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a/The third quarter 2012 years ago China's foreign trade development situation 


Since this year,The international financial crisis deep influence continue revealed,Especially the European sovereign debt crisis deepening/spread,The world economic recovery slows significantly,Decline in demand in the international market.China's economic downward pressure increasing,By the third quarter,GDP(GDP)For seven consecutive quarter slowdown in growth.The development of foreign trade faced with internal and external environments of complicated severe,Import and export growth to single-digit decline,Import and export enterprises more difficult.According to the changing situation,The Chinese government timely series of promote the steady growth of foreign trade/Optimize the structure of foreign trade policy measures,Boost the enterprise confidence,On foreign trade trends stabilised played an important role.The first three quarters,China's foreign trade operation show the following features:


(a)Import and export growth low stabilised,"Stable foreign trade"Measures produced results.The first three quarters,The total import and export volume of $2.84247 trillion,Year-on-year growth of 6.2%.The export of $1.49539 trillion,Growth of 7.4%,Than the same period last year dropped 15.3%;Imported 1.34708 trillion us dollars,Growth of 4.8%,A drop of 21.9%;The trade surplus of $148.31 billion,Growth of 39.1%.Points quarter see,a/two/Import and export of the third quarter growth of 7.2%, respectively/8.5% and 3%.In the international market demand have rebounded/Early on the introduction of the"Stable foreign trade"Policies and measures gradually implement driven by factors such as,September import and export growth low rebound,Export growth of 2.7% from August back up to 9.9%,Import from August drop 2.6% to 2.4% growth,The import and export and export scale new highs.


(two)Mechanical and electrical products export proportion improved steadily,Export commodity structure continues to optimization.The first three quarters,Mechanical and electrical products export $854.83 billion,Growth of 8.3%,The same period more than 0.9% overall export growth,Accounted for the proportion of export from the same period last year of 56.7% to 57.2%.Exports of high-tech products of $424.06 billion,Growth of 6.4%,With mobile phones/Integrated circuit up by 18.1% and 46.9% respectively.Labor-intensive products export growth is slowing,The textile/clothing/furniture/footwear/bags/Plastic products/Toys seven kind of labor-intensive products 7% export growth,Less than 0.4% of the whole export growth."Two higher information"The products are exported to continue to fall,Coal and petroleum products exports were down by 38.6% and 9.8%.


(three)In the developed countries, the export obvious differentiation,Emerging market exports overall is growing rapidly.As the U.S. economy's moderate recovery,Retail market thaw,China's exports to the United States in the first three quarters of 258.16 billion dollars,Growth of 9.6%.By the eu economy into a recession/The market demand atrophy to significantly affect,China's exports to Europe 250.46 billion dollars,Fell by 5.6%.Japan exports to $112.51 billion,Growth of 4.5%.Due to the emerging economies' economic growth relatively fast,And export enterprise advancing the market diversification,China's emerging economies' exports general maintained a rapid growth momentum,Among the asean/Russia and South Africa exports for $144.7 billion, respectively/$32.58 billion and $10.72 billion,Growth of 16.6%/14.5% and 10.8%.The first three quarters,China from the United States and the European Union imports up by 7.7% and 2.1% respectively,Since Japan imports fell by 6.5%.


(four)Private enterprises import and export good momentum,General trade growth for faster than processing trade.To encourage the development of the private economy under the guidance of policy measures,The private import and export enterprises to actively adjust the structure of products,Strive to expand marketing channels,The depth development of the international market,Achieve good effect.The first three quarters,Private enterprises to export 551.52 billion dollars,Growth of 19.2%;Imported 326.46 billion us dollars,Growth of 18%,Than overall growth respectively 11.8 and 13.2%.Foreign investment enterprises to export 751.12 billion dollars,Growth of 3.1%;Imported 648.34 billion us dollars,Growth of 1.3%,Were more overall growth low 4.3 and 3.5%;Exports and imports accounted for the proportion of overall decreased respectively 2.1 and 1.7%.State-owned enterprises import and export growth decline significantly,The exports fell by 3.9%,Imports rose by only 0.9%.


The first three quarters,General trade import and export $1.49897 trillion,Growth of 5.9%,The export of $729.78 billion,Growth of 8.3%,Imported 769.19 billion us dollars,Growth of 3.6%.Processing trade"Two head out",The effect of exterior environment by larger,Import and export of $982.94 billion,Growth of 2.2%,Less than 4% of the total value of import and export growth.The export of $630.94 billion,Growth of 3%,Total exports accounted for the proportion of 42.2%,1.8% lower than the same period last year;Imported 352 billion us dollars,Growth of 1%,For general import a proportion of 26.1%,Fell by 1%.


