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British prime minister Cameron 2 month and day led"The largest in the history of the delegation"To visit India.There are two days,In addition to praise the rise of India is the big event,And optimistic forecast India in 2030 years ago will become the world's third largest economy outside,Cameron says hope and India establish a special partnership.It is important to note that,"Special relationship"The word in the past usually only be used to refer to British and American relations.[The New York times]19 to"Cameron to India to trade door up a little"issues,Highlighted British mission trip key.For opening up to foreign investment/Relaxed regulatory/Urged allow bank insurance into the requirements for follow Cameron praise at the same time into the India.
According to the British broadcasting corporation reported,This is the second time to visit India under the Cameron.He led the huge delegation of more than 100 enterprise representatives,There is no lack of among them rolls Royce/BAE systems/British petroleum company British well-known enterprise,In addition also include British football super league and representative of the London underground.AFP said,By the British business executives constitute a huge team goal,Let the Indian government is open to foreign investors in retail/Aviation and banking and insurance door.On a trip to Cameron said before:"We hope the Indian government will continue its start and opening up the national economy has been done outstanding work,Such as to eliminate barriers,To do business in India become more convenient."He also said:"India will become one of the leading power of the century,We hope to become your partner."As the former colony of Britain and the commonwealth members,India many large enterprises to buy the British now instead of famous brand,Including India, tata group buying jaguar land rover, etc.
Comprehensive India and British media reports,It is not difficult to see that Britain to visit attach great importance and careful preparation.[Hindus to]19 published Cameron just to mumbai will go to the terrorist attacks of 2008 were killed the police memorial and flowers were considerably the picture.Several Indian media also reported in Cameron with Indian interactions at the mention of his wife good at cooking curry fish,He wanted to try the kerala curry fish"Close to people move".In addition,Cameron also offered many favorable terms,Such as Britain will give India first going to the businessman"Take the sign"Business sign preferential policies,And at present such visa need to wait at least 11 days.Cameron also announced to India to British students study in quantity and time limits.
"Cameron to India to trade door up a little."[The New York times]The title of the highlighted Cameron to India not stint praise words and throw the focus of sweet taste.According to[Times of India]reports,19,Singh and Cameron in bilateral talks announced,India and the UK's decision to start in civilian nuclear trade negotiations,British company which is into India emerging atomic market.It is reported,India has with the United States/France/South Korea and Canada and other countries signed the civil nuclear trade agreement.Reports say,The British prime minister manmohan singh in the support of the nuclear suppliers group, thank you,Cameron said the response,British would like to high and new technology transfer to India.The oil company British petroleum 19 and reliance industries will be announced in the next few years investment of us $5 billion to develop oil and gas fields of the bay of Bengal.And,,Cameron said to the host,The Indian side should be further openness to foreign investment,And to relax affect business development and supervision,"As Britain to India company do",Especially to allow foreign insurance and banking direct investment.Cameron says the seal between the two countries"Special relationship",this"Special relationship"All the far-reaching changes are happening,Now Britain economy ranked sixth,India's 10,But India is expected to surpass the decades to Britain.He hoped the two countries"Special relationship"Can grow up to be strong economic cooperation partnership.Cameron says,Hope that the bilateral trade can from 2010 pounds to increase his next election that is 2015 pounds.Considering the development of relations between the two countries,Britain will stop in 2015 years of India's aid.
In recent years,Despite India's economic potential is tremendous and rapid development speed,But including Britain, many foreign enterprises development in India had a lot of problems.Reuters said,British telecom operator vodafone/British Dutch joint venture shell oil and other because of tax problems and the Indian government not dispute,Tesco supermarket and retail into India also has been blocked.The Associated Press says,Enterprises have complained that do business in India face access permission/Problems such as the legal dispute.In the world bank about business easy degree rankings,India in all on this year's list of 185 countries and regions in 132 only.
Reuters reported,India is expected to be in the next five years in the field of infrastructure construction investment of us $1 trillion,British enterprise will actively in the construction contract in a slice of this action,Especially to help build India from mumbai to bangalore (1000 km) economic corridor,Then bring value as high as $25 billion investment projects.According to Cameron said,A commercial agreement is expected to current visit to British increase 500 jobs,Will also for another 2000 jobs to provide security.British embassy in India high commissioner for issued a statement that said,Britain's retail company this ham department will be in 2017 years ago in India to open new stores 10,Other retail enterprise is expected to have into India.The royal mints will also work with India jointly issued a commemorative gold coin,"This is nearly a century of participation for the first time".
but,King's college London of India's foreign policy experts ha's pan for the special printing approached do not look good,"Britain and India by history, and the vast Indian English relates in together,But new Delhi destined to remain aloof".He thinks,India never with any countries had special intimate relationship,"India can never be what you want to let them become the intimate partner".
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