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During the global financial crisis is struggling for nearly four years later,The United States The and the European Union(The EU)Are eager to promote their own economic growth.The Atlantic ocean(600558)To stimulate growth The and job creation on both sides need a balance of planning,To strengthen trade plays a key role in it.
A sweeping across the Atlantic can not only reduce the barriers to trade The and investment agreement,Also can improve people's confidence in the United States The and the European Union,Promote the world's two largest economies to achieve significant growth.
This is a must reach an agreement,Now you must achieve,And must be in the right way.but,In order to get the agreement,Both sides must be in politics to a lot of effort,Concentrate in sensitive sectors such as agriculture The and domestic regulatory program to make the tough choices.If you don't solve these key problems,Agreement will never be able to achieve.
就我们这方而言,美国政府有义务努力抓住每一个机会来扩大贸易、刺激经济以及在国内创造薪酬丰厚的就业岗位。有鉴于此,去年10月我到布鲁塞尔会晤了一些欧洲领导人,其中包括欧盟委员会(European Commission)主席若泽 曼努埃尔 巴罗佐(José Manuel Barroso)和欧盟贸易专员卡洛 德古赫特(Karel De Gucht),目的在于启动相关谈判。
In terms of our side,The U.S. government has an obligation to seize every opportunity to expThe and trade/To stimulate the economy The and create well-paid jobs in the country.With this in mind,In October last year I met with some European leaders in Brussels,Including the European commission(European Appointed the)President jose Manuel Jose Manuel barroso(Jose Manuel Barroso)And the European Union's trade commissioner carol Mr DE gucht(Karel De Gucht),Purpose is to start negotiations.
In me the visit to Brussels The and the next meeting,I heard in Europe is interested in The and we reach a limited agreement - that is, set aside thorny problem,Then on the relatively simple problems to reach an agreement quickly.This is a spectacular ChouQi.Any bilateral trade The and investment agreements must be comprehensive,Must solve the various barriers facing the U.S. goods The and services -- only in this way,It will gain wide support from both parties in congress.
In terms of any final agreement,Cancel the remaining tariffs are an important part of.but,If agreement failed to solve some possible problems existing in the most important area of economic benefits,Especially if not cancel agricultural trade barriers/To ensure that regulatory processes streamlined The and enough to reliable scientific basis,Then the congress of the United States is not through the agreement.
As a senator from agricultural states,I know to eliminate unfair barriers for the United States(Including my Montana services by farmers The and ranchers)Is of vital significance.These unfair barriers without any scientific basis is given,To prevent our agricultural products(000061)Enter the European market:Block or contain any genetically modified (gm) crops in the United States has been regarded as safe feed additive of beef The and pork is an example.American farmers The and ranchers is one of the world's best quality of agriculture The and animal husbThe andry products.As a responsible to oversee the trade issues, the chairman of the committee,I only see an agreement made in American producers have the opportunity to participate in the competition of the world's biggest market,Will provide support for the agreement.
若想达成如此程度的协定,强大而持续的政治领导力是必要条件。解决这个难题的一个关键就是选择美国贸易代表罗恩 柯克(Ron Kirk)的接班人。美国贸易代表办公室精简而有效,往绩可圈可点。该办公室的领导人必须经验丰富、对贸易谈判细节了然于胸、随时准备长途跋涉与他国贸易代表会晤并且愿意向手下人赋权。
If you want to achieve such levels of agreement,Strong The and sustained political leadership is a necessary condition.To solve this problem one of the key is to choose the us trade representative, RON kirk(Ron Kirk)The successor to the.The U.S. trade representative's office concise The and effective,Trailing moments.The office of the leader must be experienced/To trade negotiations/Ready to travel long distances The and meeting other countries' trade representative to men The and are willing to empowerment.
People should never underestimate the negotiations because of the challenge.But I believe,We have a large probability to achieve both of us need that kind of agreement/And release a signal into the rest of the world.In trade negotiations deadlocked after many years,The United States The and the European Union must seize this opportunity to show leadership,Prove to people that we are able to make difficult decisions in order to boost the world economy.
这项协定现在正式命名为《跨大西洋贸易与投资伙伴关系协定》(Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership),它将成为将近20年前世贸组织(WTO)成立以来最大的贸易协定。它对美欧双方均有着巨大的价值,因此必须被当作美国政府和国会的头等大事来处理。当然,它也将是美国参议院财政委员会的重点议程之一。接下来的一段时间里,我们将开会讨论如何共同努力、加快贸易谈判进程。现在产生的一个广泛共识是,该协定带来的潜在好处(包括有助于美国创造数百万就业岗位)实在太大,不容我们不去展开相关谈判。有利因素已经形成,现在是时候采取行动了。
The agreement is now officially named[The transatlantic trade The and investment partnership agreement](Transatlantic The Trade The and Investment Partnership),It will be nearly 20 years ago, the world trade organization (wto)(The WTO)Since its inception the biggest trade agreement.It has great value for both parties in the us The and Europe,Must therefore be treated as top priority to deal with the U.S. government The and congress.Of course,,It will also is one of the focus of the U.S. senate finance committee agenda.The next period of time,We will hold a meeting to discuss how to work together/To accelerate the process of trade negotiations.Now is a broad consensus,Bring the potential benefits of this agreement(Including help create millions of jobs in the United States)Is too large,Not we don't go to the negotiations.Favorable factors has been formed,Now it is time to take action.
The writer is U.S. democratic senator/The us senate finance committee chairman
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