(five)The Midwest sustained, rapid export growth,The eastern region slowdown in export growth.The Midwest undertake processing trade industry transfer to speed up the pace,into/Export both strong growth,Foreign trade area layout further optimization.The first three quarters,in/The western region export up by 21.5% and 43.4% respectively,The chongqing increased by 1.5 times,gansu/anhui/guizhou/Henan and sichuan growth of 83%, respectively/69.9%/68.9%/62.8% and 42.8%.in/The western region import up by 7.9% and 13.2% respectively,The chongqing/Henan up by 69% and 64.2% respectively.The eastern region because of the international market demand slow rise and production cost impact,Exports rose by only 4.3%,Less than 3.1% of the overall growth,The guangdong/jiangsu/zhejiang/Beijing growth of 6.4%, respectively/4%/3% and 3.2%,Shanghai and shandong were down by 0.1% and 0.2%.


(six)The fast growth of agricultural imports,Import of mechanical and electronic products down growth


The first three quarters,Grain and oilseed crops import is growing rapidly,The grain and grain powder/soybean/Edible vegetable oil imports were increased by 2.3 times/17.7% and 18.3%.Energy resources import there are rises and falls,Iron ore/Crude oil/Not forging copper and copper/Alumina import growth of 8.4%, respectively/6.4%/32.6% and 2.1 times,product/log/Steel imports were down by 4.4%/10.8% and 12%.Mechanical and electrical products and new high-tech product imports up by 2.7% and 6.4% respectively,Growth respectively than the same period last year dropped 13.6 and 7.3%,But the car/The plane maintained a rapid growth,Import growth up to 23.6% and 22.5% respectively.


two/In the whole year of 2012 China foreign trade situation forecast


In recent times,As countries strengthened macroeconomic policy,China's foreign trade development faces the domestic and foreign environment improve slightly.The United States real estate market slow recovery,2012 years ago 8 months new home sales year-on-year growth of 21.7%,And the price rise significantly;The unemployment rate is 7.8% in September,To low since January 2009.European central bank issued direct currency trading plan,European stability mechanism(ESM)start,Greek new rescue plan any progress in negotiations,Has abated for European debt crisis situation,Spain/Italy and other peripheral national Treasury yields decreased obviously.Major developed economies have issued quantitative easing policy,In the short term play down bond yields/To reduce the effect of debt costs,Will be in a certain extent boost market confidence.Some emerging economies also relax the macro economic policy,On economic growth will play a stimulation.According to jpmorgan chase release data,September global manufacturing purchasing managers' index from August 48.1 small picks up to 48.9,Indicates that the world economy has been slowed down.


China's economic growth tends to be stable,And continue to appear positive changes.Industrial production in September/retail/Fixed assets investment growth index were increased more than 8 months;Manufacturing purchasing managers' index achieve 4 months for the first time since rebounded,49.8,Close to 50 vicissitude line;Consumer confidence index back up to 100 vicissitude line above,100.8.In the middle of September,The general office of the state council on promoting the stable growth of foreign trade some opinions,For export tax rebate and financial services/To improve the level of trade facilitation/Improve trade environment/trade structure optimization, it puts forward a series of specific policy measures,Such as expanding scale of export credit insurance,Improve customs clearance efficiency,To reduce legal inspection and quarantine directory,Standard and reduce import and export link charges and so on.These policies and measures are put in place in succession,Will strengthen the stability of the early on foreign trade growth policy effect,Further boost import and export enterprises especially small and medium-sized enterprise confidence,Ease enterprises face difficulties in their business operation,To promote foreign trade growth stabilises trending up.


At the same time also should see,The world economic recovery power is still insufficient,Now the downturn situation difficult to have a fundamental turn for the better.The United States economic growth without obvious improvement,Personal consumption growth is still less than before the crisis level.The eurozone core national economic weakness,ChongZhaiGuo sustained recession,The unemployment rate hit a record high of repeatedly,Restricted consumption ability and confidence.Japan recover after the reconstruction effect decline,Export situation worse,Economic growth is slowing down.Emerging economies difficult with the developed countries"decoupling",Growth generally slow.The international monetary fund(IMF)Is expected to,In 2012, the world economy will increase by 3.3%,Less than 3.8% in 2011.the,The developed countries increased by 1.3%,Less than 0.3% last year;Emerging markets and developing countries increased by 5.3%,Less than 0.9% last year,Russia/India/Brazil and South Africa growth rate are to be lower than in 2011.The world trade organization (wto)(WTO)Is expected to,In 2012, global trade growth rate of 2.5%,Far below 5% in 2011.Plus for Chinese products trade friction to rise sharply,China's foreign trade development face external environment is still extremely complex,Achieve import and export stability picks up also needs to pay great effort.


