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Obvious advantages,Developed and emerging countries is foreign trade key
China furniture overseas market is still wide,Although after the financial crisis,The global economy suffered a serious blow,The international market demand growth power shortage,The international market furniture demand remains stationary,The international market is still China furniture industry one of the main market,China furniture products in the international market is still has a certain advantage.
The world developed countries still is our country furniture export destination countries.2012 1 - June furniture export the top ten final destination countries are respectively:The United States/Japan/British/Germany/Canada/Australia/France/Malaysia/The Netherlands and Saudi Arabia,And 2011 are in substantial agreement.the,Exports to the United States is very outstanding,Accumulative total export value as high as $7.011 billion,To Malaysia and Saudi Arabia's export growth significantly,Are more than 60%.
Brazil/Russia and other countries and asean nuggets become the international emerging markets,Has become China's furniture export important countries.
Inside and outside and repair,China furniture technology level significantly increased
Furniture industry technology mainly reflects in the design development and manufacture process two aspects.In recent years,China furniture from imitating Italian furniture such as the design style of traditional manufacturing countries,Gradually to contain the unique cultural connotation independent design change,At the same time the enterprise pays great attention to the new material/New technology research and development and application,Through the introduction of foreign advanced equipment and improve the domestic asset equipment to improve production efficiency,In the production and extensive use of the information and automation technology,Effectively increased in the competitiveness of the international market and approval.Furniture enterprise go out of the country,Purchase foreign furniture production/Marketing enterprise,In foreign countries to establish brand shop,His own brand enterprise,Have a great progress,Get the better effect.
Can see,Since 2012 the whole furniture industry export situation is good,The main market for international export or growth,In emerging international markets can obviously improve the export growth,Than for growing;The Midwest export proportion increase,Rapid development.In furniture industry based on export remained stable,The industry still needs to further improve labor productivity and science and technology level,Keep the export products in the international market competitiveness.
Needs stable,Ensure export steady development
In the international market,Furniture and clothing/Household appliances/Car coordinate,In international trade is one of the four major consumer goods.China has become the world's first big furniture export trading nation,China furniture overseas market is still wide.Although after the financial crisis,The global economy suffered a serious blow,The international market demand growth power shortage,Recovery situation is relatively slow,But the international market furniture demand remains stationary,The international market is still China furniture industry one of the main market.Through the 2009 financial crisis influence,In the 2010 years later China furniture industry production sales situation is better,Presents restorative growth situation,Foreign trade competitiveness is higher than the average level in the world,In the international market is still has certain advantages,Have a stable market and the main sales market,Furniture products in the international market status firmly.
Transformation and upgrading of,To promote the furniture industry health promotion
Over the past few years,Our country in order to realize the Chinese furniture from big to strong changes,Furniture industry made the pace of transformation and upgrading,Has low cost competition from rely on to improve product technology content and added value transformation.The transformation and upgrading of China is the only way for the development of furniture industry,Furniture enterprise in production technology/Product independent design positive innovations,To improve the level of environmental protection furniture products at the same time,Strengthen the management to reduce the cost of production technology,Improved extensive production methods,Reduce labor cost,Improve the quality of products and product added value.
Preferential policy,Industry development"escort"
The sustained and rapid development of the domestic economy,Positive prudent macroeconomic policy played the role of escort.The international financial crisis,domestic/The two markets"Strong in the weak"characteristics,In furniture industry performance more fully.The country has issued export drawback to promote trade measures,To ease the furniture industry outlet pressure/To prevent a sharp slowdown in export which has played a positive role.Export enterprises enjoy export tax rebate and a series of preferential policies,Export products strictly implement the international standard,It will be very helpful to our furniture products overall level of ascension,Is furniture enterprise to keep the competitive advantage of the important development way and the direction of development.
Converging world,Promote the standardization of quality and safety
At present,The global competition has competition from quality/Technology competition/Brand competition up to the competition between various standard,Standardization will become industry admittance threshold,Will also is the enterprise competitive edge tool and new growth point of profit.China furniture industry to adapt to the new material/New technology/The continuous application of new technologies,To speed up the products in quality/safety/Environmental standard system revision.The future,China furniture industry standardization system construction will further improve,The formulation of standards in China furniture industry will accelerate the pace with international standards,Upgrading our furniture standard international status,To improve our country furniture product quality and technical level.
Grasp the trend,The future export stability play firm firm
Whether enterprise or local government/Industry association,To actively expand export sales market,Through to the exhibition,Visited other countries,With the increase of foreign contact,Not only with the existing developed countries set up trade,Also try to establish contact with developing countries,Grasp the future export transfer dynamic.
Adhere to the high-tech road,To use electronic information management, transform and promote the traditional industry household,The process of modernization construction,International furniture manufacturing standard to emulate.The country needs more higher levels of product design/Production technology ability is strong/Large scale enterprise/Product quality guaranteed brand furniture enterprise,Actively improve the ability of independent innovation and competitiveness in the international market lasting.Production enterprises to introduce advanced technology and process,Improve product quality,Labor productivity,Reduce cost,Improve product standard,Pay attention to the development of design and the application of new materials,Increase product added value.The implementation of brand strategy,Build your own brand,Slow and steady in the international market.
As the national economy and raising the level of the social system of sound,China's furniture industry continues to expand the scale,Furniture enterprise has been strengthened,Brand construction actively move forward,Industry continue to expand the scale,Through the standardization work in,The wide application of advanced technology,Furniture industry insist on two legs stand,A leg in domestic,A leg to stand in a foreign country,To realize China furniture from big to strong changes.
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