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Famous scholar/Professor Chen Zhan, vice chairman of Shanghai investment to learn well it"Return to the dominance of international trade"Make a speech.Professor Chen mentioned:The U.S. department of commerce recently released figures show,Less than $100000 of room inventory appeared nervous,Housing transaction price trend is rising,In addition the institute for supply management(The ISM)According to the data published,U.S. manufacturing activity index rose to 53.1 in January,This means that American manufacturing is stabilising picks up.Indications that the economy is stabilizing release signal.clearly,The Obama administration in response to domestic economic problems at the same time,Are actively planning and return to the dominance of international trade.
The following is part of professor Chen view activity:
If the population of the United States and European economies compared with the population of China,Then will vary widely,But the two largest economies in Europe and America's gross domestic product (GDP) accounted for 50% of the world,The two economies trade accounted for 33% of the world.
In today's economic environment,The United States is very concerned about global trade control,Such as the,Now start set up free trade area negotiations in the us and Europe,The United States attaches great importance to the negotiations,Is in the offing,Its size more than the north American free trade area;In addition to this,The United States is also committed to the TPP(The trans-pacific strategic economic partnership agreement),This is important in the asia-pacific region economic cooperation mechanism.Initially the TPP is from New Zealand/Singapore/Chile/Brunei has launched,To achieve zero tariffs on all goods,Realize the completely open.Although the global economic downturn,But for U.S. interests,In the United States and Europe and the United States to return to the asia-pacific strategy fta strategy is has vital practical significance.Us across two oceans of trade talks may be likely to fight,But the Obama government attaches great importance to.
But the European debt crisis is an annoyance.Such as Spain's prime minister is involved"All black"scandal,Spanish domestic economy continues to decline,High unemployment rate has been above 25%;Greece is in a state of high unemployment,The Labour market and its weakness,Have hit the euro zone can withstand the limit,Spain and Greece's exit from the eurozone?Italian Banks appeared losses;The euro zone's governments budget austerity/Depressed consumption,A lot of enterprise bankruptcy,So everyone worries about Europe's debt crisis will come back,Now the euro continued appreciation is temporary,Capital may flow out soon to Europe;In comparison,The asia-pacific region's economic potential is very large,Though the implementation of the TPP is very difficult,But the United States will do our best,And commitment to Japan includes the TPP.
The U.S. department of commerce recently released figures show,Less than $100000 of room inventory appeared nervous,Housing transaction price trend is rising,In addition the institute for supply management(The ISM)According to the data published,U.S. manufacturing activity index rose to 53.1 in January,This means that American manufacturing is stabilising picks up.Indications that the economy is stabilizing release signal.clearly,The Obama administration in response to domestic economic problems at the same time,Are actively planning and return to the dominance of international trade.
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