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At present,India ChaShang joint calls for completely abolish or reduce the import of tea,In order to control the Indian tea market soaring in the tea price and develop the domestic buyers quantity.According to Indian trade standards will be declared,India's tea production for a long time in stagnation/Weak state,So greatly hit domestic enthusiastic buyers,So the ChaShang and tea market company hope completely abolish or reduce the import of tea to stimulate their own tea production.

  根据印度西部茶商联盟 (WITDA)作出的估计显示,印度茶产量现以每年1.5%的比例在增长,而国内茶消费的上涨比例则是每年3%—5%。该联盟的主席德赛先生说:“很明显,现在印度茶是供不应求,国内缓慢的增产速度消极地影响了国内市场需求。如果政府持续大量地进口国外茶叶,该形势在往后的几年中将会恶化,同时还会对茶价产生不良影响。茶商一致要求停止茶叶进口,至少从斯里兰卡输入的茶要缩减到原来的15%,因为每年从斯里兰卡进口的茶叶在全部进口茶中所占比重实在不是小数目。”

According to ChaShang alliance in western India (WITDA)The estimate of the display,India's tea production is the proportion of 1.5% annually in growth,And the domestic tea consumption rising proportion is 3% a year.The chairman of the federation said Mr Ds:"obviously,Now India tea is short supply,Domestic slow increase speed negative impact on the domestic market demand.If the government continue to import a large number of foreign tea,The situation in the next few years will be worse,At the same time also has a harmful effect on the price of tea.ChaShang agree to stop tea import,At least from Sri Lanka input tea should reduce to 15%,Because every year from Sri Lanka imports of tea in the tea all import proportion is not really small number."


India average tea yield of 980 million kg,And tea consumption quantity and total annual export it can reach 1 billion kg.In the face of the habitat,India chose calling for reducing tea import.
