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中国近十年外贸年均增21.7% 稳居对外贸易第二大国--亲稳网络舆情监测室


Export-oriented economy and foreign trade in our country to realize the new span,Opening up the width and depth of the developed

  记者 傅苏颖 

reporter FuSuYing 

  “中国近十年来外贸发展发生了很大的变化,尤其是中国入世后,进出口迅速扩张,在外向型经济的拉动下,在出口贸易和外资的迅猛发展下,中国迅速进入了工业化和城镇化双驱动发展的格局,中国全面融入了世界经济体系,外向型经济进入一个快速发展阶段。” 商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院院长霍建国日前在接受《证券日报》记者专访时表示。

"China's foreign trade development in the past ten years great changes have taken place,Especially after China's entry into wto,Rapid expansion of import and export,In the export-oriented economy under the pull,In the export trade and the rapid development of foreign capital next,China's rapidly into the industrialization and urbanization double drive development pattern,China fully into the world economic system,Export-oriented economy into a rapid development stage." The ministry of commerce international trade and economic cooperation research institute President HuoJianGuo recently in accept[Securities daily]An interview with reporters said.


After 10 years development,Export-oriented economy and foreign trade in our country to realize the new span,Opening up the width and depth of the further development.Mainly reflects in the following aspects:


One is the import and export trade continues to expand the scale.The general administration of customs figures show,From 2002 to 2011, 10 years,Import and export trade in our country from $620.77 billion to $3.64186 trillion,The average annual growth of 21.7%,The same period a global trade with an average annual growth of about 9% of the more than 1 times more.In global trade in our country the share from 4.7% in 2002 to rise year after year to 10.2% in 2011,Since 2009 China has three consecutive years global ranks the second largest country in foreign trade position.


The second is constantly optimize the structure of import and export commodities.In in the total export,Manufactured goods accounted for by more than 91.2% in 2002 increased to 94.7% in 2011;Mechanical and electrical products increased from 48.2% to 57.2%;High and new technology products has increased from 20.8% to 28.9%.meanwhile,Advanced technology/equipment/The key parts imported rapid growth.In 2011,,Import of mechanical and electronic products of $753.3 billion,More than 2002 increased by 3.8 times;High and new technology products imported 463 billion us dollars,Increased by 4.6 times.Iron ore and concentrate import 690 million tons,More than 2002 increased by 5.2 times;Crude oil import 250 million tons,Increased by 2.7 times. 


The third is the use of foreign capital scale the second in the world.2003-2011,The accumulated actual use of foreign direct investment of us $716.4 billion,For many years become foreign direct investment most of the developing countries,The global rankings also rose to the second.The rapid development of China's economy,In fact has been affected by three forces support,That state-owned enterprises/Private and foreign,While foreign no matter in foreign trade development and the process of industrialization,Play a positive role.


The fourth is foreign investment from scratch,"Go out"Rapid progress of.In 2003,,Non-financial sectors in China of foreign direct investment only $2.9 billion,In 2011 increased to 60.1 billion dollars,More than 2003 increased by 19.7 times.The rapid development of foreign economic cooperation.In 2011,,Foreign contracted projects completed business turnover of us $103.4 billion,More than 2002 increased by 6.2 times. 


HuoJianGuo think,The ten years probably can be divided into two stages,One is"15"period,The second is"11th five-year plan"period."15"Period is a high-speed development stage.During this,Due to the external market loose,Our country foreign trade into a high growth stage,At the same time,Domestic capacity through the early accumulation into a comprehensive release stage,therefore,This period our country foreign trade development more reflected in export expansion aspect.This one phase,The global economy is relatively in an active and steady growth stage,The expansion of the external market is offset by the rate of return on investment decline phenomenon.So relatively,China in the global economy rapidly rising proportion,And constructs the trade great nation status.


and"15"after,Especially after 2005,HuoJianGuo think,RMB appreciation in the channel,Export environment began to become a tightening,The domestic cost pressure rise and the international market more competitive,In turn, promote the quality and efficiency of our country export the rapid promotion.


