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  日前,日本厚生劳动省医药食品局食品安全部发布通知称,对食品、添加剂等规格标准进行补充修订,规定中杀虫剂三唑磷的限量由发布前的0 .05ppm /kg修订为0 .01ppm /kg,除草剂苄嘧磺隆的限量由发布前0 .02ppm /kg修订为0 .01ppm /kg,两种农药标准将自2013年2月20日起实施。这是日本自2006年5月29日执行“肯定列表”以来再次提高茶叶进口门槛。

a,Japan's health ministry medicine ShiPinJu food security issued notice said,For food/Additives specifications for supplementary revision,The regulations of the pesticide triazophos of set limit to released by former 0 . 5 PPM / kg revised 0 . The PPM / kg,Weedicide bensulfuron-methyl by release of set limit to zero before . The PPM / kg revised 0 . The PPM / kg,Two kinds of pesticide standards will since February 2013 and implementation date.This is from Japan on May 29, 2006 implementation"Positive list"To improve the tea again since import threshold.

  据悉,广东检验检疫局辖区仅有两家输日茶叶生产企业,其中一家就在顺德。顺德检验检疫局统计数据显示,2011年至今顺德出口日本茶叶共257.8吨,价值76 .2万美元,占广东口岸输日茶叶的10 .8%。此前顺德检验检疫局一直对输日茶叶三唑磷项目按0 .05ppm /kg标准进行检测,至今未有被通报超标情况发生。

It is reported,Guangdong inspection and quarantine jurisdiction only two lost day tea production enterprise,One in shunde.Shunde inspection and quarantine statistics,Since 2011, we have exported to Japan tea shunde a total of 257.8 tons,Value of 76 . 20000 dollars,The port of guangdong, lose ten tea . 8%.Previously shunde inspection and quarantine has been on the day tea triazophos project according to zero . 5 PPM / kg standard testing,So far no posted overweight happens.

  “输日茶叶三唑磷标准为0 .01ppm /kg,顺德茶叶输日将面临新的挑战。”顺德检验检疫部门负责人提醒相关出口企业,及时向客户了解并熟悉各进口国对相关产品的检验标准要求,通知茶叶种植基地及时调整使用的农药种类;并加强基地农药使用管理,确保出口茶叶符合进口国要求;同时提高自检自控能力,加强对原料及成品的检测。而当前,顺德检验检疫局也加强了对出口茶叶的检验把关,将三唑磷作为输日茶叶重点检测项目,确保顺德输日茶叶的质量。

"Lose day tea triazophos standard is zero . The PPM / kg,Shunde tea lose day will face new challenges."Shunde inspection and quarantine department person in charge to remind the relevant export enterprise,Timely to customers understand and familiar with importing countries relevant product inspection standards,Notice tea planting base adjust the use of pesticide species;And strengthen base pesticide use management,Ensure that export tea conform to the importer requirements;At the same time improve the self control ability,Strengthen the raw materials and finished products testing.And the current,Shunde inspection and quarantine also strengthened the tea export inspection checks,Will triazophos as a lost day tea key testing project,To ensure the quality of the tea, shunde lose.

  此外还了解到,日本厚生劳动省自2006年8月9日起陆续对中国产乌龙茶、绿茶开始实施命令检查(批批检查),检查项目即为三唑磷。实施命令检查以来我国有近30批茶叶被通报超标,约占茶叶中所有农残通报率的六成。 (本稿件发表于2012年9月5日)

In addition to know,Japan's health ministry since August 9, 2006 in the production of Chinese oolong tea/Green tea began to carry out the order inspection(Pp: batch batch inspection),Check that the project for triazophos.Implement command inspection in China since nearly 30 batch tea posted overweight,All the tea accounted for about sixty percent of the reporting rate pesticide residues. (The articles published in September 5, 2012)


readings:Triazophos, etc are reference implementation,Lose face, tea big test

  早于2011年10月7日,日本政府在东京召开了外国外交官会议,宣布修订三唑磷(Triazophos)的最大残留限量的计划。2012年8月20日,日本厚生劳动省医药食品局食品安全部发布食安发0820第1号通知,对食品、添加剂等规格标准进行补充修订,其中茶叶中除草剂苄嘧磺隆(Bensulfuron-methyl)的限量由0.02 ppm修订为一律基准(0.01ppm),杀虫剂三唑磷的限量由0.05ppm修订为一律基准(0.01ppm),自2013年2月20日起实施。

Early in October 7, 2011,The Japanese government in Tokyo foreign diplomats held a meeting,Announced revised triazophos(Triazophos)The maximum residue limits plan.21 August 2012,Japan's health ministry medicine ShiPinJu food security issued food AnFa 0820 no. 1 notice,For food/Additives specifications for supplementary revision,The tea of herbicide bensulfuron-methyl(Bensulfuron - methyl)The limit of 0.02 PPM revision for all reference(0.01 PPM),Pesticide triazophos of limit of 0.05 PPM revision for all reference(0.01 PPM),Since February 2013 and implementation date.


