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Manufacturing index has steadily picked up since end of last year,China's manufacturing revival,However our country manufacturing industry enterprise competition in the market situation is still grim,Combined with the various countries' trade policies and regulations constantly adjust,Increase the export-oriented manufacturing enterprises in our country encounter the risk of trade friction. 


Has ended"Foshan BBS 2013 Chinese manufacturing's informatization",From the current new trends of international trade policy and enterprise how to carry out informationization layout two sides cut to help enterprises to understand the protection of intellectual property rights policy in the new situation in the international trade,Advocate the enterprise with information means to accelerate the innovation business model,Strengthen the management of software assets,Insight into opportunities challenges and the future trend of manufacturing industry informatization. 

  深圳大学法学院知识产权法教授 李扬发表主题演讲: 

Shenzhen university law school professor of intellectual property law 'keynote speech: 


Very glad to have chance to report about this topic with you about one of our thinking.Due to time relationship,I will get straight to the business,Do not say gossip. 


As we all know,China's manufacturing industry recently,May present the audience already know the face of a problem.First of all,As we all know from the environment,Since the financial crisis in the United States found that a problem.After fewer domestic manufacturing,It's ability to fight the financial crisis.so,From the point of view of big environment,In western countries, including the United States first made some countermeasures,Such as the first,Manufacturing from factory,In the second,Move to countries with lower labor.In addition to the,I think the most important is you also pay attention to is the host mentioned just now,Is the United States in Washington state in 2001 through the product selling stolen or misappropriated information technology such a bill,Referred to as[Anti-unfair competition law],Such a bill. 


The law center content,Read my PPT,Central content there is a rule.In the product production/distribution/Promotion or sales process,Using stolen or misappropriated information technology products,The behavior itself belongs to ACTS of unfair competition,To narrow the competitor can treat maker or Washington state attorney general can manufacturer or a third party seller of lawsuits.At this time,Are you the right holder,Product knowledge property right have no matter to him,This is the better.The manufacturer will face a claim for compensation,Banned the sale and the risk of the goods detained. 


Washington state by the act,Other states like Louisiana/California also follow suit.I don't know if you have noticed a event this year,The United States of California, Los Angeles, the attorney general court accused of a company in India and China ningbo BoYang holding group,Violation of California[Anti-unfair competition law]In the case of outstanding software license fee,Use some of their software.And he complained of the complaint with two foreign clothing dealer did not pay the software costs,Thus to earn a profit.Clothing dealer in the process of operation was a great cost advantage.At present this kind of case we haven't received the result,But such a situation can reflect it,So should cause the attention of people. 


I mainly to introduce below,Could you compare the main focus of the content.The main content of the bill,The main purpose,Ostensibly to prevent unfair competition,But IT's main purpose is to protect the legitimate IT products including software and hardware.According to the bill,Must carry on the lawsuit,Need some requirements.The first,We say that direct competitors or Washington state will Sue the attorney,The actual requirements.We look at the first element,Under a general damage,If the goods IT products use a pen,Price is calculated according to the market retail price of 20000 dollars or more,Make up the so-called general damage.This time can be filed.In the second,If you are a big competitive harm,The so-called competitive damage is significant,If you use this illegal IT products,You are more than four consecutive months,You the retail price and use of copyrighted IT product price differ by more than 3%,Pose a significant competitive harm to competitors,At this time,We just said two of the main body can be filed. 


Here to tell you about it,What is illegal IT products?In accordance with the provisions of this law.It refers to being stolen or misappropriated information technology including hardware and software products,Such as mobile phones/A digital camera/The computer/Computer software and so on,But there's an exception,Your attention.Is not included in the use of or have not been before use independent transfer into retail hardware or software,Except such provisions. 


