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Trade has always been shrouded in China photovoltaic industry a cloud overhead,But the cloud cover is not only the Chinese pv enterprises,Implementation of Chinese pv industry"Double inverse"Countries and their enterprises,Actually in the food also"Bitter fruit".
In the international market,China's photovoltaic cell proportion is very big and component products,Product advantages.If you stand in the Angle of the enterprise,Facing the fledgling rivals,Hope that through trade protection to gain more competitive advantage for their wrong.But if looking at the big picture,You will find a pyrrhic victory.
"Double inverse"Stick, of course, jeopardizing the interests of Chinese enterprises,But usually can also be reversed transmission in saving energy and reducing consumption in the enterprise/Can spend more time technology promotion.In fact,,China's photovoltaic industry is currently in Europe and the United States and other overseas markets in the presence of obstacles,Is export-oriented industry may encounter problems in the past and in the future of China in miniature.Attitude seems to be good enterprise will confirm it as a milestone in the international market of rite,Just calm down and be myself,Companies can gain growth instead.But for the"Double inverse"Of the countries,Blind a sill unavoidably too short-sighted.Little imagine,"Double inverse"Is a record seven injuries boxing,With bad also can cut the body.
In the European Union on China pv industry"Double inverse"Investigation as an example,Have released the report on research institutions,Eu to impose punitive tariffs on Chinese solar products,Will lead to the European consumer demand for installation of photovoltaic products and related services,To reduce employment opportunities,Especially on the photovoltaic industry chain link jobs besides production.If the eu punitive tariffs of 20% on Chinese solar products,Will result in punitive measures in the implementation of three years lost 175500 jobs,3 years of loss of 18.4 billion euros"Added value";And if the rate of 60%,Lose their jobs and in the European Union"Added value"To reach 242000, respectively,And 27.2 billion euros.
The key is,A trade war is not only hurt yourself,Will also threat to the development of the industry.If the world important photovoltaic (pv) power industry enterprises have put heart into to solve complicated procrastination trade disputes,How can have more idea to improve the level of the whole industry?In the long term,Will severely hinder the pace of the global energy structure transformation.
In fact,The development of photovoltaic industry is far from to be mature as people think,Gap is very big market for different enterprises.Although everyone there are thousands of their difficulties,But if it is not each other,But always with products of Chinese enterprises with technology and rich experience of Europe and the United States together,then,Can reach the effect of combined while confrontation.just,Truth who all understand,sacrifice,No one is willing to do it.
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