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Influenced by Japan pulled loose monetary policy,In the fourth quarter of last year the yen against the dollar depreciate quickly,Losses as high as about 20%.During that time,Many Asian emerging economies, including China's currency has remained stable against the dollar,This makes the currency relative to a big rise in the yen.A sharp decline in the value of the yen sparked a global or regional currency war could erupt widely concern.Neighbouring South Korea and Chinese Taiwan area and Japan,Have the yen to its deep concern over the influence of industrial competitiveness.Have attachment with our reporter said daiwa capital greater China chief economist sun mingchun,For foreign debt of the few countries like Japan,Local currency devaluation in addition to raising the inflation sharply negative economic impact is very small.but,For countries that have high levels of external debt,Even if most of the debt is long term,Currency plays also may cause catastrophic consequences,Because of the increased liquidity and risk of default.He expects the,Once the outbreak of currency war in Asia,External debt is in the majority of countries such as Vietnam, it will have larger impact.
To be specific,Huang yiping, chief Asia economist at barclays capital said,No matter whether the world will be an all-out currency war,Currency depreciation of the yen will put pressure on Asia's emerging economies,The south Korean won t worthy of attention,Because not only have direct competition from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan,Or east Asian traditions"The obstacles"Members of the.When it comes to impact on China,Mr. Huang that yen weakness influence on China's foreign account overall situation is limited,But the wider trade deficit will let the China day.What is more important,If the yen weakens and emerging Asia currency weakness,The impact on the Chinese enterprise competitiveness may become more obvious.
If Asian currency war really broke out,For ever by the Asian financial crisis hit asean countries will cause what kind of impact?
Sun mingchun, told reporters,For asean members most exporters are not direct competitors of Japanese exporters,The yen have little impact on asean economy directly.In the long run,Improving economic fundamentals will support asean countries currency appreciation.Once appear competitive devaluations in Asia,The impact would be huge,And will trigger a chain reaction,External debt is in the majority of countries such as Vietnam, it will have larger impact.
After 16 years ago, after the baptism of the Asian financial crisis,Asian economies have actively deleveraging,The government make ends meet,Deficit and debt levels are low.In the second half of last year,To appear the situation of rising foreign exchange reserves in Asia:In the third/In the fourth quarter,10 Asian economies quarterly growth in foreign exchange reserves of about $80 billion,About $100 million a day on average.but,Vietnam a few in countries with high levels of external debt and foreign exchange reserves ratio is vulnerable to the impact of the currency war.According to data,At the end of 2011,Vietnam short-term foreign debt up to 76% of foreign exchange reserves.
"For short-term foreign debt account for a higher share of foreign exchange reserves country,Devaluation would trigger a sudden outflow of capital,To make the country to pay its short-term foreign debt.In this case,If the country's foreign exchange reserves run out,A currency crisis could erupt."Mingchun sun said.If this measure,The association of southeast Asian nations in Vietnam the most vulnerable,And other members are relatively safe.At the same time,"For external use,A sharp decline in the value of their currencies sharply increased its debt burden in local currency terms.If the business income mainly comes from the domestic sales,30% ~ 40% devaluation can easily force his default."He said.And this measure,Laos and Vietnam seems to be the most vulnerable countries in the association of southeast Asian nations (asean),In 2011 the total external debt levels respectively 75% and 47% of GDP.
It is worth noting,Asia currency war is not the daiwa capital forecast 2013 basic situation.Barring a currency war,And most asean currencies will continue to rise in the next few years,Because of the improving economic fundamentals and manufacturing migrated from China to the association of southeast Asian nations (asean).In fact,,Since 2007,Caused by foreign exchange reserves in the improvement of the current account(Except for Vietnam),Most of the asean member countries currency appreciation against the dollar,The real effective exchange rate also showed a trend of rise,But has been relatively modest(Since 2007, except for a 21% appreciation of the Singapore dollar),From a currency perspective currency appreciation of the association of southeast Asian nations (asean) global competitiveness of exporters limited damage.
The above analysis shows,If the currency war,Vietnam is the most vulnerable economies in the association of southeast Asian nations (asean) member countries,Because of its short-term foreign debt has the highest proportion of foreign exchange reserves and the second-highest total debt to GDP.In addition,Vietnam has 2007 to 2012, the association of southeast Asian nations (asean) member countries dropped the only country in the foreign exchange reserves,At present its foreign exchange reserves can only cover the 1.4 months of imports,By any measure.It is worth noting,Sun mingchun think,Vietnam has experienced a serious economic crisis of 2008 is in the development of economy,The economy is still in recovery,So is sensitive to external shocks.
In spite of this,Barring a currency war,Daiwa capital still see Vietnam as one of the most promising members of asean countries.It is understood,In 2012,,American companies will be listed as one of the most popular in Vietnam business area,The Vietnam also implements the trade surplus for the first time in 20 years,Put an end to the trend of depreciation of the currency since the second half of 2011.As manufacturing gradually moved from China,Daiwa capital over the next 10 years, Vietnam's economy is expected to grow rapidly.
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