Primarily in the production process of using illegal items or products IT means any tangible goods or products,But not including service includes mainly used for medical or medical products/drinks/Act the role ofing is tasted,Mainly is to reduce the impact on the public's daily life,This is substantive elements,Including reasonable IT products,Reasonable use of IT products products illegally,To the prosecution, need some prerequisite requirements. 


The first,Must first by the owner or holder of the IT products including exclusive licensee of 90 days in advance written notice to the illegal use of IT products manufacturers,Say you abuse me right,This notice must bring the following items.The first appropriation of IT and its holder,In the second,Think IT illegal manufacturers unauthorized use of the legal basis,In the third,Manufacturers use the way of IT,In the fourth,Related products and related documents, and so on.Notified when get audited. 


Manufacturers within the 90 days after receipt of the notification,Failed to prove their legitimate use IT or stop using behavior,At this time,You have received the notification regardless,I did it my way,At this time,You may be faced with the risk of prosecution.This is the first I have to say,Prosecution of the elements. 


In the second,The original subject qualification,I have already mentioned just now,The plaintiff has the right to filed a lawsuit,Is not the holder of IT,But the Washington state attorney general or the products are sold in Washington state. 


Of course,,We say the competition as a plaintiff,Should meet the following requirements at the same time.a,There is a direct competition relationship with that of the accused.In the second,Own using the legal IT products.In the third,Suffer from economic loss.In the fourth,If apply for injunction or in rem,But competitive damage was significant. 


The defendant,The defendant's relatively simple,But the defendant is relatively broad attention.First of all, a defendant to use illegal IT products manufacturers,No matter whether the manufacturer set up agencies in Washington state or property,No matter from domestic or overseas in the United States.Manufacturer whether you here or not,Don't think so our maker,Anyway, I am not,I am in China,How did he find me?On the contrary,Behind a recruit,If a manufacturer fails to fulfill the decision can turn out to be the manufacturers have a direct relationship of the third party and so on,Promises the seller even halfway by Sue. 


In the third,Specific means.There are three aspects,The first is the traditional claim damages.In the second,Is apply to ban.ban,Only prove that if illegal manufacturers led to a significant competitive harm,The plaintiff may apply to court to prevent the product sell in Washington state,General ban on damage can't apply for.In the third,Is applied for attachment products.If the court can't seizure of illegal manufacturers,Is the material can be seized.Could the manufacturer is not within the territory,But as long as you make the item sales to Washington,It can be for attachment,This is the so-called in rem. 


We also note it,About the third party liability and the liability.We have a look at first,The components of the third party liability.Under the manufacturer fails to fulfill the judgment of the situation,We have just said that because of various reasons,Economic capability, etc.,The plaintiff may sell the products of the third party liability,But the third party shall meet the following requirements. 


The first,Before the court to make judgment against illegal manufacturers 90 days or longer,Third party received IT products to illegal manufacturers give notice of the holder of the original copy one,In the second,Third party contract there is a direct relationship with illegal manufacturers,If the contract is simply involves purchasing,This responsibility is not required.And the contract products must be involved in the final finished product,Or buy a final cost more than 30% of the spare parts,If it is not the final finished product,But it's parts,The value of the parts reached more than 30% of the final cost,Is also here,Is conform to the requirements of the product.In the third,Seller promises to sell the related products.In the fourth,Infringement of third party in the United States did not agree with or illegal behaviors have been decided or reasonable constraints.The general third party rules,In order to avoid the big impact to the social public force,Domestic situation of relief. 


Because the bill is aimed at illegal manufacturers,We said just now,It is the third party in order to encourage the United States from their own responsibilities,Actively monitor manufacturers to obey the law.Because of this law,The third party after receiving IT obligee notice copy,Time period before the court.If it is one of the following situation,Is not need to bear the responsibility.The first,It is illegal to third party manufactured goods of the ultimate consumer or end user,Follow-up of the buyer or the final consumers,In this case,Third party often sell junk,Is the old product.With the original product is difficult to form a competitive relationship,This is the first one. 


