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The author:闫岩
In recent years,Our export share in global exports share the proportion of continued ascension,The first three quarters of this year has reached 11.1%.But experts say,The share of the increase is just a temporary phenomenon,unsustainable,Foreign trade power road still have a long way to go.
The wto secretariat released the latest data show,The first three quarters of this year,Global export about $13.5 trillion,0.2% year-on-year drop.the,China's export growth of 7.4%,The export share of global market share of 11.1%,More than 2011 year increased by 0.6%.
Analysts believe that,In recent years,Our export share in global exports share the proportion of continued ascension,From 9.7% in 2010 to 10.5% in 2011,The first three quarters of this year to 11.1%.The next three years,The rising trend will continue,to"1025"end,Our export share in global exports the proportion may be as high as 12%,To 2020,The number and even is expected to increase to 15%.
however,this"Not surprising"growth,But can't eliminate our country foreign trade has been existing"Big but not strong"problems,Foreign trade power road is still a long-term task.
"Foreign worse"
"The global share of ascension and our export situation turn good cannot confuse STH with STH else."The ministry of commerce international trade and economic cooperation research institute President HuoJianGuo on international business newspaper reporters,"Global market share in China's continued ascent is not surprising,Because foreign situation worse."
HuoJianGuo said,1 to October this year global export rate of less than 2%,And our export growth slowing though,During the same period but also to the growth of 6.3%."Although and China's exports of longitudinal comparison,Our export growth is slowing,But globally,Share increase is very normal."The national development and reform commission of foreign economic research institute assistant LiuXu also think,International share growth is the root cause"eliminates".The European and American countries export downturn situation,Although our country growth slowdown,But it is also not to the international average growth,So still occupy the international market more share.
The next few years,The international market share to further increase also is not a very difficult task.HuoJianGuo on international business newspaper reporters:"Until at least 2015,is"1025"end,12% is no problem,How much more will the foreign economic downturn half I'm afraid to continue for some time.At present our country has reached 11.1%,The next three years only 0.3% each year to keep can reach 12%."
"Big but not strong"Is the question
But from the long term,The share of the increase is just a temporary phenomenon."Although our country's export global market growth space exists,But this kind of growth is unsustainable."HuoJianGuo said.Although China has become the world's biggest exporter,But not power.""Big but not strong"Mainly displays in our export quality and efficiency is not high."LiuXu on international business newspaper reporters,Our export structural bottleneck is clear,The low added value/The lack of core competition ability, to highlight the problem.
When talking about how to become export power,LiuXu said:"Speaking from the enterprise level,In recent years in some enterprise under the rising labor costs and the pressures of factors,Are active adjustment.Through the"Go out"/Construction r&d center/Acquisition of foreign brands, etc to improve the quality of export,Preliminary achieved some results,But to make the industrial structure was optimized,Still need a from qualitative to quantitative change process."
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