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although"The emperor's daughter married not sorrow",But to have rich cheap natural gas resources and unique geographical advantage of global liquefied natural gas(LNG)Production and marketing for the first power Qatar,LNG"Don't worry about to marry"Days are a thing of the past.As Australia/The United States/Africa and the Middle East countries constantly expand LNG production and LNG price low,LNG sales is affected by many challenges,Once it's a seller's market now into the LNG buyer's market.therefore,Qatar export strategy change become an inevitable.Qatar size up the situation,Is to Asia as a main target region,In the area to seek for more than 20 years of LNG long-term export contract,Step up to layout LNG distribution network. 

  卡塔尔的天然气探明储量为26万亿立方米,仅次于俄罗斯(47.57万亿立方米)和伊朗(29万亿立方米),居世界第三位。巨大的气田储量导致卡塔尔天然气开发成本极低,原料气开采成本平均仅为0.1205美元/百万英热单位,是世界上开采成本最低的天然气气田之一。这奠定了卡塔尔 LNG在世界上极具价格竞争优势的地位。 

Qatar gas proved reserves for 26 trillion cubic meters,Next only to Russia(47.57 trillion cubic meters)And Iran(29 trillion cubic meters),Ranked third in the world.Huge gas reserves lead to Qatar natural gas development cost is extremely low,Raw material gas mining cost average is only $0.1205 / million British thermal unit,Is the world mining the lowest cost of natural gas is one of the gas field.This laid the Qatar LNG is in the world the most price competitive advantage position. 


Has been,The United States is Qatar LNG big customer,But now the American demand decrease."Qatar did not expect the United States gas yield changing."[Middle East economic abstract]So pointed out that.The United States energy information agency said,The United States vision shale gas reserves of 827 trillion cubic meters,A 2010 forecast more than doubled. 


Since 2008,The development situation of Qatar more and more disadvantage.On the one hand is,The United States shale gas found deep change the United States even global gas territory,In 2009 the United States more than Russia to become one of the world's largest natural gas producers,The gas import share less and less.In addition,Since since the financial crisis,The United States continued economic downturn,Abundant natural gas with a direct impact on the price drop. 


meanwhile,Qatar LNG exporter status also faces the challenge of counterparts.The same rich oil and gas production gulf Arab countries began to build more natural gas export facilities,Points food originally belongs to the qatari LNG market. 


In the above all sorts of challenges,Stick to blindly the American market is not advisability lift,Qatar's original market strategy and layout have to make adjustment. 


The world's largest LNG producers - Qatar gas company chief executive sheikh haley husband the truth:"Due to the market in the United States almost no profit,We are transferred to the United States had to sell most of the LNG."Qatar is expected to reduce the number of LNG exports to the United States,To the Asian market to export more LNG. 


Qatar change LNG strategic layout from various considerations:One is the general downturn in the global economy,The asia-pacific region is still maintained a high GDP growth rate,Energy demand is growing fast.The second is the asia-pacific region LNG receiving capability grew at an average annual rate of more than 10% of the trend will continue.The third is LNG in Asia market price is on the high side.Asia/Europe and the United States the different LNG trade pricing model.Northeast Asia LNG buyer(Such as Japan/South Korea and China Taiwan)Due to the geographical position causes,Unable to import of natural gas pipeline,So the LNG trade signed the contract price and spot price hook;Europe for long-term contract pipeline gas prices and fuel oil price hook,Lead to the LNG contract price will also reference gas spot price and fuel oil prices;And America's trade price is direct and its natural gas spot price hook. 


Headquartered in London's global data in August company released a study says,The asia-pacific region the LNG receiving ability has increased from 2000 360 billion cubic meters in 2010 to 800 billion cubic meters,The average annual growth of 10%,Is expected to during 2010 ~ 2015,The asia-pacific region LNG receiving in the ability to increase 10.5%.Some traditional LNG buying countries such as South Korea,Is still smooth LNG consumer.Because Japan fukushima nuclear leak this accident,This year's LNG imports soar,Expected this year Japan will be increased by 10 million tons of LNG spot procurement to make up for the power demand gap.With the gradually improving the future of natural gas in the primary energy ratio of,Japan is expected to sign more LNG long-term contract. 


Some new LNG importing countries India and China,LNG consumption potential bullish.In China, for example,To meet the rapidly growing power demand,And reduce pollution degree,The government policy,Increasing gas in primary energy consumption proportion of.In addition,Singapore/Indonesia also in the construction of LNG receiving terminal. 


From the distance came to see,Qatar from Japan/Britain and the United States east coast 10560 kilometers (miles) respectively/10080 km and 13600 km,Almost three.But the Pacific and the Atlantic coast LNG market prices are not the same.At present relative to the European market in Asia Pacific region higher than the price of a section,Will make more LNG from Europe into the asia-pacific market.This year in April to June as an example,Although the European natural gas futures price also has rise up,But not more than $10 / million British thermal unit,Over the same period, Qatar gas exported to Japan 20 ship LNG sold to $11.512 / million British thermal unit prices. 


From the demand to see,Europe and North America to Qatar natural gas demand far from Asia urgent.Therefore Qatar from profit maximization considerations,The asia-pacific market more attractive than the European and American market.The asia-pacific region as a big buyer,Qatar as a big seller,The cooperation between the two will be more and more important. 