The second kind of,The third party annual income less than $50 million of small and medium-sized enterprises,This for China's manufacturing enterprises may not use.The third party sales in the United States,Is the United States. 

  第三,第三方与违法制造商之间不存在契约关系。 第四,第三方与制造商之间存在商业的约定,包括制造商不使用非法IT产品的承诺,第三方或者制造商未在产品商业经营当中使用非法IT产品的书面保证,而且在限定的时间之内尽合理的努力,确保上述承诺或者保证实现。再说的简单一点,就是第三方尽到了合理的义务,比如要求制造商出一个书面保证没有非法IT产品。 

In the third,The third party and there is no contractual relationship between illegal manufacturers. In the fourth,Commercial contract between the third party and the manufacturer,Including the commitment manufacturers do not use illegal IT products,A third party or use of manufacturers not in the product business written assurances of illegal IT products,And make reasonable effort within a limited amount of time,To ensure that the commitment or guarantee.Say a little bit more simple,Obligation to the reasonable is a third party,Manufacturers such as requiring a written guarantee that no illegal IT products. 

  第五种情形,第三方系根据UCA这样的法案生效之后,它是2001年7月24日,7月份生效。在这种法案生效之后180天内,与制造商订立的合同获得相关产品的这样情况下面,而它尽到了合理的努力,确保制造商在相关产品经营当中未使用非法IT产品,也可以免责。 第六种情形,以实际行动证明已经尽到了合理的商业努力的,包括要求制造商不得非法使用IT行为守则,或定期对制造商是否非法使用IT产品做核查,跑到他的厂子里看看检查、检查。或者要求制造商提供第三方出具的核查报告,具有权威性的核查报告,尽到了这样的合理的努力,就可以免责。这是他的最主要的内容。 

5 kinds of situations,Department of the third party according to UCA after this law comes into effect,It is July 24, 2001,Take effect in July.Within 180 days after the law went into effect,To enter into a contract with the manufacturer for such situation the following related products,But it is doing a reasonable effort,Ensure that manufacturers operating in related products of unused IT products illegally,Can escape. 6 kinds of situations,Take concrete actions to prove has done all reasonable commercial efforts to,Including a requirement that manufacturer shall not illegally use the IT code of conduct,Or whether the illegal use of IT products to manufacturers on a regular basis to do verification,Ran to look at the check in his factory/check.Or ask manufacturers to provide verification report issued by a third party,Authoritative inspection report,All reasonable efforts to these,You can escape.This is he one of the main content. 


Manufacturing enterprises in China should be how to deal with this bill?I think the first,The most important thing is to avoid doing the ostrich,Don't ignore intellectual property rights infringement warnings,This is the most terrible,Especially in China,Warning I ignore you,This is no good.As can be seen from above, we introduce the main content of the,The plaintiffs to Sue,Only if the holder of the manufacturer on receipt of IT products written infringement notice within 90 days after do not take any measures,If within 90 days,Beginning to use legitimate IT products to replace,To find the holder of the said to buy legitimate products,I may be extended for 90 days,So the holder of the IT product will UCA speech in operation after began to manufacturing enterprises issued in accordance with UCA bill to stop the infringement notice in writing,Manufacturers once received the notice,And a high degree of attention.Because the notification is likely to be the manufacturing enterprise in Washington state or any other state in the litigation of such a situation.Especially with any product in which do sales or promise to sell more to cause high degree of vigilance,After receipt of notice,I think companies can actively communicate with the holder,It is better to settle,To stop the ongoing infringement,And to authorize the use.Of course,,I think this inside,Manufacturing enterprises can also be combined,Joint domestic manufacturers for group buying,I think may be this aspect,Our society can also do some work,These group buying is a win-win situation.For you,,For he must be a win-win situation.I believe that American companies could not unreasonable here,Was sold for 2000 dollars,In the end I 1500,Together to buy,Don't want to??Or is 1000 dollars,I sure would. 


