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Thai media reported,Thailand industry association said,Auto export show signs of better,August export growth of 18%,85,279 cars.Domestic car sales for automobile manufacturers will domestic automobile production mention to more than export production and continue to grow,To deliver a new car to enjoy"First bus plan"Favorable customer,Believe that 2012 car output will more than 2 million vehicles.
泰国工业协会汽车行业分会发言人素拉蓬表示,2012年8月汽车出口数量为85,279辆,同比增幅18%,但与2012年7月相比较减少10.08%; 汽车出口价值累计413亿6,027万铢,同比增长30.59%。2012年1-8月泰国汽车总出口数量为639,986辆,同比增长16.03%;汽车出口 价值累计3,047亿8,205万铢,同比增长26.01%。
Thailand industry association auto industry branch spokesman element pull board said,In August 2012, auto export quantity for 85,279 cars,The year-on-year growth rate of 18%,But in 2012 the phases of the moon is reduced by 10.08%; Auto export value accumulated 41.3 billion 6,0.27 million baht,Year-on-year growth of 30.59%.January, 2012 - August Thailand total vehicle export quantity for 639,986 cars,Year-on-year growth of 16.03%;Auto export Value accumulated 3,August 04.7 billion,2.05 million baht,Year-on-year growth of 26.01%.
2012年8月泰国内汽车销售数量累计129,509辆,同比增长63.9%,但比2012年7月略降1.62%。国内汽车销售量增长与汽车制造企业调整生产计划,加大内销汽车产量,减少出口汽车产量,以尽快给要享受政府「首车计划」优惠的客户交付新车。累计2012年1至8月国内汽车销售数量累计为86 7,703辆,同比增长48.6%。相比下,8月汽车产量累计210333辆,同比增长37.31%,比2012年7月略降1.13%;2012年1-8月泰国汽车产量共计1477,888辆,同比增长33.02%。
In August 2012 in Thailand car sales volume up to 129,509 cars,Year-on-year growth of 63.9%,But more than 2012 July slightly drop 1.62%.Domestic car sales growth and automobile manufacture enterprise restructuring of the production plan,Increase the domestic automobile production,Reduce exports car production,As soon as possible to enjoy the government "first bus plan" favorable customer delivery of the new car.Accumulated in January 2012 to August domestic automobile sales volume accumulated for 86 7,703 cars,Year-on-year growth of 48.6%.By comparison,August auto output up to 210333 vehicles,Year-on-year growth of 37.31%,More than 2012 July slightly drop 1.13%;January, 2012 - August Thailand auto output total of 1477,888 cars,Year-on-year growth of 33.02%.
素拉蓬对2012年9至11月汽车产量进行预测时表示,9至11月间汽车产量估累计约65,225辆,比2012年6至8月期间625,850辆产量 相比,增加59,375辆,或增长9.49%。但比2011年9至11月的247,346辆实际产量,增加数量为437,879辆,或增幅达 177.03%。预计2012年1-8月累计产量超过220万辆,摩托车产量则在250万辆左右,并相信这种增长势头会继续保持。按此发展速度,估计在5年后泰国的汽车年产量将达到300万辆,迈入世界汽车产量居前国家行列。
Prime pull board of 2012 September to November car production forecast said,9 to 11 month cumulative production car estimation about 65,225 cars,More than 2012 to August 6 during 625,850 car production Compared with,Increase 59,375 cars,Or growth of 9.49%.But more than 2011 September to November 247,346 a actual production,Increase the quantity for 437,879 cars,Or growth of 177.03%.In 2012 is expected to 1 - August cumulative yield more than 2.2 million vehicles,Motorcycle production is about 2.5 million cars,And believe that this kind of growth will continue to keep.According to the development speed,Estimates that in five years Thailand car output will reach 3 million cars,Entering the world auto output before the country ranks.
素拉蓬指出,虽然泰国汽车制造业在过去时间遭遇海啸、特大洪灾等危机,但政府「首车计划」有效地拉动汽车行业快速复苏及发展。国内汽车销售市场 方面,虽然部分计划2013年购车的民众已经提前在2012年订购,但也有专家认为2013年国内汽车销售市场仍然呈现良好状态。出口方面虽然受欧债危机蔓延的影响,导致泰 国几乎各类产品的出口都减少,但其中汽车和汽车零配件出口仍然起到重要的支持作用。
Element pull board points out that,Although the Thai automotive industry in the past time encounter tsunami/Large floods and crisis,But the government "first bus plan" effectively drive the car industry rapid recovery and development.Domestic car sales market aspects,Although part of the plan in 2013 people had car early in 2012 order,But experts believe that 2013 years domestic car sales market is still present in good condition.Although the export by the debt crisis spread influence,Lead to Thai Countries almost all kinds of products are exported to reduce,But the cars and auto parts export still play an important support role.
Thailand the ministry of transportation by land hall has revealed,Due to the new standard of the registration to rise sharply,Make temporary red serious lack of license plate.Because the end of 2011 catastrophic floods happened,There are many new car be delayed,And the government launched the first bus plan "to attract a large number of people to purchase a new car,That car sales company's temporary red a serious shortage of license plate,But it can be arranged through to in the near future to buy a new car is a red plate.
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