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澳洲贸易部长埃玛信(Craig Emerson)日前表示,澳洲有望成为在清洁、绿色食品出口方面的超级大国,但如果没有中国投资的话,这一切将无法实现。
Australia's trade minister, Emma(Craig Emerson)Said yesterday,Australia is expected to be in the clean/Green food export superpower,But if there is no Chinese investment,All this would not be achieved.
Australian agriculture in Canberra on Tuesday/Bureau of resources economy and science(ABARES)At the conference,Emma told the delegation letter,Don't think Australia's agricultural sector to foreign investment under the condition of idea is to give full play to their potential"Absolutely stupid"the.
He said:"If any one party for Australian agriculture brought by foreign investment and investment opportunities to close the door,That's betrayal of Australia's national interest."
wheat/Wool and beef is still traditional cornerstone of Australia's agricultural exports,But Australian farmers face a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,If you seize this opportunity,They will become the world leader in high quality products.These products are not only able to sell at high prices,And still can cross obstacles caused by the ongoing strong Australian dollar exchange rate.
Asia's middle class continues to grow,This portion of the population by 2030 is expected to reach 3 billion people.Emma said letter,They will be willing to pay a high price to buy high quality products in Australia,And this demand will eventually break the trade barriers,And open up new markets for exporters."Think all this can be implemented in the absence of foreign investment is very stupid."
Trade minister pointed out that,Of course any investment needed by Australia's national interest tests,But if like party suggested that as long as is Chinese investment will not be welcome gesture will threat to farmers in Australia's future.
Emma said letter,Chinese investment is in the UK/The United States and Japan after investment,In Australia"The next generation of investment".
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