Comprehensive consideration of the above factors,In 2012 the fourth quarter is expected to import and export is expected to continue September picks up trend.In the main economies foreign trade growth slowdown in common or negative growth of cases,China's share of world trade share is expected to remain stable or grow slightly.


three/In 2013, the Chinese foreign trade development environment analysis


In 2013,,China's foreign trade development facing the inside and outside environment may be slightly better in 2012,But restrict foreign trade stable picks up resistance still exist.


See from the international,As countries strengthened macroeconomic policy,The debt crisis ease slightly,The United States economic recovery situation tends to be stable,Market confidence and development is expected to boost,In 2013 the global economy development environment may be improved.But the developed countries sovereign debt problem weakening economic growth potential,Economic stimulus policies and measures of the increasingly prominent side effects,Emerging economies are faced with the difficulty of more,With increased trade and investment protectionism,The world economy low growth/High risk situation will not change obviously.


One is the global economic growth power is still insufficient.The us and Europe, and other developed economies to need to continue the common fiscal austerity,The enterprise to emerging industry investment in the short term is difficult to form scale,Loose monetary policy cannot fundamentally torsional insufficient effective demand situation,With unemployment high restricted,Economic growth is still a weak power.Some emerging economies rely on energy resources export/Balance of payments imbalance problem exposed gradually,Facing the development of increased risk,Economic growth has also been weakening.The international monetary fund forecasts,Global economic growth in 2013 3.6%,Less than 10 years before the financial crisis the average of 4%;The world trade organization (wto) is expected to,Global trade growth of 4.5%,Obviously lower than before the crisis of 10 years 6% of the average level.


The second is the developed countries sovereign debt problem may rise waves.The debt crisis is European monetary union system crisis,But also the eurozone peripheral national competitiveness crisis.As Europe stability mechanism start and banking alliance idea began to implement,The euro area the weak links of the system design is gradually strengthening,But peripheral countries not only the financial gap is so big,And industrial base relatively weak,To improve competitiveness will be a long process,In the event of economic/The political situation worse than expected,In financial markets may cause a new wave.In 2013,,The eurozone peripheral countries financing demand remains high,Some countries facing an election,In Europe of the influence of the financial market is worth paying close attention to.The United States financial cliff involves account for about 4% of GDP,If processes is not good,Beauty may drag the economy back to recession.


Three is the international financial and commodity markets could still turmoil.Recently the European and other major economies are adopted the quantitative easing policy,Australia/South Korea/India/Brazil and so on also to cut interest rates to stimulate the economy,Could cause currencies exchange rate fluctuations frequently,International capital large-scale cross-border flow,Impact global financial stability.The United States/Russia and other food leading to suffer great drought,Cause global wheat/Corn underproduction,The Middle East geopolitical continuous nervous easily impact oil supply,Coupled with global monetary policy loose,Speculative capital inflows commodity market hype profit,Agricultural products and energy prices rise with the great pressure.


The fourth is trade and investment protectionism further intensifies.In the economic recovery under the condition of no significant improvement,Some countries in order to alleviate employment pressure,Foreign take part closed the domestic market measures,Support local industry,Hinder the normal international trade and investment activities.The world trade organization (wto) monitoring,In October 2011 to May 2012,A total of 182 members to new trade restrictions,Influence of global imports 0.9%,And restrictions coping with crisis side down,Stimulate domestic industrial recovery side up,More far-reaching influence.Some countries in emerging industries transnational investment attitude conservative,Try to limit.In the election of the political catalyst,Part of the national economic and trade policies appear even"To globalization"Dangerous tendency.


From domestic see,With a series of expanding domestic demand/Now stability policy measures to gradually put in place and effective play,China's economic operation overall smooth.The party's eighteen big will further stimulate the enthusiasm of all sides for accelerating development,To continue to promote stable and rapid economic growth.The international monetary fund organizations generally expected,In 2013, the Chinese economic growth will fast in 2012.But the economy stabilises foundation is not solid,Domestic demand growth by some factor of the systems and mechanisms,Part of the industry are more prominent, and the excess capacity,The production and operation of enterprises still face more difficulties.


