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Xinhua net Beijing for December 7 (Reuters)(Reporter high made/Part 3)The Asian development bank, dean of the college of river close is hong 6 said,China/Japan/South Korea free trade agreement between(FTA)Are negotiated,To establish the scope of Asia free trade area very optimistic prospect.
The river is in close at hong on the same day"The future of Asia free trade agreement"Conference pointed out that,Regional free trade agreement will promote Asia trade leading growth,At the same time will also help the open market,Break in Asian trade border regulatory bottleneck.The agreement will eventually become the world trade organization multilateral trade is an important part of business.
He pointed out that,The world trade organization doha round negotiations progress will be slow,And a large number of FTA agreement is still in the negotiation process,FTA is still in the center of the business policy content.
Since 2000,Asia free trade agreement surge in the number.By November 2012,More than 80 agreement takes effect,In addition there are many agreement is still under consultation,Stimulated Asia trade growth.
The Asian development bank institute of China/Japan/South Korea/The Philippines/Thailand and Singapore's 841 companies survey found,About 53% of the company is or plan to use free trade agreement.
According to the survey,Chinese enterprises use the highest ratio of FTA.This can be attributed to the rapid rise of China and eventually become the world's leading economic power,And Chinese enterprise is a very active management strategy,Such as,Actively participate in regional and global production network, etc.
River close is hong pointed out,Enterprise need to learn in the FTA for leading regional trade system more effectively export.The government needs to implement supportive policies,Help enterprises to make better use of current and future FTA.
He thinks,The lack of information in enterprise effective utilization is one of the important reasons for FTA benefit,The government should strengthen to provide information services,Promote the enterprise to understand the terms and conditions of FTA.In addition,Small and medium-sized enterprises is very important for China's economic growth,For small and medium-sized enterprises should strengthen the mechanism support system.
The Asian development bank institute was founded in 1997,For the Asian development bank subordinate body,To help strengthen poverty reduction knowledge and action,To support the development of the asia-pacific region in the country's long-term growth.
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