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Since the international financial crisis,The global market downturn,International trade and global development environment becomes severe,Countries are looking for new economic growth point.In such a background,Service trade is more and more widespread concern,Become an international economic focus of competition and cooperation hot spot.Current and future a period,The development of service trade is facing both major external opportunities,Are confronted with many challenges,We must firmly grasp the strategic opportunity for international and domestic,Make the right development strategy,To promote the rapid development of service trade.
Service trade refers to the service of cross-border deals.Nearly twenty years,With economic globalization deepening and the wide use of information technology,The service trade of continuously improve,The rapid development of service trade.Faced with the international economic environment and China's comparative advantage changes of the new situation,To enhance the international competitiveness of our country's service trade,China's foreign trade is an important content of the transformation and upgrade of,At the same time,For the transformation of the mode of economic development,Promote economic structure optimization and upgrading,Also has important strategic significance.
Trade in services is a new economic growth point,Is also the focus of the international economic competition and cooperation hot spot.
The first,The development of service trade is to promote China's international division of labor is the inevitable requirement of position.Although China is already the world trade in goods exporter/The second importer,But in the global division of labor is still in the low end,Mainly engaged in low value added link.With the continuous improvement of per capita income level,Effect on our country's comparative advantage based factors is undergoing profound changes,Sewing worker wages rise rapidly,Labor-intensive products has been weakened by the international competitiveness,But the worker quality improved obviously,By the education of workers increased greatly.Vigorously develop service trade,Not only can give full play to our human resource advantage,For him to provide a higher income/More decent jobs,And can effectively improve the overall competitiveness of the industry chain in China,So as to make up for the rise in the cost of manufacturing industry international competitiveness of erosion.In addition,to"Smile curve"At both ends of the extension,In our country is to enhance the global division of labor in the direction of the position,The research and development services to the professional service and other production services,It is"Smile curve"Both ends of the high value added link,so,The development of service trade is beneficial to extend our country participate in the international division of labor value chain,Promotion division status.
The second,To promote the development of service trade development of China's service industries is the effective way.Service industry and service trade is complementary relationship.On the one hand,Service trade can bring in new business model/To train the internationalized talents/Expediting domestic service market competition,Drive to raise the level of service;On the other hand,Service industry opening service will promote the reform of the system,So as to promote the development of service industry.In addition,The development of service trade is helpful to accelerate the development of high-end services.As a developing country,Make full use of the developed countries outside market,In high-end services to form scale economy,So as to accelerate the development of high-end services.
The third,The development of service trade is an important content of the transformation development way.In the our country economy imbalance/No coordination and unsustainable problem is very outstanding,Transformation development mode has become the urgent matter.Develop service trade,One is to be able to optimize industrial structure,Improve the proportion of services in the economy;The second is to energy conservation and emissions reduction;The third is to improve the overall efficiency of the national economy;The fourth is to narrow the regional gap and the income gap.The Midwest regions in the development of trade in goods subject to export location disadvantage,But some of the development of service trade is not affected by the limitation of the location.Such as,A lot of service outsourcing by the Internet can solve the problem of trade with the outside world,Project contracting/Tourism also export from inland areas location conditions.The development of service trade is not only can provide more jobs,But also helps to reduce inland and coastal areas of the income gap.
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