The international and domestic risk factors superposition,Will 2013 China foreign trade development form a larger pressure,Outstanding performance in the following respects:


One is the overseas market demand insufficient contradiction has not been fundamentally ease.In the world economic recovery situation weakness/Risk sustained high cases,China's export enterprise of a shortage of orders problems still outstanding,Especially short single/Small single more,Long single/Big single less situation will also continue.By September 2012,Manufacturing purchasing managers' index of new export orders index for four months less than 50 vicissitude line;2012 years ago the third quarter processing trade import accumulated rose by only 1%,Show that the future period of time export difficult to have big rebound.The ministry of commerce on domestic more than 1900 foreign trade enterprise key contact survey,By September 2012,Enterprises to export profit index has five consecutive months less than 100 critical point.

  二是贸易摩擦的影响持续加大。中国是贸易保护主义的最大受害者。据英国智库经济政策研究中心(CEPR)的“世界贸易预警(World Trade Alert)”项目监测,2008年国际金融危机爆发以来,全球40%的贸易保护主义措施针对中国。随着中国出口产业从劳动密集型产业向新兴产业升级,国外对中国新兴产业出口的限制明显增多。2012年前三季度,中国出口产品遭遇国外贸易救济调查55起,增长38%,涉案金额243亿美元,增长近8倍。太阳能光伏电池在多个海外市场遭遇贸易摩擦,出口严重受阻。

The second is the influence of the trade friction continue to widen.China is the biggest victims trade protectionism.According to the British think-tank economic policy research center(CEPR)of"The world trade early warning(world trade Alert)"Project monitoring,2008 years since the outbreak of the international financial crisis,40% of the world's protectionist measures in China.With China's export industry from the labor-intensive industry to emerging industrial upgrading,Overseas for China's emerging industry to export restrictions increased obviously.The third quarter 2012 years ago,China's export products encounter foreign trade remedy investigation 55 up,Growth of 38%,Involving a value of $24.3 billion,Growth nearly 8 times.Solar photovoltaic battery in more than one overseas market encounter trade friction,Export seriously hindered.


Three is to change the way of foreign trade development task more urgent.In recent years,China's rapid rise in the cost of elements,To a certain extent weakened the manufacturing cost competitiveness.2008-2011,Manufacturing town unit obtain employment staff average wages grew at an average annual rate of 14.5%,Manufacturing monthly income of migrant workers the average annual growth of 15%.Along with the neighboring countries to speed up the industrialization development,Part of the cost is relatively sensitive products and industries in order to neighboring countries sign transfer.2012 years ago seven months,China's seven major kind of labor-intensive products in the United States/the/Market share, compared with last year fell 2.1 respectively/1.4 and 2.7%,Loss share is mainly surrounding low cost country occupy.Decline in overseas market demand at the same time,Chinese labor-intensive products face international competition,The export enterprises urgently need to speed up the cultivation technology/quality/brand/Service and so on comprehensive advantages.


Should see,Since the 16th CPC national congress ten years,Is China's trade in goods the fastest growing ten years,Import and export trade grew at an average annual rate of more than 20%.In 2011 the global exports account for the proportion of 10.4%,Three years in a row of the world;Imports accounted for 9.5%,Continuous three years the world's second.With the profound change of the environment at home and abroad,China's foreign trade may be difficult to reproduce the sustainable growth of many.


According to the severe complex environment at home and abroad,China's foreign trade policy should continue to focus on steady growth/Adjustable structure/Promote balance.On the one hand,Based on the current,Closely tracking the situation changes,Ensure that has already issued various policy measures put in place,Help enterprises to overcome the shortage of orders/Rising cost of/Friction increasing difficulty, etc,Efforts will external environment change the adverse effect of the drop to the lowest degree,Go all out foreign trade growth stability.On the other hand,With long-term,Make full use of market environment formed a tightening DaoBi mechanism,Accelerate transformation of the foreign trade development mode,Cultivate new foreign trade competition advantage,Vigorously develop new market,Speed up the construction of the foreign trade the transformation and upgrading of base/trade promotion platform and international marketing network,Enhance foreign trade long-term development in the future.At the same time,Perfect import policy,Build more import promote platform,Actively expand domestic shortage of advanced technology and equipment/The key parts and components and parts supply partial tight goods imported,Promote balanced development of foreign trade.
