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According to customs statistics,By October,In 2012, total imported cotton 1.2131 million tons,A year over the same period increased by 498700 tons,Increased by 69.8% year-on-year,The Indian/Pakistan/Vietnam the top three;By October,In 2012, total imported cotton 696 million meters,Increased by 10.73% year-on-year.And cotton import steady growth relative should is cotton imports breakthrough type amplification,And according to the author to understand,Because of the 2013 China import quota policy there is a big uncertainty/The cotton market at home and abroad or will still parallel operation and cotton trade profit space of the squeezing effect,More and more import and export corporation and cotton traders began to enter or research program in cotton import/Cotton import and even clothing imports field,Cotton imports will continue to expand,Gradually replace imported cotton,China's cotton enterprise/Cotton spinning enterprise to weaving enterprise/Clothing enterprise industry scale from local to comprehensive atrophy is just a question of time.Because with southeast Asia/Bangladesh and African countries,Our country cotton textile industry competitiveness/Market share and external export condition decline is tangible.Raw materials such as cotton prices/Artificial and tax cost heavy and export environment for Europe and the United States, and other countries economic descending/Political factors doping and deterioration,We described the industrial worker of the army and textile dyeing complete industry chain of advantage in speed up disappear.


So to the plan and is coming into the cotton import trade company in which aspects should pay more attention to it?The simple communication with friends as follows:

  一、 选择贸易量大、有名气的印度、巴基斯坦棉纺厂或贸易出口量合作,降低因棉纱、棉布一旦出现质量索赔而无法执行的情况。目前在国内经营的印度、巴基斯坦棉纱品牌非常多,有的在其国内只是1.5万锭至2万锭的纱厂,而且这些棉纺厂在供货量一般会选择优先供给其国内的织布厂或客户,再加上有的小棉纺厂非其纺织总会或其它部门的会员,如果纱价上涨一般延期交货或要求涨价的情况比较普遍。印度、巴基斯坦大品牌和小厂同支棉纱的差价可以达到2000元/吨以上,再加上棉纺厂棉花原料的供应比较复杂,配棉也多种多样,因此纱线的品质相差比较大,一般美棉、印度棉、巴棉和非州棉、中亚棉是主体棉花原料,因此从保值和风险的角度考虑尽量选择其国内大型纺企或出口商。

a/ Choose the big trade/Famous Indian/Pakistan cotton mill or trade exports cooperation,Reduce for cotton/Cotton once appear quality claim and unable to carry out the situation.At present domestic business in India/Pakistan cotton brand very much,Some in its domestic only 15000 pieces to 20000 pieces of the cotton mill,And the cotton mill extreamely (-a ly in general will choose priority supply the domestic ZhiBuChang or client,Plus some small cotton mill not its textile always or other member of the department,If the yarn prices generally delayed delivery or requirements of the price are quite common.India/Pakistan's big brands and small factory with a cotton price differentials can reach 2000 yuan/tons,Plus cotton mill cotton raw material supply is more complex,Cotton assorting varied also,So the quality of the yarn are bigger,General American cotton/India cotton/And cotton and African cotton/Central Asia cotton is main body cotton material,Therefore, from the view point of value and risk as far as possible choose its large domestic FangQi or exporters.

  二、 印纱和巴纱小样的作用不大,一般小样和大货有一些差距,因此通过邮寄小样、检测技术指标的意义不高。从设备的角度来看,印度和巴基斯坦纺40S以下机器设备同国内棉纺厂相差不大,甚至要较国内部分地区和厂家设备要先进,而且随东南亚国家工人的整体素质提高,只要配棉用美棉、印度棉等中高等级皮棉,40S及以下印纱、巴纱的品质并不比国内中小型棉纺厂差。一些常年使用印纱、巴纱的江浙、广东等地的织布厂甚至认为C40以下棉纱的强力和可纺性要好于国内企业,而且由于印度、巴基斯坦皮辊棉为主,叶屑和其它杂质要高于国产棉,因此如果染深色订单用外纱的效果要好于国产纱。但值得注意的是不论印纱还是巴纱批次间的品质差异比较大,混批现象也经常出现,某进口企业抵港的印度纱中曾经出现一个柜中有三个批纱的棉纱,而且C20S、C30S混在一起,让进口企业无法处理。

