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In the property market regulation policies and steel under double pressures of social inventory record,After the steel price suddenly"face",The end of the rally since early December.The steel price plummet triggered panic steel trading business,Many steel trading business began to eager to throw the goods sold.
A Shanghai steel trade enterprise director Mr Li told reporters,Due to the holiday rally,Many steel trade are store the goods at the end of last year."Can be‘The five countries’after,Steel prices‘Smell of control and fell’,Steel trading business confidence is a big blow".
"In recent days the company for all sales personnel mobilization,There is only one goal - try our best‘The shipment’."A Shanghai steel trade enterprises, the sales manager Mr Bao told futures daily reporter,If prices continue to fall,Want to ship more steel trade chamber of commerce,The market demand does not get too much better,The goods will become more and more difficult to sell.
XiBen Shinkansen provide according to the latest data,Yesterday rebar HRB400 phi is 25 mm the national average price for 4017 yuan/ton,Down 19 yuan/ton,HRB335 phi is 25 mm for 3909 yuan/ton,Fell 18 yuan/ton,Elevated HPB235 phi is 6.5 mm for 3892 yuan/ton,Down 14 yuan/ton.
"During the Spring Festival steel social inventories rise sharply,We have already faintly feel that steel prices have the possibility of callback,So a hurried to go out after the Spring Festival."The relevant person in charge of Shanghai jintong products co., LTD told reporters,Because the market is getting more and more difficult to handle,The duration of the especially big market is more and more short,Them in stock"Gambling prices"Pattern of profits is becoming more and more difficult.
On the other hand,Domestic steel production continues to increase.The China iron and steel association, according to the latest figures,In the middle of February 2013,Key large and medium-sized enterprises average daily output of 1.7186 million tons of crude steel,Ten-day rose 1.01%.Forecast in mid-february the crude steel output of 2.0061 million tons,Ten-day rose 0.86%.
Reporters noticed that,National average daily crude steel output after 9 months to return to again after more than 2 million tons of high,From the early in May of last year's all-time high of 2.0453 million tons has also not far from,And focus on the daily crude steel production of the steel companies has hit a record.
"Steel mills to ramp up production capacity in advance to release,Enterprise bullish/Preempt the willingness to peak season order is very urgent."XiBen Shinkansen, chief analyst at LiuQiuPing thought,Supply side unilaterally excessive tilt,Face is not fully clear policies and demand release,This will inevitably to the current market form a larger pressure,Even will restrict the consumption season late steel prices rebound height.
In the"I steel"Vice general manager, steel net, immediately,Recent rebar prices have entered into a crowded bubble phase,In the next march,Shanghai rebar prices topped 4000 yuan/ton is unlikely,"Also can be a destocking process consumes a low cost resources,Can only wait for the next round of the cost of driving".
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