of metals and mainly involved in enterprise,The meeting are firmly opposed to ITC of remedies suggested,At the same time to the President of the United States and the group to open letter.By the enterprise under the state council shall report immediately to the joint emergency.On July 24th,,The state council premier wen jiabao and vice premier wang qishan, a new vice-premier made important instructions,And endorse the ministry of finance/The national development and reform commission and the ministry of commerce leadership,The move makes tire industry are highly encouraged,And strengthened to safeguard tire case defiant determination. 

  根据商务部的建议,中国橡胶工业协会组成产业代表团,于8月3日赴美进行游说工作,进一步说明中方立场,向美国政府施压。在8月7日的听证会上,中国轮胎业者代表据理力争,针对美方的说法进行了直接驳斥,结果是9组发言人只有2组支持特保。除来自美国钢铁工人联合会的少数人士作证支持对中国轮胎实施制裁外,大多数作证的美国业界代表认为对中国轮胎的制裁建议纯属得不偿失。8月底,中国橡胶工业协会发表公开信《坚决反对美对华轮胎实施特别保障措施》和致奥巴马公开信 《请做出不采取特保措施的最终决定》,力陈这一措施实施后的严重后果。 

According to the proposal,China rubber industry association of industry delegation,On August 3, to lobbying work,Further explain the Chinese position,The United States government to pressure.On August 7th hearing,China's tire industry representative fight it out,According to the us saying to the direct refute,The result is a spokesman for 9 groups only two groups support safeguard.In addition to from the United States steel workers union minority people testify to support China's tire sanctions outside,Most of the testimony of American industry representatives of China tire sanctions that advice is the loss outweights the gain.The end of August,China rubber industry association published open letter[China firmly opposed to beauty tire implementation of special safeguard measures]And the Obama open letter [Please make not to take special security measures final decision],Urge the measures after implementation of the serious consequences. 


unfortunately,Is called the Obama era trade friction between China and the United States the first case of the tire case to safeguard China ended defeat.Obama announced on September 11,,Will be in the next three years to China lost beauty tires punitive tariffs on 35% collection. 


The reality of what?The famous American research institutions at the peterson institute for international economics a project report,Beauty tire industry employment from September 2009 to 2011 50800 in September 52000.Even if think safeguard measures, resulting in the only reason for the employment growth,2 years of increasing the number of also only 1200.But these post is costly,Because the safeguard measures in the United States tire prices,From 2009 to 2011, the third quarter of the 3rd quarter,American consumer spending extra cost more than 1.1 billion dollars,To create each tire industry is equivalent to the post pay more than $900000.Due to the increase of tire consumer spending,Consumers equal less other consumer spending,Leading to beauty retail suffer adverse effect,And may lose more than 3700 jobs.therefore,overall,Safeguard measures in the United States creates employment the loss outweights the gain. 


China and the United States safeguard tire case is the Obama era the United States since the first China safeguard case,Is for China's biggest safeguard case,In the economic interests of the enveloped the for more political color,Shows sino-us economic and trade relations development into a new stage.
