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  本周,美国国会的一份报告明确建议,美国公司与政府部门应该排斥两家中国最大的电信公司。报告称,从这两家公司购买设备将威胁美国国家安全。美国众议院情报委员会(the House Intelligence Committee)对两家中国公司——华为(Huawei Technologies)与中兴(ZTE Corp.)——展开毁灭性打击,似乎给美国公司带来了巨大的发展机会。可事实上,美国公司面临的境况可能截然相反。

This week,The United States congress a report suggested clearly,American companies and government departments should reject two of China's largest telecommunications company.The report says,From the two companies to buy equipment will threaten national security.The United States house of representatives intelligence committee(the house intelligence Committee)For two Chinese company, huawei(Huawei Technologies)And zte(ZTE CORP.)- expansion devastating blow,Seems to give the United States company has brought great development opportunities.But in fact,The American company faced with circumstances may be different.

  据贸易政策专家称,为了反击美国国会的攻击,中国可能会提高关税、或者禁止进口某些设备,从而对美国科技进口设置障碍。这种策略将使美国公司受到严重伤害,因为美国公司的销售与增长越来越依赖中国。可谓利害攸关。据美国商务部(the Commerce Department)公布,去年,美国公司向中国出售的高新技术价值200亿美元。加州大学(University of California)洛杉矶分校商学教授克里斯托弗?唐致力于研究制造业与中国市场,他说:“我认为中国肯定会进行报复性的反击。这是一场政治博弈。”

According to the trade policy experts say,In order to counter the attack of the congress of the United States,China may raise tariffs/Or prohibit import some equipment,For the United States to set up science and technology import barriers.This strategy will make American company serious damage,Because the U.S. company's sales and growth is more and more dependent on China.Is at stake.According to the U.S. department of commerce(the Commerce Department)announced,Last year,The United States to the Chinese company sold $20 billion worth of new and high technology.The university of California(university of CALIFORNIA)At Los Angeles business professor Christopher?Tang is dedicated to the study of manufacturing and the Chinese market,He said:"I think China will certainly to retaliative counterattack.This is a political game."


The two parties jointly offered by the congress report seems to have special for huawei and zte.The two multinational company sales call connection and the Internet communication routing equipment.Investigators say,The Chinese government may be involved in the key technology,Monitoring and stealing trade secrets.They say,The two companies were not provide proof of their company control and relationship with the Chinese government the concrete evidence.Company headquarters set up the fact that the party branch in investigators heart light up to the red light.(note,The two companies are not the so-called SOE,Namely state-owned enterprise.)

  10月10日,中国商务部(the Commerce Ministry)发言人沈丹阳在新华社(Xinhua news agency)的一篇报道中回应称,这种指责的依据仅仅是“主观猜忌”和“不实依据”。他认为,美国此举违反了其一直坚持的自由市场原则,将破坏两国之间的合作与发展。沈丹阳说:“我们希望美国能做出切实努力,为两国公司创造一个公平、公正的市场环境,促进两国经济与贸易关系的健康发展。”

On October 10,,China's commerce ministry(the Commerce Ministry)Spokesman ShenDanYang in xinhua News agency(Xinhua News agency)In a report said response,The accused basis only"Subjective suspicion"and"Not real basis".He thinks,The United States has always insisted on the move violates the free market principles,Between the two countries will damage the cooperation and development.ShenDanYang said:"We hope that the United States can make practical efforts,The company for the two countries to create a fair/Fair market environment,Of the two countries promote the economy and trade relationship healthy development."

  市场调查公司ACG Research的主理合伙人瑞?摩塔认为,从短期来看,思科(Cisco Systems)和瞻博网络(Juniper Networks)等美国公司可能从中受益。因为它们的中国竞争对手忙于弥补声誉损失的时候,美国公司可能赢得更多合同。但摩塔解释说,从长期来看,美国科技公司免不了陷入动荡。贸易战一旦爆发,它们就会失去在中国的所有业务。他说:“这取决于中国政府态度的强硬程度。它可能给美国公司带来伤害。”

Market research company ACG Research by the benefits of partnership?Motta think,In the short term,cisco(Cisco systems)And juniper network(Juniper Networks)The company may benefit from it.Because their Chinese rivals busy make up for the loss of reputation,The American company may win more contract.But the tower explained,In the long run,The United States technology companies avoid into turmoil.Once a trade war broke out,They will lose all the business in China.He said:"It depends on the Chinese government how tough attitude.It may bring harm to the company."

  达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)商学教授理查德?德阿凡尼预计,中国肯定会采取报复措施,但中国政府不会立即进行反击,而是会静待时机。此外,别指望中国政府会提前发表什么重大声明,这可不是他们的一贯作风。他说:“我认为,中国会采取更加圆滑的手段。中国人很少会直接反击,反而会旁敲侧击,或者通过其他途径发出信号,告诉你:‘我生气了’。”

Dartmouth college(Dartmouth college)Professor Richard business?O DE tiffany is expected,China will take measures to revenge,But the Chinese government will not immediately counterattack,But waiting time.In addition,Don't expect the Chinese government would be published in advance what great statement,It's not their consistent style.He said:"I think,China will adopt more pliable means.The Chinese people will seldom direct counterattack,It will beat around the bush,Or by other means signal,Tell you:‘I am angry’."


O DE tiffany think,In under the condition of not announced,Five years for the United States to cancel the import of technology products,Or at least part of the product,Will be China may take one of the way.Another way,It is to improve the science and technology industry's survival and the made in China integrated circuit price.It is curious,The United States scientific and technological circles to the American congress report should remain silent.A number of industry trade groups or refused to comment on the report,Either refused to accept an interview.O DE tiffany think,For huawei and zte defense may let us technology company leave not patriotic negative image.meanwhile,Against huawei and zte and irritate their suppliers in China/Partners and customers.He added:"They are now the safest way is to keep silent,But behind the scenes,But to keep the supplier and lobbied hard."


In fact,Due to the mutual dependence between the two countries,The situation is very complicated.Totally cut off trade is almost impossible.China needs to American technology,Maintain its infrastructure and factory to continue running.meanwhile,American technology manufacturers are relying on China's production of components.Between the two countries might not make it to be quite distinct from each other,A product's country of origin is usually confined to the semantic concept.For example,apple(apple)The iPhone and iPad mostly in China assembly.This kind of cooperation/Each other benefit is true even in the presence of American telecom equipment manufacturers.But the United States congress but for this association survey of safety risk turn a blind eye.


university of CALIFORNIA at Los Angeles professor tang said,Is a political situation resulted in further deepening.Between the two countries in the choice of the next leader of the critical moment.The two countries political factions are in use trade friction for popular support.Tang said:"The current time is a bit embarrassed."He explained,The future of trade negotiations will mention the topic.But in the new leaders before on the stage,China won't take specific measures.the,George: the new leader of China will surely said"This is the United States against China and a plot,We must take action."