If manufacturers take ostrich policy means two consequences,Turned a deaf ear to the obligee of the notice,The plaintiff according to UCA bill filed conditions,And will be seen as intentional tort,Face punitive damages.Relative such punitive damages,Because you have notice warning after you talk to,You say you don't know,But the received notice,You should know.At this time,Says you are deliberately. 


The second to guard against the risk transfer.The third party in the United States in order to avoid the responsibility,I sign a contract with Chinese manufacturers,Will think of some tips,Such as he will pass the terms of the agreement,Manufacturer shall have the duty to use legitimate IT products,Urged China manufacturing enterprises to use legitimate IT products,For reasonable commercial behavior,Requirements issued by Chinese enterprises to use legitimate commitments IT products or third party verification of the proof,Asked the Chinese manufacturing enterprises allowing them to enter inside,Whether to use legal inspection of IT products,If Chinese manufacturing enterprise illegal the contract,America came in third parties,Can refuse to pay the payment.Or Chinese manufacturers will be asked to pay risk margin. 

  第三,最关键要全面实现IT产品利用的合法化,这是根本的措施。而实际上,我们仔细想想UCA法案,既是一个机遇也是一个挑战。对于使用合法IT产品中国制造企业来说,它一定是个机遇,为什么?因为在这样的情况下,你的产品可以获得市场,但是如果你对于满足于使用非法IT产品中国制造企业来说一定是恶魔,但是有时候在想,如果想把东西卖到美国,卖到非洲,卖到津巴布韦等,这个我想也不是容易的。 大家知道美国有个301,卖到这样一些国家,还会有它的办法和对策的。这是最主要的对策。我觉得现在很多中国制造企业或者中国企业感觉UCA是一批来自大洋彼岸的狼,现在正在围困中国企业,但是我们想一想,实际上,真正围困中国制造企业的我觉得恐怕不是这一批狼,而是我们中国制造企业不重视知识产权,没有产权意识,这是最危险的。 

In the third,The key to achieve IT products with legalization,This is the fundamental measures.But in fact,We think about UCA bill,Is both an opportunity and a challenge.For using legal IT products manufacturing enterprises in China,It must be an opportunity,why?Because in this case,Your products can get market,But if you use illegal for content to IT products manufacturing enterprises, China must be the devil,But sometimes in want to,If you want to sell things to the United States,Sell to Africa,Sell to Zimbabwe, etc,This I think is not easy. All know that America has 301,Sold to such countries,There will be its measures and countermeasures.This is the most main countermeasure.I think now a lot of manufacturing enterprises in China or Chinese companies feel UCA is a group of wolves from ocean the other shore,Are now laid siege to Chinese companies,But we think about it,In fact,Real siege of manufacturing enterprises in China I don't think I'm afraid that a group of wolves,But we Chinese manufacturing companies do not take the intellectual property rights,No property rights awareness,This is one of the most dangerous. 


I just chat with a few friends in below,I said Chinese manufacturing enterprises or the whole of China from the perspective of intellectual property rights,We are very unfortunate,why?Because we met is the age of a infant intellectual property rights,In more than 100 years ago,Through the 1883 Paris convention,From the international intellectual property protection level is low.The United States/Japan caught up with a good time,Catch the good time to western countries,But China missed a good time.In 1994,,Below the dominant in the west,Through to abide by the intellectual property agreement to join the WTO is a condition,Put it into the system is very very bad,It can by means of international sanctions against you.In China,,From the point of our development,You are really so infant?Does not necessarily.but,Since our country has joined such a rule,And we met such a infant age of intellectual property,We have no way to,The only way still ought to abide by the rules,Automatically to adapt to the rules,Conditional enterprises can develop,No conditions,I think you can as we said just now,Everybody together,Or through the association to fight for group buying,Reduce the cost,I think this is the way. 


Because time relationship,I want to report is so much,Thank you for your attention. 
