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Grain production in our country"Nine even increase"After will continue to increase?Rural hollowing out/Aging phenomenon is prominent,Who is going to land tomorrow?On behalf of the members of the problem,Our reporter interview the minister of agriculture han changfu.
"Ten even increase"Can realize??
Food safety guarantee,Strive to achieve"Ten even abundance"
Wang Tiange committee is very concerned about the food security of our country:"This rice for two years/wheat/Corn imports growth in three major staple foods,Does this mean that our country's food supply problem?Food production can be achieved‘Ten even increase’??"
"About the question of food security,I'd like to say two words first:One is the billion or more Chinese bread and butter,Must be firmly end in our own hands,We must be based on basic solve the problem of eating at home;The second sentence is,We can be confident/Responsibly said,China's food security is guaranteed."Just a takes a seat,Han changfu suggests that the point of view.
Why food imports to increase?Han changfu said to do concrete analysis.In 2012,,China's imports of wheat/corn/Three kinds of staple food for rice 20 billion catties,Main is to meet diversified consumer demand at home,To breed structure adjustment.Another reason is that the price factor,In rice, for example,Vietnam rice import to our country,Plus the freight cost is cheaper than domestic, such as more than 10%.
"In addition,There are several data is very telling."Han changfu told reporters,In 2012 three major staple food imports increase than the same period last year more than 100 100 catties,But the national all kinds of food enterprise inventory increased tens of billions of pounds over the same period.International standards on security of supply is more than 400 kilograms per capita food,Last year reached 435 kilograms per capita in China.Look at its self-sufficiency rate of grain,Rice in China in 2012/wheat/Its self-sufficiency rate of corn is 98%,Stable grain production for two consecutive years on the new level of 1.1 trillion kg,These are fully shows that our country implements the grain of the aggregate balance,National food safety and effective supply of major agricultural products is guaranteed.
Even so,Han changfu said,Food safety problems at any time can take lightly,Any time cannot relax.Agriculture will be in accordance with the requirements,The one thousand party hundreds of steady development of grain production as top priority."This year's goal is‘Two gain a steady’,Is summer grain output/Early rice yield/Stablized autumn,Efforts to achieve‘Ten even abundance’!"
Who is going to land tomorrow?
Total surplus labor force,To cultivate the new farmers
Guo Fenglian representative asked:"New generation migrant workers accounted for over 60% of the total migrant workers,Most of them are reluctant to return to farming.Now a tiller of the ground is mostly old people and women,Who is going to land tomorrow?"
"Who is going to land tomorrow,Is a new problem.Judging from China's national conditions,Is not no one farming,But this to by what kind of;Is not a kind of not to come over,But what kind of better."Han changfu said analysis,At present, China's total surplus of rural labor force,But the structure has a problem.Young adults a lot away from rural areas,The old man/Proportion of women is more and more big,Concurrent-business farmers to change/The decreasing trend of sideline.
Han changfu said,Meet the challenges of the farm dried up,Must be on the basis of the stable increase agricultural comparative benefits,Greatly cultivate crops/The family farm/Professional cooperatives, etc all kinds of new type of agricultural management main body,Let more farmers become new professional farmers.On the other hand,Institutional and policy innovation,Attract part of college graduates and professional and technical personnel to the agricultural sector,Play intelligence.
How to strive for increasing farmers' income"Ten even faster"?
for"Agriculture, rural areas and farmers"Strengthen the support,To promote income four-wheel drive
Liang Lina represents the most concerned about farmers' income from the rural areas,"At present,The farmers' income has been realized‘Nine even faster’,But the urban and rural residents income gap is still large.How to guarantee the farmers' income achieve sustained and rapid growth,Strive to‘Ten even faster’"?
"Is the most concern of the farmers income problem.Well-off is not well-off,Key to see the person of hometown."Han changfu is pleased to talk about 3 data:The farmers' income growth in three years more than two consecutive digits,Three consecutive years faster than the urban residents,Urban and rural residents' income lower than 3 years in a row.
Han changfu said,"A long-term mechanism to establish a stable growth of farmers' income,In adjusting income distribution pattern to strengthen support for agriculture/Support for farmers/For rural tilt."Han changfu said,"Such as the steady development of grain production,To further improve agricultural products price formation mechanism,Expand rural employment business space,Increase in property income and transfer income,And so on."
When it comes to increasing farmers' income,Han changfu make an example:"If compared the farmers' income to a car,That we're going to four-wheel drive to promote 'income.The peasant family business income is a wheel,Farmers, migrant workers salary income is a wheel,This is two main wheels.There are two wheels is property income and transfer income,Not yet accounted for the proportion of.Only four-wheel drive together,Increasing farmers' income to run faster/Far away,Meet with difficulties and witnessed the matter to a few bigger!"
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