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According to Japanese media report,In most of the nuclear power station under the background of decommissioning,Japan's domestic energy demand increasing,In order to ensure that more energy import channel and stable import energy prices,Japan to speed up the implementation of energy import channel diversification strategy.
This year in October 1 -,Japan liquefied natural gas(LNG)Imports of about 5 trillion yen/Year-on-year increase 3 into above,Imports from Africa's LNG quantity increased obviously.As a result of Africa produce LNG price and Indonesia/Malaysia and other major exporting countries about cheap compared to 1,Plus the European debt crisis by European countries have reduced the import,Large African produce LNG to Japan.According to the trade statistics,This year in October 1 - Japan from Nigeria/Equatorial guinea and African countries imported LNG amount to 7.6 million tons,Is 2.4 times that of the same period last year,Accounted for of the total number of import and multiplication to 1 around.
Japan for the Middle East oil dependence also drop from 90% in 2009 to 83% now.Japan began to import a lot of suitable for power generation fuel Gabon production of crude oil;At the same time,In 2013, Japan began from the Russian far east import crude oil quantity will increase,Expected to Japan accounted for more than 5% of the total oil imports.
日本从今年开始进口美国产液化石油气(LPG),1-10月份进口量为22万吨。随着美国页岩气产量的不断增多,LPG的需求趋于缓和,在价格方面美国产LPG是沙特的一半。日本LPG主要经销商Astomos Energy和ENEOS集团均计划从2014年开始与美国经销商签订长期合约,增加美国产LPG的进口,预计到2015年两家公司美国产LPG进口量占日本全部的8%以上。
Japan imports from the beginning of this year the production of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)(LPG),1 - October imports for 220000 tons.As the U.S. shale gas production is increasing,The demand of LPG easing,In price american-made LPG is half of Saudi Arabia.Japan Astomos LPG the main distributor Energy and ENEOS group are plan since 2014 and the United States signed a long-term contract dealers,Increase the United States imports of LPG production,It is estimated that by 2015 the two companies producing the LPG imports accounted for more than 8% of all Japanese.
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