"overall,Through this ten years of development,Not only makes the structure of our country export commodities continuous optimization,In the past our country also make excessive dependence on the pattern of Europe and the United States and other major markets has been given birth to essential change.Such as asean as a whole emerging market,Has become the third major trading partner.In addition,After the ten years of development,Export enterprise scale and management ability and level have been improved significantly.Now has emerged a number of multinational companies features,Not only engaged in export and import business,Also business overseas investment,These include some private large-scale foreign trade enterprise group.Along with the change of the export environment,Export quality and benefits also appeared obviously improved."HuoJianGuo think.


It is important to note that,These ten years,Our foreign trade policy has entered adjustment stage.


One is the tax reimbursement for export policy.At the beginning of the wto,With the rapid development of export,Export tax rebate scale expands unceasingly,At the same time also the formation of a new financial burden.On January 1, 2004 practice new export tax rebate policy,Take some cut or cancel some products export tax rebate.Since the latter half of 2008 as the U.S. subprime crisis upgrade for the international financial crisis,Foreign trade environment worsen sharply.To stabilize the export,Our country from August 2008 to July 2009,Continuous 7 times raised large textile and apparel/Mechanical and electrical/steel/Chemical products of export rebate rate.From 2010 since July 15,Our country and further take the cancel part of the steel/Non-ferrous metal processing wood/pesticide/medicine/Chemical products/Plastic and products/Rubber and products/Glass and products export tax rebate,A total of 406 in range of goods,Effectively promote the transformation of the foreign trade upgrade process.then,To stabilize the export,Help enterprise tide over the difficulties,The ministry of finance and the state administration of taxation and issued[As for the export goods labor value added tax and consumption tax policy notice]and[Export cargo services of value-added tax and consumption tax management measures]Two important documents.


The second is export credit policy.To join the wto,China's comprehensive cancelled export subsidy policy,And increase the buyer's credit and seller's credit and export credit insurance work.In addition,In order to encourage enterprises to explore international market,Our high risk to trade in the region to carry out the export credit insurance business,Effectively support the development of the enterprise,And reduce the enterprise in foreign exchange and market fluctuation risk.


The third is the exchange rate for the renminbi revaluation and exchange rate formation mechanism reform.In 1994,,China implements the RMB exchange rate reform,To realize the RMB exchange rate of monorail operation,A managed floating exchange rate of the RMB exchange rate become the main way.On July 21, 2005,The people's bank of China formally announced the launch of practice based on market supply and demand/With reference to a basket of currencies regulation/A managed floating exchange rate system.On June 19, 2010,China to resume the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism reform,In order to enhance the exchange rate for the renminbi elastic.April 16, 2012 up,Inter-bank spot foreign exchange market of the RMB against the us dollar transaction value floating interval continue to expand by 0.5% to 1%,To the RMB exchange rate floating dynamic management and regulation,Promote the exchange rate for the renminbi elastic escalate.


The fourth is foreign capital, such as the adjustment of the tax preferential policies.Under the framework of WTO in,To promote the unity of the foreign national treatment,2008 years of foreign income tax realized"And tax",Tax rate adjustment is 25%.By the end of 2010,Enterprises with foreign capital began to collect city building duty and education surcharge.Since 2011,China's foreign investment enterprise enjoy preferential tax policy and the domestic enterprise completely consistent.


"The growth of China's foreign trade from a large part of the role of foreign capital,Wholly foreign-owned enterprises to export accounts for about 50% of the total amount of export,One third of the processing trade supporting the whole foreign trade market pattern.That is,Foreign trade growth stability with stable foreign relationship between growth closely."HuoJianGuo said.


HuoJianGuo said,From the use of foreign capital environment and measures to see,"China continues to expand the use of foreign capital have considerable leeway.Our country in the advanced manufacturing/Annexation and reorganization of enterprises/The opening of the service industry is faced with new breakthroughs and choice.From the current foreign interest to see,47% of the investment in services,At the same time, foreign investment more inclined to directly involved in enterprise annexation and reorganization or acquisition,Direct access to the advanced manufacturing.therefore,Our country in the future continue to expand open fields and the space appears particularly key.


In HuoJianGuo seems,The future will continue to increase the marketization reform,Create a fair competition environment is very important,Should accelerate the finance and tax/Financial system reform,For the development of enterprises create a fair competition environment,Related to the sustainable development of the core problem. 