two/ Print yarn, yarn and the role of course not,The general course and large cargo have some gap,So through the mail small kind/Detection technology index meaning is not high.From the point of view of the device,India and Pakistan spinning and s the following equipment with domestic cotton mill are not significant,Even better than the domestic partial areas and manufacturers to advanced equipment,And with the southeast Asian countries to improve the overall quality of workers,As long as cotton assorting with American cotton/India cotton and other high-grade cotton,And s and the following printed yarn/And yarn quality is not better than the domestic small and medium-sized cotton mill difference.Some perennial use print yarn/Jiangsu and yarn/Guangdong ZhiBuChang C40 even think the cotton yarn strength and spinnability better than the domestic enterprises,And because the India/Pakistan roller ginned cotton is given priority to,Leaf dust and other impurity than GuoChanMian,So if dyed dark order with the yarn effect better than the domestic yarn.But it is important to note that no matter or print yarn, yarn between batches of the quality difference is bigger,Mixed batch of phenomenon often appears,Some import enterprise arrived in India yarn had appeared a chest has three batch of yarn of cotton,And C20S/C30S mixed together,Let the import enterprise cannot handle.

  三、 经营外纱的利润空间将逐渐缩小,高支纱的空间会稍好些,但由于配棉、人员素质以及设备使用等等问题使高支棉纱的索赔问题经常出现,若能在棉纱采购区域内建立办事处或分公司,监督订单的生产情况和自行运输风险也会降低。目前印度、巴基斯坦纺中高支纱主要用美棉、印度棉和埃及长绒棉等,而60S及以上棉纱是其棉纺厂的“瓶颈”。2000年-2003年期间,因只有广东、上海、江浙等地贸易商进口外棉销售,一吨普梳纱的利润通常能到3000-4000元/吨;一吨JC40、JC50S、JC60S棉纱的利润通常能达到8000-10000元,而随着近几年外纱进口量大幅增长,印纱、巴纱的利润已经下降至500-800元/吨,1000元以上的利润已很难见到。

three/ Management of the yarn profit space will gradually reduced,Two space will be slightly better,But as a result of cotton assorting/The quality of the personnel and equipment use and so on questions that high cotton claim often appear,If can in cotton purchasing area set up offices or branches,Supervision order production conditions and to transport risk will reduce.Today, India/Pakistan spinning the two main use American cotton/India cotton and Egypt staple cotton, etc,And sixty s and above cotton is its the mill"bottleneck".In 2000-2003 period,Because only guangdong/Shanghai/The jiangsu and zhejiang provinces, traders import the cotton sales,A ton of general comb yarn profits can usually to 3000-4000 yuan/ton,A ton of JC40/JC50S/JC60S cotton profits can usually reach 8000-10000 yuan,But along with the sharp increase in recent years yarn imports,Print yarn/And yarn profit has dropped to 500-800 yuan/ton,1000 yuan of above profits are difficult to see.

  四、 初次进入外纱经营领域,巴基斯坦、印度国内的棉纺厂家报价通常要高于其国内大型贸易商的报价,要想直接同厂家做成生意的难度较大,大多需要从贸易商手中订货开始。因为印度、巴基斯坦等东南亚国家棉纺厂的规模一般比较小,直接报CIF价格或运抵中国主港、港口保税区存货的可能性不大,只能通过为数不多几家大型贸易商操作,因此在对纺纱厂不熟悉的情况下,短期从印、巴贸易商手中接货也是个选择。而且外纱报价大多参考国内,留给国内企业经营的机会和空间明显缩窄。

four/ First enter the outer yarn business field,Pakistan/India domestic cotton manufacturers offer is usually higher than the large domestic traders offer,If you want to directly with manufacturers to make business difficult,Most of the needs from traders hands began to order.Because India/Pakistan and other southeast Asian countries the mill scale is generally small,Direct quote CIF price or arrived at China's main port/Port bonded area inventory is unlikely,Only through a few several large trade business operation,So in the spinning mill not familiar situations,Short-term from printing/And traders hand joint cargo is a choice.And most of the yarn offer reference domestic,For the domestic business opportunities and space clear constriction.
