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British[Financial times]october 24 KanWen[The United States free trade position in the collapse],The article thinks that the,The United States the two presidential candidates are keen on"sanctions"China's remarks reflect the americans for a long time in the trade liberalization in the same position in the collapse.The main content is as follows:


See the last Tuesday the United States presidential election debate will be found,The White House campaign is exhausting.Both candidates have a chance in the words to rival violent blow,They lack the energy to do so and wisdom.When mitt romney commitment by lowering interest tax/Dividend tax/A capital gains tax to help the middle class,Barack obama could sell at his rich plan,But obama has not done so,But changed the subject.meanwhile,obama's aides left a longer video evidence,prove that they have been trying to distort(Reason is not clear)A nature of the terrorist attacks of September 11, - the American ambassador in benghazi a lose control of anti-american protests were killed.Mr Romney condemns for the attack,But he speak incoherently,That seems to be the only obama slightly understand what he says.Whether they like or don't want to,The president must be exhausted/All kinds of information of the brain with thinking state,To make most of the key choice.


However there is a topic,Both candidates are very clear mind and completely consistent.They are keen to"sanctions"China.Mr Romney accused China of holding down the exchange rate in order to maintain China to America's current-account surplus.He said:"If I was elected,The first day of his will to brand China a currency manipulator."This political formulary allowed him to take remedial measures.In principle, obama did not deny Mr Romney complaints.He just said,He found the effective way to let the Chinese RMB exchange rate will be increased by 11%.At the same time,He also accused Mr Romney"For those who take the lead in to the Chinese outsourcing company investment."

  两位候选人都打着自由贸易的旗号行违背自由贸易之实。他们在冒险做出无法兑现的承诺,却毫不自知。9月份罗姆尼就在后工业化的俄亥俄州的竞选中使用了“(上任)第一天就……”的措辞,但相比全国电视辩论而言,在该中心地带州的演讲更容易被遗忘。奥巴马说得没错,最近几年人民币汇率在升高,但这或许主要是因为经济下行导致对中国出口产品的需求下降,而不是因为奥巴马政府财政部的任何举措。朗伯德街研究所(Lombard Street Research)的查尔斯 杜马斯(Charles Dumas)最近指出,由于忽略了中国劳动力市场和出口领域的通胀,我们高估了中国的竞争力。

Both candidates are under the flag of free trade line against the reality of the free trade.They make the commitment of the adventure can not turn it in cash,Did not know.In September, Mr Romney is in the industrialization of ohio's campaign for use"(Took office)First day..."The wording of the,But compared with the national TV debate in,In the heartland states speech more easy to forget.obama said it,In recent years, the RMB exchange rate is on the rise,But perhaps this mainly because of economic descending lead to the needs of China's exports decline,Not because obama government any move the ministry of finance.Lombard street research institute(Lombard street RESEARCH)Charles Joe dumars(Charles Dumas)Recently pointed out that,Because it has neglected the China labor market and export areas of inflation,We overestimated the competitiveness of China.

  攻击中国在政治上的效果可能会让那些密切追踪中国话题的人感到吃惊。皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Centre) 9月份的一项调查显示,在中国事务上,精英阶层和民众之间的看法有着较大的差异。78%的美国民众认为中国持有的大量美国债权是一个“非常严重的问题”,而持这一观点的政府领导人和中国问题学者的比例则分别只有20%和19%。71%的美国民众非常担忧与中国的贸易可能导致就业岗位丧失,但商界人士中只有15%的人这么看。尽管如此,反对中国的言辞是否真的会转化为选票还不明确。皮尤的研究表明,尽管美国人将中国看成对手,但他们更加担忧的是伊斯兰主义者、核武器扩散和墨西哥贩毒集团。

Against China in political effect may let those closely tracking Chinese topic feel surprised.pew research center(pew RESEARCH centre) In September, according to a survey,In China's affairs,Elite and the public opinion between has great difference.78% of americans think China held a large number of the creditor's rights is a"Very serious problem",And hold this view of government leaders and the proportion of China scholars only 20% and 19% respectively.71% of americans very worry and China's trade may lead to the loss of jobs,But business people, only 15% of people think so.Even so,Against China's words really will be converted to vote is not clear.pew research shows that,Although americans will China as a rival,But they are more concerned about is Islam/The spread of nuclear weapons and Mexican drug trafficking group.

  美国人长期以来在贸易自由化上的一致立场显然也在瓦解。当中国通信集团华为(Huawei)考虑今年在一家西方股票交易所上市的时候,美国人发怒了。众议院情报委员会(House Intelligence Committee)本月的一份报告以安全为由反对华为在美国建立4G网络。这份报告几乎得到了民主党和共和党的一致支持。此次争议与2006年爆发的迪拜港口(Dubai Ports)争议类似,当时英国铁行港口公司(P&O)将其在美国6个城市的港口管理运营业务出售给一家中东公司。与现在一样,当时美国民众认为这家新接手的公司是一家受尊敬的公司。但如果其坏处牵涉到国家安全,其好处只是消费者可能省钱、一些丧失的就业可能得到恢复,为什么不选择谨慎行事呢?

people in the United States for a long time in the trade liberalization consistent position is also in the collapse.When China communication group huawei(Huawei)Consider this year in a western stock exchange listing of the time,The United States people angry.The house intelligence committee(House intelligence Committee)A report this month on safety grounds against huawei was established in the United States 4 g networks.The report almost got the democratic and republican consistent support.The controversy and in 2006 the outbreak of the dubai ports(Dubai ports)Dispute similar,At that time the British iron line harbor company(p&o)The six cities in the United States the port management operation business sold to a company in the Middle East., as now,At that time the American people think the new take over the company is a respected company.But if its disadvantages involving national security,Its advantage is the consumer may save money/Some loss of employment may be restoration,Why not choose safe?


Cool detachment view of,In fact,on free trade agreement position would have break.Congress through more than 20 years"Fast channel"To speed up the trade treaty negotiations power in 2007 termination,And almost no one extend out this power call.Since 2008,The world trade organization (wto)(WTo)The doha round didn't get any push,Most of the WTo law can be traced back to the 1990 s,At that time every WTo established a large number of rules.Whether free trade with the economic income isn't have begun to atrophy,Its political income has begun to decline.But this does not mean that will soon return to protectionism,It does mean liberalism stable propelled era is over.In the coming decades,At the end of the 20th century set up free trade mechanism may gradually collapse.(The author:Christopher?Caldwell)