According to the author to understand,These two kinds of pesticides in Japan are not allowed to be used.Bensulfuron - methyl suitable for paddy field control born in 1 and perennial broadleaf weeds and sedges,In crop after bud,Weeds sprout before and after bud spraying,In our country is not used in the tea plant,For upland tea plantation has no effect.But fujian province there are still some rice paddies may grow on tea,Still there may be hidden trouble.And triazophos for medium toxicity broad spectrum of organophosphorus pesticides,To nematodes and mites have certain effect to kill,Widely used in our country.Japan's health ministry since August 9, 2006 in the production of Chinese oolong tea/Green tea began to carry out the order inspection(Pp: batch batch inspection),Inspection items for triazophos,More than 0.05 Mg/ kg which is overweight.Implement command inspection in China since nearly 30 batch tea posted overweight,All the tea accounted for about sixty percent of the pesticide residues overweight bulletin.On June 21, 2012,Japan's health ministry according to import monitoring results,Decide to terminate on chinese-made oolong tea of triazophos project order inspection,To implement the import check ratio for 30% of strengthening monitoring inspection.February twenty,,Triazophos standard reduced to 0.01 Mg/ kg,China tea enterprises, lose face great challenge.


As low in pesticide,Triazophos is China's ministry of agriculture first recommended pesticide,Although our country has no registration triazophos can use in tea,No tea triazophos test standard,February 13, 2012 the ministry of agriculture of the latest release[About print and distribute solanaceous fruit vegetables and kind of pollution-free agricultural products detection directory notice](NongBan mass [2012] no. 8)This will be included in the directory of tea detection,Puts forward a 12 pesticide and heavy metal requirements,The methamidophos/fenvalerate/dimethoate/Dichlorvos cited the eu standards,Put forward the cock of the walk around here detection requirements,But still no sight of triazophos.But in rice/fruit/Vegetables grown widely used,Farmers there will triazophos misuse to tea possible.

  我国茶叶年出口日本约2万吨,占茶叶总出口量的三分之二,福建是我国茶叶主产区之一,年输日量约9500吨,占总出口量的75%。为此,厦门检验检疫局建议:一是有关部门应提醒茶农高度重视日方标准修订信息,及早做好应对准备;二是将三唑磷列入茶树禁用药,禁止在全省乃至全国的茶树上使用三唑磷;三是建议加强种植水稻的茶产区苄嘧磺隆使用的管控;四是制定茶叶中三唑磷限量标准;五是建立完善茶叶种植基地的管理体系,加强农药使用监管和原料验收;六是加强对农药生产厂家的监督、检查,规范注明农药有效成分,将三唑磷作为重要的农药成分确证项目;七是目前国家公布的三唑磷检测方法低限为0.02 mg/kg,不能符合日本限量要求,而茶叶中苄嘧磺隆尚未制定检测方法,亟待加强检测技术研究,保证检测结果符合日方要求;八是加强宣传、培训,使广大茶农做到科学、合理用药;九是各级产区政府应加强宏观指导与协同,发挥行业组织作用,切实加强行业监管和企业自律。

China tea exports in Japan about 20000 tons,Total exports accounted for two-thirds of the tea,Fujian is one of the main tea in China,NianShu amount, about 9500 tons,75% of total exports.therefore,Xiamen inspection and quarantine Suggestions:One is the relevant departments should remind tea farmer attaches great importance to Japanese standard revision information,As soon as possible to prepare for;The second is to triazophos in tea forbidden drugs,In the province and even the whole country banned the use of triazophos in tea;3 it is suggested to strengthen the tea planting rice grown bensulfuron-methyl use control;The fourth is formulated in tea triazophos limit standard;Five is to establish a perfect tea planting base management system,To strengthen the supervision and pesticide use raw material acceptance;Six is to strengthen the supervision of the pesticide manufacturers/check,Standard indicate the pesticide active ingredients,Will triazophos pesticide ingredients as an important project confirmed;Seven is the national publication of triazophos detection method for the low limit of 0.02 Mg/ kg,Can't conform to the requirements of set limit to Japan,And tea bensulfuron-methyl has not enacted detection method,To strengthen the detection technology research,Ensure that test results accord with the requirement;Eight is to strengthen publicity/training,Make the tea farmer do science/Rational drug use;Nine is grown at all levels, the government should strengthen macro guidance and coordination,Role play industry organization,Strengthen the industry regulation and enterprise self-discipline.
